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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

There is one thing I have seen from all of this, many people don't know what 2 meters apart means. I have seen many people stand a queue 20 feet apart right into carparks just to go into one shop, I find it highly amusing people looking like they are taking part in some creepy art project with their makeshift face masks that would not work.

It depends on where you go where I live, some shops only allow 1 or 2 people in at a time, others let as many in as long as you keep 2 meters from each other.

Good to see this site is still going 

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It seems to have took off in the last few days since I looked... 641,446 cases and 29,903 Deaths as of this time.

Good to see this site is still going 

I wouldnt be found dead in tirol either

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

The real numbers will be obviously much higher. The official number of deaths from the flu in Germany is supposed to be like 1/10 of the real numbers if I'm not wrong.

It will be probably a smaller difference with Corona but a 2-4x higher real number wouldn't surprise me in countries like Germany, France, Italy and so on.

In countries which are still like "let's try to act as If it's not so bad and who even needs hundred thousands of tests", the official numbers won't tell us anything about the situation there..

Anyone wanna bet if I'll be allowed to visit Japan this October?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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trunkswd said:
vivster said:
Anyone wanna bet if I'll be allowed to visit Japan this October?

That is still 6+ months away, so more likely yes? 

Or we're staring at the start of wave 2 by then, and everyone starts hunkering down again 

Im interested in seeing what happens in places like Wuhan this coming month when they undo the lockdown. I really hope cases dont start popping up again but I'm expecting them to.

trunkswd said:
jason1637 said:
Im interested in seeing what happens in places like Wuhan this coming month when they undo the lockdown. I really hope cases dont start popping up again but I'm expecting them to.

I hope the lockdown was long enough to ensure a second wave doesn't happen. 

It all depends on how good your screening is to stop it from coming back in. China closed their borders to foreigners today.

In a statement late Thursday, the government said that "in view of the rapid spread of Covid-19 across the world, China has decided to temporarily suspend the entry into China by foreign nationals holding visas or residence permits" as of March 28.
Anyone wishing to enter the country will have to apply for a new visa at their local Chinese embassy or consulate. The announcement did not say how long this would take.

The decision to effectively seal off the country to foreigners is the latest in a series of moves intended to safeguard against infection from international travel, after more than 500 imported cases of the coronavirus were confirmed.
    On Monday,Beijing city authorities announced that all international arrivals would be quarantined and tested for the virus at designated government facilities. Other cities have implemented stringent home quarantine requirements on international arrivals. Last week, a Chinese Australian woman was deported after neighbors recorded her breaching isolation controls to go jogging.

    As the doors of planes landing at Beijing's Capital International Airport open, teams of security officers and medical workers in hazmat suits take their positions – temperature guns at the ready.

    One by one, passengers arriving from abroad are questioned, examined, swabbed and tested for COVID-19. Then they're whisked off for two weeks of quarantine at a government facility.

    "You might bring sickness," officials tell them, as the arrivals are greeted as warily as the virus itself.

    And for good reason. Airports are now the front line in China's fight against coronavirus, the main defence against the so-called second wave of infections.

    Over the past weeks, virtually all new cases – around 500 – have come from abroad, with just a handful of local infections, down to zero on some days.

    In response, China announced Thursday that it is closing its borders to all foreigners, including holders of visas and residency permits, effective as of 12 a.m. local time Saturday.

    If only our governments had done that while shit was hitting the fan in China...

    I also wonder if it can't start again from asymptomatic cases flaring back up or whatever the source was. Let's see what happens.

    Hate these "number of cases" counters when most people get mild symptoms and most of us don't get tested. Not even NHS staff are being tested at the moment. The confirmed number of cases don't reflect real numbers and it's utterly meaningless to even report on. What's the effing point?

    And it just baffles me that we all these western governments are caught with their pants pulled down when the virus is called COVID 2019, why the hell did you wait until 2020 to realize you don't have enough ventilators and beds? it's all so odd... The people, the politicians and the governments had seen the signs of what's going to happen and no sufficient actions were taken, and no one wants to bear the consequences, such a disgusting display of humane childishness entitlement and hysteria.

    Oh and when did China become credible enough to actually believe their numbers? When they admittedly withheld and actively silenced health care providers for trying to speak out. Odd.

    Happy camping though, introverts are loving life these days

    Corona virus update : It still over blown!!!!! People, we are seeing a death rate of about 1.3% and probably much lower than that because there are a lot more people who have the virus, but haven't been tested to be part of that statistic. If you're old stay at home, if you're young go out and have fun!!!