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last92 said:
JRPGfan said:

So far only 28 states out of the 50? in the USA have gone into shutdown, an demanded people "social distance", and avoid gatherings ect right?

My question is.... what the hell are the last 22 states thinking?
Do they believe they wont get hit nearly as badly by this thing?
Wont we just see a repeat of New York play out those places 2 weeks or so down the line?

Thousands will probably die, but hey, at least they have their guns.

The american way, through and through. Money>Life.

And what's the Italian way?  Drink wine and eat pasta?  I live in Texas and I own zero guns.  I was born in Ohio though.  Don't lump us all together because I'll start forgetting you make nice sports cars over there and only remember you make shitty Fiats.