Mnementh said:
Wikipedia thinks it is the same Ron Paul: Or do you mean Ron and Rand Paul are different persons? Yeah, because Rand is Rons son. |
Rand Paul is what I intended to type.
Mnementh said:
Wikipedia thinks it is the same Ron Paul: Or do you mean Ron and Rand Paul are different persons? Yeah, because Rand is Rons son. |
Rand Paul is what I intended to type.
JRPGfan said: Amercia just gave a update to new cases.... +13,957 new confirmed cases. Good thing some states have started a lock down now, otherwise the weeks too come would be mad numbers. |
Just a side note, the reporting has changed (cut off time I'm guessing) which put 2700 cases that were previously listed with the day before in with today.
Mar 18 2848
Mar 19 4530
Mar 20 5594
Mar 21 4824 + 2656 = 7480
Mar 22 13958 - 2656 = 11302
So still following an aggressive 1.4 avg daily growth rate, even 1.5 for today after adjustments. We're probably not seeing the effects of any measure yet, but we are seeing the full effects currently of serious testing having gotten up to speed. Playing catch up with the actual numbers. The actual growth rate should be a lot lower, although spring break won't be helping things. The effects of that are still to come.
Mnementh said:
Yeah, but they mostly live alone or in retirement homes. As far as I understand in Italy old people often live with their family. This way they got exposed to the virus. In germany old people mostly had 'social distancing' in effect before the outbreak. |
You're not telling me anything I don't already know.
Angelus said:
You're not telling me anything I don't already know. |
Sorry, saw that you answered something in the same direction later.
Mnementh said:
Whoah, this gets faster. With this spreading rate it doesn't take long for the US to overtake Italy and China in case numbers. |
4 hours ago, before the new numbers.... Gov. Cuomo head a press "update on CoVid-19".
He mentioned that their conservative estimates suggest that new york, will soon have over 110,000 in the hospital due to this virus.
Which is a problem, because they only have 53,000 sick beds. (they physically can't hold that many people at the same time)
He mentions that some of these masks, are hard to get (demand) and their competeing against other states to get them.
This leads to price gouging. He gives a exsample on masks, that used to cost under 85 cents, now cost over $7 dollars.
Ventilars are $16,000 to $40,000 to get depending on models.... their really hard to get, and they need atleast a additional 30,000 units.
"if we dont get the equipment, we could lose lives, we could otherwise have saved, if we had the right equipment" - Gov. Cuomo.
"With this spreading rate it doesn't take long for the US to overtake Italy and China in case numbers." - Mnemeth
Thats why I made that joke earlier on, about the race to first 100,000 confirmed cases by a country.
My money is on the US.
SvennoJ said:
Just a side note, the reporting has changed (cut off time I'm guessing) which put 2700 cases that were previously listed with the day before in with today. |
That explains some of why it was such a big update.
"We're probably not seeing the effects of any measure yet, but we are seeing the full effects currently of serious testing having gotten up to speed. Playing catch up with the actual numbers." - SvennoJ
Most places (exsample: New York) its only testing those with serious symptoms.
So your not getting anywhere near "playing catch up with actual numbers".
Theres like 8 people with the illness that dont have serious symptoms, to the 2 that have, out of 10 people.
If your mainly testing the 2 outta 10, your numbers are ofc going to be way off.
Its like this in most western countries.
"We're probably not seeing the effects of any measure yet" - SvennoJ
With a upto 12 day incubation time.
You wont see ANY real effects of a "lock down" until earliest 12days lateron.
Those newly confirmed cases will keep riseing at current projected speeds, because people are already infected, just not yet sick from it.
Also how effective it is, after that, depends on how well people are actually following the "social distanceing" thingy asked of the people under lockdown. Which sadly alot of people arnt.
USA left Spain in the dust with a 10k+ lead and is closing the gap with Italy
Germany just announced new rules. While there is no ban on going out, gathering of more than 2 (!) people are forbidden. Hopefully that helps and police will have a look on this. This afternoon I saw a group of 5 elderly people playing games at the town place.
SpokenTruth said: US numbers just went down dramatically. Another glitch? New York just had 7,000 cases removed. |
The guys running the site must be drunk.... either they made as mistake, added too many, or they temp. removed some, while figureing out where that mistake was or such, before again adding numbers back.
That said its not comforting seeing numbers jump up and down lol.
JRPGfan said:
That explains some of why it was such a big update. Most places (exsample: New York) its only testing those with serious symptoms. |
We're not seeing all cases yet, but what I meant is that reporting has vastly increased skewing the actual growth rate. Especially with the current selective testing, confirmation testing rather than investigative.
When you take Mar 20 as a starting point, this is what it looks like for the coming couple days with different growth rates
1.4x 1.3x 1.2x 1.16x
Mar 20 19383 19383 19383 19383
Mar 21 27215 26655 26096 25872
Mar 22 38179 36109 35762 33399
Mar 23 53529 48399 47362 42131
Mar 24 75019 64376 61282 52260
Mar 25 105105 85146 77986 64009
Mar 26 147225 112147 98030 77638
Mar 27 206193 147248 122083 93448
The global average was 1.17 for the past 7 days, while the R0 and mean incubation time translate to an estimated growth factor of 1.16 (of course those are estimates as well)
It's very difficult to tell where it will land. Indeed 8 out of 10 with mild symptoms are likely not even tested atm. The base number (currently infected) is likely far higher. However due to the nature of exponential growth it doesn't matter all that much in the long run how far the base number was off. What does matter is the actual daily increase which is pretty hard to tell atm.