Mnementh said:
Whoah, this gets faster. With this spreading rate it doesn't take long for the US to overtake Italy and China in case numbers. |
4 hours ago, before the new numbers.... Gov. Cuomo head a press "update on CoVid-19".
He mentioned that their conservative estimates suggest that new york, will soon have over 110,000 in the hospital due to this virus.
Which is a problem, because they only have 53,000 sick beds. (they physically can't hold that many people at the same time)
He mentions that some of these masks, are hard to get (demand) and their competeing against other states to get them.
This leads to price gouging. He gives a exsample on masks, that used to cost under 85 cents, now cost over $7 dollars.
Ventilars are $16,000 to $40,000 to get depending on models.... their really hard to get, and they need atleast a additional 30,000 units.
"if we dont get the equipment, we could lose lives, we could otherwise have saved, if we had the right equipment" - Gov. Cuomo.
"With this spreading rate it doesn't take long for the US to overtake Italy and China in case numbers." - Mnemeth
Thats why I made that joke earlier on, about the race to first 100,000 confirmed cases by a country.
My money is on the US.