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Forums - Politics Discussion - Barack Obama powerslams Woke culture

EricHiggin said:
Poliwrathlord said:
A broken clock is right twice a day.

As a total aside what happened to the great orator that he used to be. That was the longest two minutes of my life; his tempo was so uninteresting and slow it took him two minutes to say what could be said in like 30 seconds or less.

He no longer has a professional team around him helping with how he presents himself overall, and he also has to be much more cautious of backlash. When he was Prez, he could get away with much more in terms of what he said or how he said it. Today, the right isn't silent anymore and will illuminate anything he says that they don't like or think is flat out wrong, but the woke left will also do the same if not worse, so he has to be much more careful about what he says. It's much tougher to sound so professional when you're put on the spot without a speech or prep, and he's also partially suffering from, 'if you don't use it, you lose it', since he's been out of the game for a while now.

Have to agree with what he said here, no matter how he presented it. It's the context that matters most by far.

LOL I was not an Obama fan but a silent right is not how I remember his tenure. The rest of that sentence seems pretty accurate though.

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I can't believe I am going to say this, but I agree with Obama completely. The United States is supposed to be an open market of ideas, but that can't happen if we censor people.

Obama's not wrong here ...

Being woke used to actually have some meaning of dignity but when it turned into culture where it's bitterly used to shame groups of people for no good or valid reason, it became a cesspool of stupidity ...

I'm glad Obama is saying it. The far left might actually listen to him. Trump and Pence could say the same thing until they're blue in the face and they would just find a way to call it racist or something.

The_Yoda said:
EricHiggin said:

He no longer has a professional team around him helping with how he presents himself overall, and he also has to be much more cautious of backlash. When he was Prez, he could get away with much more in terms of what he said or how he said it. Today, the right isn't silent anymore and will illuminate anything he says that they don't like or think is flat out wrong, but the woke left will also do the same if not worse, so he has to be much more careful about what he says. It's much tougher to sound so professional when you're put on the spot without a speech or prep, and he's also partially suffering from, 'if you don't use it, you lose it', since he's been out of the game for a while now.

Have to agree with what he said here, no matter how he presented it. It's the context that matters most by far.

LOL I was not an Obama fan but a silent right is not how I remember his tenure. The rest of that sentence seems pretty accurate though.

I meant in comparison. Obviously there was opposition from the right during Obama's reign but compared to how active the right has become under Trump, it makes the fuss about Obama seem minimal. I guess you could look at Obama as a partial lead up as to why the right is so active now overall, among other things.

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WTF is "woke"?


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While he's not wrong, he looks pretty silly saying this, considering the huge role that he and his party played in popularizing identity politics. Obama perpetuates myths like the 77% "gender pay gap", so this stance looks pretty fake, coming from him. Perhaps he's finally opened his eyes and realized that the political left has gone far too far, but I don't trust anything he says.

I haven't watched the video but he's most likely right because he's Obama.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

TonsofPuppies said:
While he's not wrong, he looks pretty silly saying this, considering the huge role that he and his party played in popularizing identity politics. Obama perpetuates myths like the 77% "gender pay gap", so this stance looks pretty fake, coming from him. Perhaps he's finally opened his eyes and realized that the political left has gone far too far, but I don't trust anything he says.

He doesn't criticize having a position on things, he criticizes the current trend to absolutely destroy everyone with a different opinion, even a slightly diverging opinion. That doesn't mean he won't have an opinion about gender pay gap.

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pokoko said:
It's the new way to bully while still being smug and self-satisfied with yourself.

I watch the same thing unfold over and over, day after day--someone makes an accusation and instantly people jump on the bandwagon, attacking not only the accused but anyone who tries to be reasonable or withhold judgement until they have all the facts. Usually they ride a surge of upvotes and likes while patting themselves on the back for being "good people" while they do it. Of course, much of the time things change when all the facts do emerge, and the tide surges in the other direction. If this happened now and then, that would be one thing, but it happens constantly, which means a lot of people never learn.

You are very precise in it. It became totally acceptable to attack white cis male even with similar attacks that are used against black gay or woman and people will say it is fair because they are in a position of power, haven't struggled, there is no reverse racism or that you are simply stating the truth because all non woke white cis male is garbage. And also as you said it goes on resonating chamber and echo, if you try and be reasonable you'll be labeled as white male scum as well.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."