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Do you workout ?

Yes, almost every day 25 28.09%
Yes, quite often 31 34.83%
Barely 18 20.22%
No, don't want to 12 13.48%
No, can't afford it 3 3.37%

Yes, I'm almost 37 and fitter than when I was 20.

I started running 6 years ago, I am now doing around 80km-90km per week, I also skip rope every day, 60 sit ups, 30 push ups. 

Last year I did less running because I had a gymn membership so I was doing stuff at the gymn, I don't like it to be honest, I stuck to it because it was already paid for a year, its nowhere as fun as running outside.

I was also doing swimming, it was incredible how the body adjusts, I started with 400 meters, and was tired, I ended up doing 4000-5000 meters within 6 months of training. I stopped because I didn't want to pay for a year membership as I don't know if Ill stay in the UK another full year. And a monthly payment is double the price so I don't think its worth it.

In my case I need to run, I have no choice, as that's the only thing that keeps my depression away with no medication or anything else. Its the only thing that actually works. Even just 30min running in the fresh air is enough, specially if its a sunny day. Its a shame that doctors don't tell you this, they just want to sell you medicine.

I just bought my most expensive shoes last week, Asics Gel-nimbus 21, and I'm even more excited for my runs now.

If I had to quit running or gaming, I would chose to quit gaming, so exercise is really that important specially at my age. And lets be honest gaming is not that exciting anymore, even red dead 2 got me bored and I haven't picked it up in a couple weeks, I haven't even finished gta5 yet because I got bored, and worst was witcher 3, so boring I have restarted that twice and I always get bored on the part where you looking for dandelion, these games need to let me explore and not have an arrow pointing to everywhere I need to go, it took out the fun of gaming. maybe that's why I love running, because it brought back the challenge that I used to have with older video games.

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Not as much as I would like. Hard to find time with work and family.

Recently I have been playing Ring Fit, I find it to be fun, short and effective. It is hard for me to be motivated about working out and this game has done a great job at that. It reminds me of Wii Fit, another game I played a lot. It also keeps throwing new content at me, new excercices and challenges, so it is a lot of fun.

I believe that if I play about 15 minutes everyday, it won't make me super fit, but it will help my body be in a healthier state. Maybe after some time of this I can start taking other activities. I really enjoy playing many sports, but it is not as quick as Ring Fit.

I started yesterday, does that count?

Dulfite said:

I started yesterday, does that count?

I absolutely think it counts, starting is one of the most important steps. congratulations @Dulfite 

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dmillos said:
Dulfite said:

I started yesterday, does that count?

I absolutely think it counts, starting is one of the most important steps. congratulations @Dulfite 

I've definitely had an ups/downs relationship with working out. I used to run cross Country. Then I got an ankle injury around 9 years ago and basically ruined my running career for years. Slowly gained weight through college and that continued once I started my extremely stressful special education teaching job. I tried to get back into workouts and diets. I had a fitbit years ago that I was obsessed with. An average day was at least 20k steps, good days were 25k steps, my record was 35k in one day. Then I lost the silly thing and lost motivation as Google Fit didn't have the same motivation for me. Then I shifted to dietary supplements and had massive success. At one point I lost about 30 lbs a few years ago, maybe closer to 35, then I gained it all back in basically a year due to stress eating (which offset the supplements). I'm now around 8lbs down from January. Ups and downs...

Yes. Since around 2010, but I'm a habitual couch potato so worked out with very mild enthusiasm / effort.

2018 I started taking it more serious as I wanted to lose weight, injured myself then took 3 months off and got back into it in around April 19.

Took a two month break in January this year because I got a new job and had to adjust to the longer commute time.

Lockdown gave me an opportunity to get back into weightlifting 4 days a week doing Push/Pull which is my preferred routine. But got bored of it around September. October I got very ill and now slowly starting to get back into it.

I have a PT now who follows more of a crossfit / bodyweight routine and will try that for a while as apposed to weightlifting.

Dulfite said:

I've definitely had an ups/downs relationship with working out. I used to run cross Country. Then I got an ankle injury around 9 years ago and basically ruined my running career for years. Slowly gained weight through college and that continued once I started my extremely stressful special education teaching job. I tried to get back into workouts and diets. I had a fitbit years ago that I was obsessed with. An average day was at least 20k steps, good days were 25k steps, my record was 35k in one day. Then I lost the silly thing and lost motivation as Google Fit didn't have the same motivation for me. Then I shifted to dietary supplements and had massive success. At one point I lost about 30 lbs a few years ago, maybe closer to 35, then I gained it all back in basically a year due to stress eating (which offset the supplements). I'm now around 8lbs down from January. Ups and downs...

I understand what you have gone through perfectly, I have been on that roller coaster all my life, my ways of losing weight have been pretty dumb, just by saying that I ate only ramen noodles for 3 months should summarize everything. Everytime I have bounced back.

Fortunately I feel that I have been successful at changing my habits. On july 2018 my weight was 230 lbs. Today my weight is 150. The best part is that I have been going down slowly but consistently. Just by walking 30 minutes everyday I immediately started losing weight. It was very little exercise but at the time it was absolutely positive. 

Right now my habits are play a session of Ring fit, Drink 3L of water daily, eat vegetables, fruits and protein every day and weekly I meet with a group in order to just talk. It is amazing the positive impact of talking little things has done to me. Many of my eating sprints were caused by stupid ideas that i didn't let out.

My summary to all of this is that for me little but consistent habits has changed my life. For many years I have tried Big monumental changes fast, that never worked.

dmillos said:
Dulfite said:

I've definitely had an ups/downs relationship with working out. I used to run cross Country. Then I got an ankle injury around 9 years ago and basically ruined my running career for years. Slowly gained weight through college and that continued once I started my extremely stressful special education teaching job. I tried to get back into workouts and diets. I had a fitbit years ago that I was obsessed with. An average day was at least 20k steps, good days were 25k steps, my record was 35k in one day. Then I lost the silly thing and lost motivation as Google Fit didn't have the same motivation for me. Then I shifted to dietary supplements and had massive success. At one point I lost about 30 lbs a few years ago, maybe closer to 35, then I gained it all back in basically a year due to stress eating (which offset the supplements). I'm now around 8lbs down from January. Ups and downs...

I understand what you have gone through perfectly, I have been on that roller coaster all my life, my ways of losing weight have been pretty dumb, just by saying that I ate only ramen noodles for 3 months should summarize everything. Everytime I have bounced back.

Fortunately I feel that I have been successful at changing my habits. On july 2018 my weight was 230 lbs. Today my weight is 150. The best part is that I have been going down slowly but consistently. Just by walking 30 minutes everyday I immediately started losing weight. It was very little exercise but at the time it was absolutely positive. 

Right now my habits are play a session of Ring fit, Drink 3L of water daily, eat vegetables, fruits and protein every day and weekly I meet with a group in order to just talk. It is amazing the positive impact of talking little things has done to me. Many of my eating sprints were caused by stupid ideas that i didn't let out.

My summary to all of this is that for me little but consistent habits has changed my life. For many years I have tried Big monumental changes fast, that never worked.

Yeah I've discovered that's the only way to do anything sustainable for me to, to do slow consistent changes rather than big swings. I want to avoid burnout and make lifelong adaptations. Right now we've started limiting our budget for eating out drastically and I'm hoping that alone will have results let alone the working out.

Dulfite said:

Yeah I've discovered that's the only way to do anything sustainable for me to, to do slow consistent changes rather than big swings. I want to avoid burnout and make lifelong adaptations. Right now we've started limiting our budget for eating out drastically and I'm hoping that alone will have results let alone the working out.

Awesome! That has worked for me, I stopped trying to change my body and life in a month.