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Do you workout ?

Yes, almost every day 25 28.09%
Yes, quite often 31 34.83%
Barely 18 20.22%
No, don't want to 12 13.48%
No, can't afford it 3 3.37%
Jumpin said:
SvennoJ said:

When you're in your twenties, sure. I had no trouble going for the occasional long run back then without any training.
Now I'm on the way to 50 I better build it up slowly. If I go at it my knee will tell me to f off after half an hour and I'm limping the next day.
Enjoy youth while it lasts!

I'm 39.

Good luck. I reached my peak fitness level at 42, then was in denial for a few years, now taking it more easy after a few long lasting injuries.

I got back on the bike yesterday. Took it easy for the first ride, 41km route with hills. The last hill hurt and the ride took almost 2 hours while at the end of summer I can do that route in 1h35. It will take a bit of time until I can fly up the hills again instead of going all the way down to 2 and 3rd.

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Hell no, I'm as lazy as one can be, why would I ever want to work out? I used to though but that was long ago.

Exception made of walking. Whenever I go out I walk cause I don't want to waste money in public transportation, but then again I almost never go out, why would I ever want to go out? There's people outside, humans. Why would I want to see those?

Yep, I absolutely LOVE fitness and everything to do with being fit. This past summer I racked up around 5,000km on my bike and went on a few 100+km rides.

I also go to the gym at LEAST 3 days a week but the past few weeks have been 5. Weekends are always my rest periods.
Mon - Arm day
Tues - Shoulders
Wed - Chest
Thurs - Back
Fri - Legs

Core/Abs mixed with all the rest. A bit everyday.

Have been working out at the gym for the past 7 years now or so.

Jumpin said:
SvennoJ said:

When you're in your twenties, sure. I had no trouble going for the occasional long run back then without any training.
Now I'm on the way to 50 I better build it up slowly. If I go at it my knee will tell me to f off after half an hour and I'm limping the next day.
Enjoy youth while it lasts!

I'm 39.

Dude, there is just NO excuse, sorry Svenno....

Yeah, I'm also gonna be 38 and in better shape than I was at 25. Age truly is, just a number.

There are 72 year olds that physically can out perform me.

StreaK said:
Jumpin said:

I'm 39.

Dude, there is just NO excuse, sorry Svenno....

Yeah, I'm also gonna be 38 and in better shape than I was at 25. Age truly is, just a number.

There are 72 year olds that physically can out perform me.

Sure.  People can be fit at any age. But, it is definitely true that the human body changes as it ages.  Improvements become harder to make, negatives happen on their own.   Denying that fact is a recipe for disaster.  Injuries happen to all athletes (all humans, really), but they are more frequent (under the same conditions) and recovery is slower when we're older.  That *must* be taken into consideration if one wants to keep their body working reasonably well for 80+ years. 

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Here's a pic of me from 2013

I look pretty much the same except less hair. Maybe, just maybe there's a link to my personal Facebook in my bio, though. I'm currently 43...for a few more months, at least.

Yes. Full body workouts every other day.

StreaK said:
Jumpin said:

I'm 39.

Dude, there is just NO excuse, sorry Svenno....

Yeah, I'm also gonna be 38 and in better shape than I was at 25. Age truly is, just a number.

There are 72 year olds that physically can out perform me.

It's no excuse, my problem is I usually push myself too hard. I still go jogging every other day despite my left knee being injured. I just got back from being out for a couple hours. Half of it walking because of my knee, otherwise it's a 90 minute loop.

Same with weight lifting. I had to scale back after being down for months with excruciating nerve pain. Twice from a dislocated rib, and last time from my sciatic nerve getting pinched by a herniated disc which now over a year later still causes (minor) pain and occasional night cramps down my right leg. I never got the feeling back in the tip of my left index finger after dislocating a rib pinching the nerves, from lifting weights behind my head.

My days of lifting 120 pounds over my head are over, not worth the risk anymore. Healing slows down with age, injuries happen more easily. I am 46 now, I think my body peaked around 43. I will still do up to 125 km bicycle rides in Summer, just have to build up to it again. I'll get my 4 to 5k km in as usual, maybe a bit less fast as the last couple years I've started noticing that I'm slowly falling behind my usual times for my regular routes. Also with cycling it's my knees that give out first, much less so than with jogging though. With jogging it's the ACL band, cycling has different wear and tear.

Be careful, it's a great feeling being fit and that endorphin high after a good workout or long ride. However it sucks pulling something and not being able to do anything for a month. No pain no gain, nonsense. If pain, stop, apply ice straight away.

Light moderate exercise is better than out working too hard. There is no need to work out too hard or get injured. As soon as you get injured your motivation is gone and it is hard to get going again. It is far easier to eat healthy than it is to work out hard. 

Last edited by Phoenix20 - on 25 February 2020

zorg1000 said:
Lonely_Dolphin said:
Even if I physically could, I wouldn't. Boring and serves no purpose to me.

What do you mean if you physically could?

Just saw this thread was necrobumped and I'd been quoted. Latest reply ever!

Anyway, arthritis is a motherfucker. I've already lost some mobility in my arms. I guess I could technically still do some things if I cared too, but I don't lul.