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Do you workout ?

Yes, almost every day 25 28.09%
Yes, quite often 31 34.83%
Barely 18 20.22%
No, don't want to 12 13.48%
No, can't afford it 3 3.37%

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Nice thread.
I try to keep a workout schedule but I'm not good at managing my time and my laziness keeps getting in the way.

Just start the process with minimal expectations, don't burden yourself, the rest takes care of itself 


I quit explicitly working out at a gym about a year into Covid, couldn't take lifting weights with a mask on anymore.

I still keep fit because of my job though. Lots of running and convenient pull up bars. Cycling commute too.

However, my portion size has been too big lately, so I have reduced every meal by like 20%.

I swim and sometimes run, but do not lift weights.
The past year was awful to my health and I added quite a few kilos to my body as a result of less healthy habits and snacking on antidepressant pills.
Trying to slowly increase my workouts in a manner that I can keep up long term to.

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I have a pet Rat Terrier named Baxter, whose daily walks in the park were my primary source of exercise.  The length of these walks became curtailed in 2020 when the pandemic set in and parks were closed to the public.  So, we were just doing walks around the neighborhood.  Near the end of 2020, I began researching stationary bikes and resolved to put one in my basement.  I ended up opting for a NordicTrac which I had to put myself on a waitlist for the model that I wanted with a nice sized LCD screen and signed up for an iFit membership.  This gives access to a huge assortment of trainer videos in locales around the world.  You can listen to the instruction and motivation of the various trainers as you pedal along, or you can instead tune to a wide assortment of music streams according to the genre of your choice.  The videos range in duration and intensity, and a number of them get grouped together each month as part of a Challenge Series to gi e you a goal each month.  Workout statistics are tracked and can be viewed daily, weekly, monthly, and even annually.  It also tracks your sessions with milestone markers for the year (25 workouts, 50, 75, 100, etc). 

My bike ended up arriving the first week of April 2021, and I got it set up in my basement that Easter weekend.  By mid-November, I had completed my 100th workout on the bike, and I managed 121 total sessions by the end of the year.  By the end of March 2022, my stats for the current year were 214.91 miles traversed, 9,432 calories burned in 18 hours 1.45 minutes of training through 46 workouts.  As of yesterday, I've completed 75 workouts for 2022.  When I first got the bike, I was pushing myself to ride on it 6 days a week to condition myself into the habit.  Once I was accustomed to it, I settled into a 4-5 sessions a week routine.  I will say that this is the most consistent I have ever been with a weekly exercise routine.  It was an expensive piece of equipment, and the iFit membership added to that expense.  The first year came with the purchase of the NordicTrac, and I topped that up with a 2 year extension.  So, I have about 2 years left to utilize the feature before I have to pay again.  Or, I can let the membership lapse and use the bike without it while setting up a radio or tv in the basement to work out to, but would probably lose the daily statistics tracking in that case.   

I probably sound like a NordicTrac/iFit commercial at this point, but it's because I'm really happy with it.  Late last year, I also purchased some free weights, so that I could workout my arms the same time as my legs.  I've been doing 4 sets per ride of 2 minute intervals, alternating between 1 minute of lifting and 1 minute of curling.  

Anyway, TL/DR - Yes, I workout 4 times a week.

Does typing count as a workout?


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Yup. I do elliptical 2-3 times a week, and swim 1-2 times a week with weights 4-5 times a week. Sometimes more sometimes less. For about the past year.

I do it cause I want to get in better shape, for my emotional health, and my physical health in that order. Exercise really helps with my depression, although when I need to do it the most is when it's hardest to motivate myself.

I jog five days a week.

JWeinCom said:

Yup. I do elliptical 2-3 times a week, and swim 1-2 times a week with weights 4-5 times a week. Sometimes more sometimes less. For about the past year.

I do it cause I want to get in better shape, for my emotional health, and my physical health in that order. Exercise really helps with my depression, although when I need to do it the most is when it's hardest to motivate myself.

At first, I read that as you swimming with weights 4-5 times a week which I wouldn't recommend.

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