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Do you workout ?

Yes, almost every day 25 28.09%
Yes, quite often 31 34.83%
Barely 18 20.22%
No, don't want to 12 13.48%
No, can't afford it 3 3.37%
TruckOSaurus said:
JWeinCom said:

Yup. I do elliptical 2-3 times a week, and swim 1-2 times a week with weights 4-5 times a week. Sometimes more sometimes less. For about the past year.

I do it cause I want to get in better shape, for my emotional health, and my physical health in that order. Exercise really helps with my depression, although when I need to do it the most is when it's hardest to motivate myself.

At first, I read that as you swimming with weights 4-5 times a week which I wouldn't recommend.

Last year it got so hot I decided to do my weight lifting in the pool, shallow end of course. For fun I walked a lap around the deep end holding 40 pound weights, good traction with that to walk back up the slope lol.

I do my weight lifting routine every other day. Once you skip one time, it gets easier to skip the next and so on. Staying on schedule helps with motivation. Especially in the winter. Summer time it's a nice break, work out on the deck outside. In winter it's harder to keep going but then it's most important since no pool, can't really cycle, and limited opportunities to go for a run.

Cycling and swimming season has started again. Actually keeping the pool clean is already a workout in spring lol. 10 minute freak thunderstorm, hour+ clean-up... Best addition to the house ever though, swim from 60F (only couple laps at that temperature though) from May to October.

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I'm necrobumping this thread after reaching a pount when I can do shoulder press with 110lbs dumbell sets, it has been a great improvement for me over the last year

2 x Hiit (7 min) youtube; monday to saturday

SKMBlake said:

I'm necrobumping this thread after reaching a pount when I can do shoulder press with 110lbs dumbell sets, it has been a great improvement for me over the last year

110lbs on each dumbbell or combined ? if it's on each.. that is quite strong 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

carlos710 said:
SKMBlake said:

I'm necrobumping this thread after reaching a pount when I can do shoulder press with 110lbs dumbell sets, it has been a great improvement for me over the last year

110lbs on each dumbbell or combined ? if it's on each.. that is quite strong 

110lbs in each hands. That's actually the max limit of my gym

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I haven't worked out in the gym in years, since covid-19. I am still kind of huge though, because of my commute by bicycle and my exercises during my job. Honestly wish it didn't make the scale look so inflated.

Farsala said:

I haven't worked out in the gym in years, since covid-19. I am still kind of huge though, because of my commute by bicycle and my exercises during my job. Honestly wish it didn't make the scale look so inflated.

The scale is not always a good metric. If you feel good with how you look and you are healthy, then that's all that matters!

I recently started working out again after 3 years and progress has been slow, but I already see changes even though the weight doesn't actually go down on the scale.

Tried this today with 70lbs dumbells

Not easy but I think it was worth it

I consider going to work a workout, so yeah, I workout.

TheTitaniumNub said:

I consider going to work a workout, so yeah, I workout.

It's not tho