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Forums - Sports Discussion - Do you workout ?


Do you workout ?

Yes, almost every day 25 28.09%
Yes, quite often 31 34.83%
Barely 18 20.22%
No, don't want to 12 13.48%
No, can't afford it 3 3.37%
SKMBlake said:
TheTitaniumNub said:

I consider going to work a workout, so yeah, I workout.

It's not tho

Depends on the job. If he's like a lumberjack or something then maybe.

Around the Network

Many jobs will keep you fit. Only desk and retail workers need to workout ;)

It's warm again, good time to do errands by bicycle. Today I picked up Zelda and TotK controller in the next town over (no game store in my town). Then a lovely detour back along the river. When I go jogging on the trails I take a bag along to pick up the crap people can't keep in their hands. Over the past 2 weeks I've carried out over 100 pounds of empty beer cans, bottles, plastic water bottles and other crap. No need to carry weights, might as well do something useful. The trails I jog on look a lot better now :) Spring always reveals all the mess people leave behind as well as stuff washed up from flooding.

SvennoJ said:

Many jobs will keep you fit. Only desk and retail workers need to workout ;)

It's warm again, good time to do errands by bicycle. Today I picked up Zelda and TotK controller in the next town over (no game store in my town). Then a lovely detour back along the river. When I go jogging on the trails I take a bag along to pick up the crap people can't keep in their hands. Over the past 2 weeks I've carried out over 100 pounds of empty beer cans, bottles, plastic water bottles and other crap. No need to carry weights, might as well do something useful. The trails I jog on look a lot better now :) Spring always reveals all the mess people leave behind as well as stuff washed up from flooding.

you are an excellent citizen. 

atomicfear said:

you are an excellent citizen. 

Lol thanks. Spring is coming again. We have a mild spell currently, the ground is bare, accumulated trash is starting to show again...

Last week I found a dead red fox on the side of a quad bike trail. Beautiful animal, looks like a young one too. No natural causes, looks like he/she had been trapped (just some blood around the neck and mouth, probably from trying to chew his/her way out) with an empty blood soaked card board box laying next to it. Label that could identify where the box came from cut out, only the edges showing. It looks like it fell off the back of a quad bike. The tail was cut off as well, laying next to the fox. It seems animals have more respect for foxes as he/she was still untouched a couple days later, preserved by the frost.

Tomorrow it's going to be +12c, in the middle of Canadian winter, wtf. The east coast got buried under snow

We've only had a little bit, barely enough to go downhill sledding. At least I can continue jogging regularly. Great way to get rid of stress. Leave all knotted up inside, 80-90 minutes later back to zen. I did have a nasty fall 2 months ago, slippery mud on top of frozen ground took me out, fell wrong, bend my fingers backward and now my right middle and ring finger are messed up bad. It didn't heal right and I can't fully straighten them anymore. My ring finger is more of a hook now... Unfortunately I have no trust in our medical system to let them touch it, but might have to go in if it doesn't heal any further in warmer weather.

I consider walking to my car a workout. Though because i weight over 250 I think i might need to meow lose some weight.
