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dmillos said:
Dulfite said:

I started yesterday, does that count?

I absolutely think it counts, starting is one of the most important steps. congratulations @Dulfite 

I've definitely had an ups/downs relationship with working out. I used to run cross Country. Then I got an ankle injury around 9 years ago and basically ruined my running career for years. Slowly gained weight through college and that continued once I started my extremely stressful special education teaching job. I tried to get back into workouts and diets. I had a fitbit years ago that I was obsessed with. An average day was at least 20k steps, good days were 25k steps, my record was 35k in one day. Then I lost the silly thing and lost motivation as Google Fit didn't have the same motivation for me. Then I shifted to dietary supplements and had massive success. At one point I lost about 30 lbs a few years ago, maybe closer to 35, then I gained it all back in basically a year due to stress eating (which offset the supplements). I'm now around 8lbs down from January. Ups and downs...