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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Console gamers, why do you feel console gaming is better than PC?

First party, especially Nintendo, and a larger selection of Japanese titles, though a lot of Japanese companies have been releasing games on Steam as of late. The PlayStation ecosystem.

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In my opinion, it is better for me for the following reasons:

1) Almost zero issues. I can just pick up my controller and play. My PS4 takes care of all updates, installing, etc. I just play. My experience with PC is always having to stop to fix some stupid issue. I work with development all day, the last thing I want to do when I get home is troubleshooting stuff on a freaking PC.

PC gamers will probably try to deny it, but I had issues with basically everything on my PC. One simple example: video recording. My PS4 records the last 30 minutes. It never failed me. On PC I used Shadowplay. What a freaking mess. One surprise I had once was that it couldn't record Doom on Vulkan. It also frequently just stops working and I have to reinstall it. It's a total mess. The thing about this function is that it allows you to record a cool moment that happens suddenly. Shadowplay is terrible at it and it's the only alternative if you want to record without fps losses.

2) Controller and couch gameplay. I don't want to sit on a desk exactly like I do when working. I want to relax with a gamepad. Before any PC gamer arrive here saying I can use a gamepad on a PC, let me just say one thing: what if I want to play an online FPS? At least on console I know everyone is also using a controller so I can use mine.

3) Less hackers/cheaters. Self-explanatory. In case of doubts, go to the dark zone on The Division on PC.

4) Windows sucks big time. It's a terrible OS full of issues. I use only Ubuntu on my PC. Wouldn't mind getting a Mac too, both are good solid Unix-based OSs. Windows is a freaking mess, you always end up having to reformat or deal with crazy drivers. My Ubuntu installs always last more than the hardware itself I'm using.

5) I just have to buy one console per gen. So 6-7 years without hardware worries. It's also much easier, just go there and buy the freaking console. I don't want to keep planning hardware upgrades.

6) Consoles are the ones moving AAA sales. So they are the priority. Better support.

7) PC games are bug ridden. Get the previous affirmation and add the myriad of hardware configurations and it's a recipe for disaster. From badly adjusted FOV inducing motion sickness to simply stupid bugs, everything looks beta-ish.

8) To play online, you will have to use a M/KB (refer to 2). That's a nightmare for tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. No, it doesn't matter if you have an ergonomic setup, you're just delaying the inevitable. I work a lot on PCs, so I don't want to increase my risk even more. Also, for work, you can use a touchpad and that decreases a lot the risks. I don't plan on reaching my 50s without being able to use a freaking pencil anymore.

9) Consoles have better exclusives. Yes, I know a bunch of people will point to the never-releasing Star Citizen or some obnoxious indie,niche game that uses half of a keyboard to be played or F2P Moba. But just this year consoles had Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Horizon, Persona 5 and much more. Just the Nintendo lineup had a bunch of 97+ games that are among the best ever released. Persona 5 stands up as a total classic, Horizon is amazing. I'm pretty sure just Nintendo is enough to guarantee that consoles have the best games. I just hope nobody tries to argue that with a poor video of Wii U Zelda or PS3 Persona on emulators running way worse than the real versions.

10) Consoles are more portable. I just moved abroad for 6 months and I brought my PS4 with me. In my backpack, with all games on a CD case. If I tried to bring my desktop, it would easily surpass my luggage weight limit and just the tax I would pay for the excess would probably cost as much as a PS4. Yes, there are gaming laptops, but they are ridiculously expensive and are normally a mess with overheating issues. It's also hard to use a gaming laptop for work since most normally follow a terrible design full of leds that would make people lauch at a meeting thinking you're a teenager. That's why Macbooks sell a lot even with that prices, I gotta admit. They look impeccable.

It may seem a bit harsh in some parts, but it's my opinion. Someone that games on PC may not care about all this stuff and rather have one of the advantages of PC gaming (more choice about hardware, not being tied to a single ecosystem, free online, better graphics, etc).

torok said:
In my opinion, it is better for me for the following reasons:

2) Controller and couch gameplay. I don't want to sit on a desk exactly like I do when working. I want to relax with a gamepad. Before any PC gamer arrive here saying I can use a gamepad on a PC, let me just say one thing: what if I want to play an online FPS? At least on console I know everyone is also using a controller so I can use mine.

8) To play online, you will have to use a M/KB (refer to 2). That's a nightmare for tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. No, it doesn't matter if you have an ergonomic setup, you're just delaying the inevitable. I work a lot on PCs, so I don't want to increase my risk even more. Also, for work, you can use a touchpad and that decreases a lot the risks. I don't plan on reaching my 50s without being able to use a freaking pencil anymore.

8). Be careful! I had an ergonomic setup at work, worked 8 to sometimes more than 12 hours a day on development, then played Everquest at home with mouse plus keyboard, until I literally collapsed from back pain while the doctor had already told me 10 years earlier to find another job/profession. (Already quit playing Everquest and Wow long before it got that far)
Currently I'm seeing a chiropractor weekly and have to lay on a wedge every day to stretch my neck both of which I'll be stuck to for the rest of my life. My lower neck started fusing and my head position was all out of alignment yet I'm 'lucky' it's slowly getting better with excersize and no more PC work. I can't sit longer than an hour behind my laptop nowadays even with a trackpad before my neck starts hurting uncomfortably. My right shoulder and wrist are very crunchy.

2) I wish there was an option to not have to play against wheel users in GT Sport. Using a wheel is uncomfortable to me as well (see above) yet playing GT Sport it's clear that wheel (and pedal) users have an advantage. It doesn't help my fingers aren't all that great anymore for feathering the throttle, thanks to pc...

SvennoJ said:

8). Be careful! I had an ergonomic setup at work, worked 8 to sometimes more than 12 hours a day on development, then played Everquest at home with mouse plus keyboard, until I literally collapsed from back pain while the doctor had already told me 10 years earlier to find another job/profession. (Already quit playing Everquest and Wow long before it got that far)
Currently I'm seeing a chiropractor weekly and have to lay on a wedge every day to stretch my neck both of which I'll be stuck to for the rest of my life. My lower neck started fusing and my head position was all out of alignment yet I'm 'lucky' it's slowly getting better with excersize and no more PC work. I can't sit longer than an hour behind my laptop nowadays even with a trackpad before my neck starts hurting uncomfortably. My right shoulder and wrist are very crunchy.

2) I wish there was an option to not have to play against wheel users in GT Sport. Using a wheel is uncomfortable to me as well (see above) yet playing GT Sport it's clear that wheel (and pedal) users have an advantage. It doesn't help my fingers aren't all that great anymore for feathering the throttle, thanks to pc...

8) You're right, the neck can also be an issue. In my case, my carpal tunnel seems to be the worst offender, but also the neck. Frequent use of M/KB and I started to show tingling an weakness on my hands, very common with carpal tunnel issues. Using a laptop with a touchpad and a gamepad to play and the issue vanished, no problems for years. If you have a desktop, something like Apple's magic trackpad or a Wacom tablet could be a good thing.

I think the best setup for you would use your laptop on a table in a height more compatible with your eye-level. Wireless keyboard and a trackpad.

2) Indeed. They should just create separate playlists. Let the Pros play against Pros and let the regular player have their fun. I don't want to buy a G29, I'm really not a heavy GT player.

A bit off-topic, but another case of unfair advantage I see is games that are party-oriented. Uncharted 4 matches you against parties. I'm a quite good UC4 player (it's not that rare for me to account for half the kills on a team), but when you and a bunch of randoms face a party is a total onslaught. All games should be like TLOU, with a party playlist and a non-party playlist. There is a bunch of crying about splitting the userbase, but it's also not helpful to make people stop playing because they are tired of being fed to parties.

It's not like I don't play on parties eventually, but most of the times I just want to relax for an hour instead of trying to assemble my party to play in a specific hour. Actually, that's the only reason I never bought Overwatch.

I also think that of a lot of people don't understand the value people give to convenience. People are willing to pay for an experience that is easy to use and straightforward.

Apple is the most valuable company in the world simply by selling well-designed, easy to use stuff that is not customizable.

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I went from full PC to full console.

I've had waaaay too much hassle with games crashing all the time for no apparent reason. Sure that might happen on console too once in a while but nowhere near as often. Some games might even refuse to start at all on PC. That can't happen on consoles.

I always laugh when I see AngryJoe reviewing a game and complaining about crashes. I'm like, what did you expect since you moved from primarily console gaming to PC? Of course you're getting more crashes.

On PC, you're also always tempted to get a new hardware upgrade, which is really expensive in the long run. Sure, your can build a decent rig for a fair price (that's no doubt, still more expensive than a console). It might even let you play current games on nearly the highest settings. But in two or three years that might change to medium settings and that's the point where you're probably doing an upgrade here and an upgrade there.

Achievements. (Don't get me started about the problems with Steam achievements....)

I'm a collector, so I despise digital games. I don't like the idea of not having something physical. I don't see any value in that. What's the difference then of buying a digital game and pirating a game? Even the files are identical (except of the executable file after being cracked).

I still use my PC a lot, as in multiple hours daily. Just not for gaming anymore.

torok said:

8) You're right, the neck can also be an issue. In my case, my carpal tunnel seems to be the worst offender, but also the neck. Frequent use of M/KB and I started to show tingling an weakness on my hands, very common with carpal tunnel issues. Using a laptop with a touchpad and a gamepad to play and the issue vanished, no problems for years. If you have a desktop, something like Apple's magic trackpad or a Wacom tablet could be a good thing.

I think the best setup for you would use your laptop on a table in a height more compatible with your eye-level. Wireless keyboard and a trackpad.

2) Indeed. They should just create separate playlists. Let the Pros play against Pros and let the regular player have their fun. I don't want to buy a G29, I'm really not a heavy GT player.

A bit off-topic, but another case of unfair advantage I see is games that are party-oriented. Uncharted 4 matches you against parties. I'm a quite good UC4 player (it's not that rare for me to account for half the kills on a team), but when you and a bunch of randoms face a party is a total onslaught. All games should be like TLOU, with a party playlist and a non-party playlist. There is a bunch of crying about splitting the userbase, but it's also not helpful to make people stop playing because they are tired of being fed to parties.

It's not like I don't play on parties eventually, but most of the times I just want to relax for an hour instead of trying to assemble my party to play in a specific hour. Actually, that's the only reason I never bought Overwatch.

I limit my time behind a laptop now and feel great. A trackpad is indeed better, just not for games. The last time I really dove into a PC games was Elite Dangerous, which plays fine on a controller. (After setting up 8 pages of control mappings and still use keyboard for some functions, then do it again when a patch wipes it all out lol). That has so much downtime that I could sit back and relax, watch tv in between or even excersize while flying long distances which was most of the time. Before that I made a map of my hometown for cities in motion 2, which was too intense. I did it anyway, pushing through the pain, damn ocd! I quit video editing as well, just not worth it.

GT Sport has improved a lot in the match making department, the sportmanship rating is great putting skilled careful drivers apart from destruction derby drivers. It can still go further though. Perhaps the active pool is too small, sometimes the skill difference is still quite big, putting everyone from A to D class together. (luckily all SR S, so still careful drivers) Perhaps there just aren't that many accident free drivers. What's worse is that often geographically far away people make it into the mix. I'm in Canada and playing against people from Brazil, Chile, Greece, Italy has its issues. When you drive bumper to bumper any bit of lag can easily throw you off and make you bump the other player. GT Sport does a decent job at smoothing it out yet the sudden changes of direction of those opponents makes it clear the laws of physics still exist.

For some reason those far away players are often the ones with the best qualifying times, not really belonging in the mix. Perhaps the pool of skilled wheel users with clean ratings is so small they can't be matched closer to home. It's also very hard to overtake them with the lag. As a result the whole matchmaking process  is kinda opposite that the further you climb in rank the greater the disparity becomes in who you are matched against. Sink back to D class and the spread in qualifying times is perhaps 1 or 2 seconds. Climb up to B class and the spread can be as high as 10 sec.

Matchmaking is a tricky thing, it's vastly better than it was and infinitely greater than joining a random lobby where the cars are unbalanced and overpowered and you generally get treated as a bumper by other racers. It doesn't track SR rating in lobbies. Sometimes you feel more like you're in a pinball machine.

As for shooters online, I never play those anymore. With perks and what not, matchmaking is a joke for new players, as well as getting put against teams. It's not relaxing. The last one I enjoyed was Resistance 2's 8 player coop against the environment. Far Cry 3 had 4 player pve as well, yet there players quit out as soon as they saw you were lower level then them. I tried Uncharted 2 coop, got called a noob for not knowing the map inside out already, whatever, it wasn't fun gameplay anyway. I did enjoy Star Trek Bridge crew coop a ton this year. Helping out newcomers there was very rewarding as well as playing with an experienced crew. I wish it would get some DLC (instead of fixing the loophole that made experienced play more interesting)

Chazore said:

4. My image isn't something I need to adjust, in order to "fit in" with the crowd that deems what I can and cannot say. I'm sorry, but we've all sorts of sigs on here that can rub people the wrong way, yet we are still here.

6. Games like WoW need a sub, due to their original model, or you flat out don't play the game in it's entirety. The game is online based, not SP based, with an entirely optional online option. I actually pay for a 6 month plan for WoW, which saves me money, than having to pay on a monthly basis. if I wasn't playing WoW or FF XIV, I wouldn't be paying a sub for any other MMO.

I'd like to ask as to why we've greatly shifted to talking about the two sides of the coin, to PCMR and more so, about me and how I should adhere to a standard of thought for a few? ( and yes it is to adhere, because your arguments at this very moment are designed to turn me to your line of thought and what is seen as "right").

Oh but I never said you needed to adjust your image or your sig. As far as I am concerned you can have any and I mean ANY sig you want. VGChartz may not allow some offensive content, but I would NOT be the one asking them to take off your sig.

My only issue is consistency and logic. You can have a PCMR and even add Peasants Console gamers if you want, if that is what you believe and you wouldn't hear me complain about it, maybe ask you why but that's all... Until the moment I catch you saying in a thread that you respect console gamers and console gaming. That's when you'd hear me call you out. Cause you either respect console gamers or you don't. Our little protracted debate rises from the fact that you are insisting how you treat console and PC gaming as equals, as both worthy of anyone calling themselves gamers, yet your sig is very clearly saying otherwise.

As for World of Warcraft, do you realize you are justifying them? If you read my last post I clearly said I DO NOT agree with the PS+. I could use your same WoW argument and say "Oh but Sony needs to charge us for the PS+ cause servers are expensive to maintain blah blah blah... I'm sorry but that is NOT my problem, I already pay an online sub to my ISP to give me access to the internet I did not pay online gaming back on the PS3, it was all free so there is no good reason that online gaming be not free on the PS4. Then you add that you pay 6 months which is cheaper than 1 month. Ok, sure it is, but the same applies to the PS+. If I pay for a longer period it's cheaper too, They even sometimes have promotions for a year that are even cheaper. But I STILL will not defend the PS+ even if it's cheaper on a promotion or on a longer subscription.

The bottom line is, I treat both sides equally as in I have NO PROBLEM seeing pros and cons on either side and I can be very critic of my side, Sony and the PS4. But you are not. You only defend PC and criticize consoles, sometimes for really bad reasons like that chart you linked in your sig.

And finally to answer your question: I'm not asking you to adhere to anything and certainly not to follow a "line of thought", I'm only asking you to be consistent with yourself. You are FREE to believe PC gaming is so superior and that us console gamers are worms crawling around on the earth and worthless of breathing the same air as you, if you want to believe that. And if that happened at least we could debate on the issue and not on whether we are one sided or not. But that's not what you are saying or doing. You say you believe both sides are equal and as good as the other yet you argue in a way that implies PC is superior. You say you are neutral yet you have a sig that screams PCMR. I don't have such a sig, I don't have a problem with discussing console flaws so I am consistent with myself. You DO have a problem with discussing PC flaws which is why we are having this discussion cause you did not like my very FIRST post in this thread about PC flaws. That's the only reason you are talking to me, cause I exposed PC Flaws and you don't like that

CrazyGamer2017 said:
Chazore said:

4. My image isn't something I need to adjust, in order to "fit in" with the crowd that deems what I can and cannot say. I'm sorry, but we've all sorts of sigs on here that can rub people the wrong way, yet we are still here.

6. Games like WoW need a sub, due to their original model, or you flat out don't play the game in it's entirety. The game is online based, not SP based, with an entirely optional online option. I actually pay for a 6 month plan for WoW, which saves me money, than having to pay on a monthly basis. if I wasn't playing WoW or FF XIV, I wouldn't be paying a sub for any other MMO.

I'd like to ask as to why we've greatly shifted to talking about the two sides of the coin, to PCMR and more so, about me and how I should adhere to a standard of thought for a few? ( and yes it is to adhere, because your arguments at this very moment are designed to turn me to your line of thought and what is seen as "right").

Oh but I never said you needed to adjust your image or your sig. As far as I am concerned you can have any and I mean ANY sig you want. VGChartz may not allow some offensive content, but I would NOT be the one asking them to take off your sig.

My only issue is consistency and logic. You can have a PCMR and even add Peasants Console gamers if you want, if that is what you believe and you wouldn't hear me complain about it, maybe ask you why but that's all... Until the moment I catch you saying in a thread that you respect console gamers and console gaming. That's when you'd hear me call you out. Cause you either respect console gamers or you don't. Our little protracted debate rises from the fact that you are insisting how you treat console and PC gaming as equals, as both worthy of anyone calling themselves gamers, yet your sig is very clearly saying otherwise.

As for World of Warcraft, do you realize you are justifying them? If you read my last post I clearly said I DO NOT agree with the PS+. I could use your same WoW argument and say "Oh but Sony needs to charge us for the PS+ cause servers are expensive to maintain blah blah blah... I'm sorry but that is NOT my problem, I already pay an online sub to my ISP to give me access to the internet I did not pay online gaming back on the PS3, it was all free so there is no good reason that online gaming be not free on the PS4. Then you add that you pay 6 months which is cheaper than 1 month. Ok, sure it is, but the same applies to the PS+. If I pay for a longer period it's cheaper too, They even sometimes have promotions for a year that are even cheaper. But I STILL will not defend the PS+ even if it's cheaper on a promotion or on a longer subscription.

The bottom line is, I treat both sides equally as in I have NO PROBLEM seeing pros and cons on either side and I can be very critic of my side, Sony and the PS4. But you are not. You only defend PC and criticize consoles, sometimes for really bad reasons like that chart you linked in your sig.

And finally to answer your question: I'm not asking you to adhere to anything and certainly not to follow a "line of thought", I'm only asking you to be consistent with yourself. You are FREE to believe PC gaming is so superior and that us console gamers are worms crawling around on the earth and worthless of breathing the same air as you, if you want to believe that. And if that happened at least we could debate on the issue and not on whether we are one sided or not. But that's not what you are saying or doing. You say you believe both sides are equal and as good as the other yet you argue in a way that implies PC is superior. You say you are neutral yet you have a sig that screams PCMR. I don't have such a sig, I don't have a problem with discussing console flaws so I am consistent with myself. You DO have a problem with discussing PC flaws which is why we are having this discussion cause you did not like my very FIRST post in this thread about PC flaws. That's the only reason you are talking to me, cause I exposed PC Flaws and you don't like that

We're going off topic here with the whole fixation on PCMR and the "logic" behind it all.


Justifying WoW?, you mean like how WoW started off as a sub based Massive multiplayer online game?. How else were they to make money and keep the servers going back in 2004?. They weren't Sony or MS back then, they weren't billionaires, and WoW exploded at such a rate that they needed more and more, but I guess once you start an MMO, you're automatically a non charity case.

Also, you can pay for your WoW sub via WOW tokens, which you can buy with in-game gold, just like with Star Wars ToR. Suggesting the MMO go "F2P" would set it down the path of MT's up the wazoo and lesser quality in return. I've seen how all those F2P MMO's turned out, and it's not been a pretty and objectively better sight.

Like it or not, WoW is an MMO game, not a multiplayer sub service for a console. Otherwise every sub service on this planet is exactly a multiplayer service hub, but that's further from the reality we live in.

You treat both sides equally, but you don't know the pros of the other side, but you want to give out the flaws of one side and the pros of the otehr?, that doesn't really seem like sound logic (while we're on the topic of pointing out logic in general).

You don't have much of a sig, that much is true, but the sig isn't exactly a harmless one either, calling everything pointless, lives and all, a rather bleak and angsty look on life if you ask me.


But other than that, good to know we've gone from civility to non civility


Ahh, so this wasn't a general discussion that was tame or anything, it was really leading up to a punchline about the sig and another Don type discussion. Good to know that's where this was heading.


"You are FREE to believe PC gaming is so superior and that us console gamers are worms crawling around on the earth and worthless of breathing the same air as you"


See, this is now you projecting onto me, putting a label on me already and deciding to be done with it, without any word or anything, unless it's me adhering to your line of thought. I wouldn't bother taking this further off topic or talking about the same logic over and over again. It's about the OP topic, not PCMR.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

I can think of a list of reasons, but my shopping habits betray me. I used to buy a lot of PC games when physical store copies were common. When PC went digital, I stopped playing. Occasionally I will get a game from but 90%+ of my games now are console games.