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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Console gamers, why do you feel console gaming is better than PC?

Chazore said:
d21lewis said:

I started it because of what I've seen personally. Not because I was looking for some kind of conflict or to prove consoles were better. In fact, most of the replies I've seen were already refuted in videos. That's why I've been mostly quiet this whole thread.

It also didn't help that you watched some videos, which also led to Youtube suggesting you to watch videos closely related to what you had previously watched

Some of the replies in this thread have opinions that stem from the old days of PC gaming, and some seem to stem from a lack of up to date knowledge of the platform, when talking of it's negatives.

It's more or less become a thread where it's alright to list the positives of consoles, but to also list the negatives of PC, without listing the positives for it's side of the coin (very few of us have have listed pros and cons to each side within this thread).

Well, I was in the market for an Xbox One X so I watched every video I could on the subject. Somewhere in there it turned into videos about how I should just get a PC. That turned into videos about how "PC gaming is better than consoles". It was kind of addicting watching someone bash by platform of choice--but still not convince me to switch to PC.


I guess this thread did turn into a thread where people could bash the PC (with arguments that don't really apply to PC gaming anymore) but I already filled up on the PC side of things. I wanted the console gamer I could go back into the PC forum and fight back!

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CrazyGamer2017 said:

I haven't said something is bad I have only said why I choose one system over another and If I was blunt it was precisely because of the context of the question as asked by the OP in which PC gamers see themselves as the master race and us console gamers as peasants. I simply demonstrated that if you wish to see flaws in consoles, that we simple peasants can ALSO find flaws in the Master Race's choice of gaming. That is very different from just out of the blue and for no reason scream MASTER RACE us, Peasants you... You will never see in my signature how superior my console is over your PC because that's EXACTLY what I'm saying, it's out of context and why would I want to attack people in my signature when they can see it in threads that have NOTHING to do with consoles or PC's?

If the opposite was asked I wouldn't have said anything because I don't play on PC so I cannot talk about the qualities of a system I do not know, so me talking about the qualities of a system I don't know much about, makes no sense. But someone else who does play on PC could and still can talk about the qualities of PC gaming. I don't have a problem with someone else talking about their reasons to choose PC so why would you or anyone have a problem with me talking about my reasons for gaming on console? In that regard, comparing me to console fans that attack PC gaming is unfair in my opinion.

And I'm not calling you a liar or anything like that but I have never heard anyone playing on console call themselves the Godrace or the PS the Godstation.  I literally have never heard that, before now on this thread. And if someone has, it must be very rare because if it was common I would have heard about it. But PC Master Race, it's so common and so used around the internet that everybody knows what the "Master Race" is when talking about gaming.

And of course you can criticize constructive criticism, I don't have a problem with that either. But you cannot dismiss it altogether simply by saying that it can be criticized too. If one wishes to engage in constructive criticism one must explain and elaborate as to the reasons why one thinks something deserves criticism. Just criticizing something and not explaining why, is not constructive criticism, it's an attack. If for example I say I'd rather play on a 55" TV screen than on a 15" computer monitor because the much bigger screen surface is more immersive, I am using constructive criticism because I explained the reasons for my choice. You have the right to disagree of course but what I said is still constructive criticism. But when someone says: the PC race is the master race and console players are peasants, there is NOTHING constructive there, it's only meant to attack, belittle and hurt. And if you heard someone say Godstation, it's just as stupid and empty as calling oneself the master race.

In the meantime, and please do not see this as an attack or anything bad cause so far I appreciate our discussion and exchange of ideas, but the fact is that in the meantime your signature screams PC MASTER RACE whereas mine does say NOTHING about Godstation or me being better than a PC gamer or anything like that. So the question is why? Why do you feel the need to scream something in your signature that is telling someone like me that I'm an inferior, that my choice of gaming is poor, that I don't see the light of the day cause I chose consoles over PC?

I can't help but feel as if you're hinting at something. You've spent the first paragraph going on about those that wear MR like a badge of pride, yet you have also ignored what I had said prior, about both sides tossing around names and acting cocky. 

See that onto itself doesn't make sense, because it means you have gone out of your own way to educate yourself on just the flaws of a PC, yet zero of it's qualities, which lends to one seeking out education of the flaws, to justify the qualities of the other system.

If you can point out flaws, you would do best to educate yourself on the qualities as well.


"comparing me to console fans that attack PC gaming is unfair in my opinion."


That feels a tad defensive. I was saying that there are those who seek to sling names on both sides, and those that seek to make one side look better than the other (even though the split will never be 50/50 equally, hardly anything is in life, yet we like to think it works that way).

I know you haven't seen anything like that, but I have, and I was just letting you know, that the other side of the coin isn't that much different. That's another thing that ends up becoming an issue when something like that is pointed out, it becomes something of a "non issue", because the other side has done it "more" in another's eyes, which in the end doesn't really set things straight, it just means it's okay for one side to do it because it's so rare, while the other side is common, thus it must be bashed in at any cause. We could apply this line of thought to real world issues and it would be no wonder as to why we'd have public outcries and scuffles left and right (The scuffles like that happen irl around the world anyway).


No, but you can dismiss it when a lack of important information isn't brought to the table. Someone can criticise something, but if they don't fully grasp what they are criticising, they are then left open to their own flaws, when they do not bring up all the info about what they are criticising. For example, some here are bringing up the apparent "bad" qualities of PC gaming, yet a good chunk of them haven't touched a PC in years and have made sure on not having to game on one. In doing so, they have proven that they have no desire to know of the current qualities of the system, and thus ignore that line of information, which in doing so leaves their criticism with some flaws of it's own (Just like the folk who love to toss around the myth that you need to spend over 3k for a good PC, and yes, those people still exist to this very day).


I don't see it as an attack, but I do see it as a lack of understand. I linked a video as to the origins of the meme itself, and why it exists. No matter what any person on this planet would say, it cannot change the origins and the primary definition of the Joke's origins and means of why it even existed. It was designed to take the mickey out of PC gamers and how they felt that their control scheme in games had to be complicated.

My signature involves no "dirty console peasants" of any sort. Read the bottom line, you'll notice it shows care for performance of others, than for myself. I know of the joke's origins and I know it was a right fun mick take, because back then I laughed at Yahtzee taking the mick, and I still do today. I don't wear it like a badge of pride, I wear it as a joke, because that's how it was designed to be. Those that wear it as a badge of pride twist what the meme was designed for (which still doesn't change what it was defined to be).


Have you noticed so far, that I haven't mentioned anything about your choice being inferior in any way?. I've owned consoles before, in fact I plan on grabbing a Switch in early to mid 2018 (when the Switch charge project is completed and ready for shipment). There are even times when I say to a few colleagues of mine at work "PCMR" when I mention of a busted port job, and they get the joke, they understand what I meant.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Better control schemes
Exclusive franchises
Less fluctuating graphics
Less DRM
Dedicated portables
Physical media

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

KrspaceT said:
Better control schemes
Exclusive franchises
Less fluctuating graphics
Less DRM
Dedicated portables
Physical media

I prefer consoles as well yet less drm? How do you figure that?

I would say standardized control schemes rather than better.
Better exclusive franchises is personal opinion ofcourse.
Games are indeed better optimized for the console experience, can still fluctuate quite a bit though compared to an overpowered PC. Ofcourse with like for like hardware cost, consoles fare better.

Convenience, exclusive games, and cheaper. I'm an artist and I always work on my laptop(gaming laptop although a bit outdated now since I bought it a couple of years ago) so I don't really have that much time to play on my computer. Since I'm an artist, I pretty much need a lot of space on my computer as well and external hard drives for my artworks and other art materials. Also, my favorite franchises just aren't available on PC.

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Chazore said:

My signature involves no "dirty console peasants" of any sort. Read the bottom line, you'll notice it shows care for performance of others, than for myself. I know of the joke's origins and I know it was a right fun mick take, because back then I laughed at Yahtzee taking the mick, and I still do today. I don't wear it like a badge of pride, I wear it as a joke, because that's how it was designed to be. Those that wear it as a badge of pride twist what the meme was designed for (which still doesn't change what it was defined to be).


Have you noticed so far, that I haven't mentioned anything about your choice being inferior in any way?. I've owned consoles before, in fact I plan on grabbing a Switch in early to mid 2018 (when the Switch charge project is completed and ready for shipment). There are even times when I say to a few colleagues of mine at work "PCMR" when I mention of a busted port job, and they get the joke, they understand what I meant.

Well forgive me but to me it feels that you are obfuscating the issue. I had to read twice your entire post and even then I'm not sure I fully understand what you are saying. That I don't know what I'm saying, that I don't understand PC gaming cause I don't play it, that I talk about PC flaws and ignore Console flaws? I'm a bit tired so maybe that's why I don't fully get what you're saying so maybe I should get back to the basics.

1: In this thread on my first post I talked about PC flaws ONLY as a "reply" to those PC gamers that take themselves too seriously with their PC Master Race cry. I ONLY demonstrated that PC's TOO have flaws. at NO POINT did I hint or say that consoles are perfect. All I'm saying is that when it comes to flaws there are NO master races and no peasants. If a console gamer starts screaming consoles master race, I'll call him out on that EXACTLY as I do PC gamers but so far you must admit that ONLY PC people love to scream that they are the master race and they add that we are the peasants.

2: I have no problems whatsoever in talking about console flaws so not sure why you mention that I only see PC flaws when my whole point was that all systems have pros and cons. The only thing I said in this regard is that my PERSONAL choice of gaming is on consoles.

3: Unlike some I don't need to put a signature that screams consoles master race or console is better than other systems. And maybe you do it as a joke or to make a statement in reference to the original meme. The point is you still wear in fat letters that PC is the master race and yet you keep saying that I am biased but that you totally understand consoles. Maybe you do, I'm not saying you are like those guys that take themselves too seriously, maybe you're more understanding of both sides than I give you credit for. The fact remains that your signature does NOT help support that fact.

Your signature does not involve insults like "dirty peasants" but on top of the huge letters of PC master race you clearly added (in case you think I did not notice) "why I left console gaming". You don't see on my signature "why I never gamed on a PC" and you know why? Cause that's intrinsically aggressive towards those who game on PC. Don't get me wrong, I can understand that in a thread on the issue of gaming on one system or the other or on a thread where the OP asks you why you game on this system or why you don't game on that system, that you explain then that you don't game on console and then you give the reason why. But that's not the case here. You wish to show to everybody no matter what the topic discussed that 1:PC is the MASTER RACE and 2: WHY YOU DONT GAME ON CONSOLES... And again that does NOT help your image of someone that is neutral and that understands that gamers choose either PC or consoles.

And perhaps the worst part is when I click on that line that is according to you the reason why you don't game on console. And I look at it and I'm like, wow, no way this is not a joke or something... Cause the info on that chart is ridiculous. You know, the one whose title is "Cost of gaming on PC vs PS4/Xbox through time..."

First if you get a 650 dollars PC you are NOT going to be gaming on it for 8 years without upgrading the hardware inside and of course that chart does not take the upgrades into account which is dishonest. Second, that chart adds the costs of the PSN+ And the Xbox live as if ALL players needed to use the PSN+ or the Xbox live. I don't use those cause I don't care for online games like COD or Star Wars microtransaction the Empire of Lootboxes etc... But for argument's sake let's include those costs regardless and I know the point here: that Online is free on PC and not on consoles. And that is mostly true and it's something I don't like in consoles and totally disagree with. But if you are being honest, you are conveniently forgetting that if you don't pay an online subscription for games on PC, you still pay a subscription for some games on PC, like World of Warcraft. Last time I checked that game, you had to pay every month if you wanted to keep playing the game so while I ADMIT this is not as bad as the PS+ and the Xbox live, out of honesty it should be included into that chart, but it's NOT... And third, 60 dollars per game on console is only true if you buy the game day one, but if you wait a bit, prices go down, A LOT down. I haven't paid 60 bucks for a game in many years so while day one prices of AAA games are indeed too much on consoles, it's not an absolute fact as the games end up being cheap. And that's not even talking about indie games, cause those are NEVER 60 bucks even on day one...

So not only that chart is biased and misleading and obviously made by someone that really believes that PC is the master race, but the fact that you base your reasoning on that does again NOT HELP your side of the argument. So the bottom line is you insist you are not one of those idiots who take themselves too seriously with the PCMR cry, yet you have PCMR on your signature, you type a line "Why I left console gaming" and you link it to some ridiculous chart that was made by the people you claim to disagree with, yet you quote their console hate as your main reason not to game on consoles. I'm sorry my friend but none of that adds up.

Last edited by CrazyGamer2017 - on 14 November 2017

CrazyGamer2017 said:


I'm going to cut it short, because our conversations seem to get bigger and bigger with each reply.

1. The meme is what it is, no amount of warping is going to change it's original design, no matter how hard someone tried to lay claim, that it is designed as a badge of pride, or against another platform.

2. That part below the signature?, yeah, take a gander at Ruler's sig and you'll see why I added that part to the bottom of mine.

(For ref, his sig's content:

3.  It's not aggressive to say that you don't game on X platform, let alone adding it in there, but the reasoning behind it can have it's flaws, but even then it's down to subjectivity as to why they chose their path.

4. My image isn't something I need to adjust, in order to "fit in" with the crowd that deems what I can and cannot say. I'm sorry, but we've all sorts of sigs on here that can rub people the wrong way, yet we are still here.

5. Again, you look at Ruler's sig to see the link of his reasoning and you'd be surprised. Also costs differ from person to person. It's obvious here that a lot deem PC gaming to be insanely expensive, yet to others outside of the forum, the opposite could be said towards consoles (paid online, multiple iterations of the same console, store/digital store prices etc).

6. Games like WoW need a sub, due to their original model, or you flat out don't play the game in it's entirety. The game is online based, not SP based, with an entirely optional online option. I actually pay for a 6 month plan for WoW, which saves me money, than having to pay on a monthly basis. if I wasn't playing WoW or FF XIV, I wouldn't be paying a sub for any other MMO.

I'd like to ask as to why we've greatly shifted to talking about the two sides of the coin, to PCMR and more so, about me and how I should adhere to a standard of thought for a few? ( and yes it is to adhere, because your arguments at this very moment are designed to turn me to your line of thought and what is seen as "right").

Last edited by Chazore - on 14 November 2017

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Being a PC gamer only last generation when everyone was bitching how PC gaming is dying and me defending PC gaming in forums like gamespot etc., i can tell you why i gravitated from one extreme to another in this generation and now doing the duty for console gaming. Its a very complicated topic if you go deaper, into it both have weaknesses and strength, it comes down to perspective how you look at things here is just one example


-PC has unlimited hardware power if you have the money. You have countless sliders and settings which can be maxed out if you can

-Consoles will always be weaker but they have the best bang for your buck, especially now with the PS4 Pro and even more with the Xbox One X, they even allow you to record footage in good quality without using programs like fraps or a costly capture card, the XBox One X even in 60fps 4K and dont forget the 4K blu ray drive too.

Also they have a very long durability when it comes to performance, we are in the third year and the PS4 can still run the latest AAA games in 1080p, it probably isnt the case with many PCs built in 2013 who aimed for a console budget or more.

But its also the mentality that is more satisfying on consoles, there is only one console and that is it. On PC i was never satisfied with my Rig it didnt matter how strong it was at any point in time, i constantly went over the settings trying this and that out to get the best out of my hardware. I was less enjoying gaming because it does impact your mentality constantly, and even thinking about spending more money on hardware, blaming your rig and yourself etc. 

And yes there is a Pro and X out there too now, but again it doesnt change the basic rule that are only two options of hardware vs dozzens. So you have more options to choose now as a console gamer, but they are essentially buying update hardware for the same price its nothing like on PC where companies like Nvida or Intel choose out different hardware for different spending classes right when they devoloped a new generation of hardware.

And keep in mind when i gamed on PC the best single graphicscard was a GTX 480 which costed 450€ when it launched, a GtX 980 cost what? 800€? Nvidia is now dilebrity locking out their top of the line graphicscard with their titans for over 2000€, which only ultra rich people can afford.

So again the topic isnt as easy as you may think, and this only one aspect i have covered. 

Ruler said:

Being a PC gamer only last generation when everyone was bitching how PC gaming is dying and me defending PC gaming in forums like gamespot etc., i can tell you why i gravitated from one extreme to another in this generation and now doing the duty for console gaming. Its a very complicated topic if you go deaper, into it both have weaknesses and strength, it comes down to perspective how you look at things here is just one example


-PC has unlimited hardware power if you have the money. You have countless sliders and settings which can be maxed out if you can

-Consoles will always be weaker but they have the best bang for your buck, especially now with the PS4 Pro and even more with the Xbox One X, they even allow you to record footage in good quality without using programs like fraps or a costly capture card, the XBox One X even in 60fps 4K and dont forget the 4K blu ray drive too.

Also they have a very long durability when it comes to performance, we are in the third year and the PS4 can still run the latest AAA games in 1080p, it probably isnt the case with many PCs built in 2013 who aimed for a console budget or more.

But its also the mentality that is more satisfying on consoles, there is only one console and that is it. On PC i was never satisfied with my Rig it didnt matter how strong it was at any point in time, i constantly went over the settings trying this and that out to get the best out of my hardware. I was less enjoying gaming because it does impact your mentality constantly, and even thinking about spending more money on hardware, blaming your rig and yourself etc. 

And yes there is a Pro and X out there too now, but again it doesnt change the basic rule that are only two options of hardware vs dozzens. So you have more options to choose now as a console gamer, but they are essentially buying update hardware for the same price its nothing like on PC where companies like Nvida or Intel choose out different hardware for different spending classes right when they devoloped a new generation of hardware.

And keep in mind when i gamed on PC the best single graphicscard was a GTX 480 which costed 450€ when it launched, a GtX 980 cost what? 800€? Nvidia is now dilebrity locking out their top of the line graphicscard with their titans for over 2000€, which only ultra rich people can afford.

So again the topic isnt as easy as you may think, and this only one aspect i have covered. 

Just wanted to let you know that I read and appreciate every reply. And you're right. The answers were nowhere near as black and white as I was expecting.

Today I only own a PS4 for the purpose of running the 100% exclusives. Everything else I play on PC. If some crazy law was enacted forcing players to own only one platform, I'd pick PC.