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Forums - Sales Discussion - May NPD thread! PS4 152k; XBO: 139k; WU: 43k; 3DS 97k


Are you ready?

Fuck, YES!!!!! 179 61.94%
Boutros > Ryng Tolu :P 108 37.37%

it'll double with the batman bundle release.... people are just still hesitant... now tablets are killing dedicated gaming machines tho.. slowly


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leo-j said:
it'll double with the batman bundle release.... people are just still hesitant... now tablets are killing dedicated gaming machines tho.. slowly

I wouldn't say it is tablets either, honestly smartphones are not really hurting that market, with bigger phones. 


Ryng_Tolu said:




Where is the Boutros option?

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

TheGoldenBoy said:
Goodnightmoon said:

How can be some people saying that Splatoon did flopped? O_o

135k in 2 days!! a new IP on the worst selling console LOL

And probably the same people that was predicting half of those sales 3 weeks ago!

Me, one of the most enthusiastic and optimistic guys about Splatoon in this forums since it was revealed, predicted 375K first week worldwide, with 150k in US FW.

At the end, Splatoon is almost 200k FW on Japan counting digital and 135k on US only 2 days (so probably more than 150k the first 7 days) so that´s almost my prediction (350k VS 375k) but without counting Europe and the rest of the world LOL

It did VERY WELL!! Is probably somehing close to 450k FW WW 

Stop moving the goal post, jeesus.

Calm down. Only one (two if you count Ryuzaki) person called it a flop from what I've seen and that's to be expected since this is the internet and there's always a few that will say that or exaggerate.

Except he didn't call it a flop. He did call PAD a flop though.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Don't forget guys that PS2 was also a very cheap DVD player, that's why it was so mainstream back then. You can't even directly compare PS4 with PS3 which was also an interesting bluray player after the price cuts.

As a dedicated gaming machine, PS4 is doing extremely well.

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The issue also with the Ps4 is that everyone knows that a price cut is probably imminent so I think a lot of people are juste waiting.

A lot of people know (even the "no gamers") that a product like the Ps4 after 1,5 year in market will probably have a price cut soon.

It is probably the worse moment to buy a Ps4 now. That wasn't the case with the Ps3 et Ps2 because they had already a price cut at this time of their life.

dire sales all around.

Not bad for Splatoon, but not so hot Wii U numbers.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

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BTW, Judging by the forst 2 week that VGC has for May, they are bang on :)

twintail said:
COX said:
The issue also with the Ps4 is that everyone knows that a price cut is probably imminent so I think a lot of people are juste waiting.

Looks like you are all going to be awaiting a while.

No price cut is coming. Not only is there already 2 Batman bundles for after E3, but the PS4 is practically killing the only competition it has, the X1, every month WW.

Why would Sony drop the price? 

Because they need something big before Christmas and because every playstation had a price cut during the second year. 

That's my opinion but how can they not do a price cut before 2016 when it seems  sales struggle to do better than in 2014 when it should not be the case during the second year.