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Forums - General Discussion - If you are against gay marriage, explain why without mentioning religion


Are you for or against gay marriage?

For 290 49.49%
Against 171 29.18%
don't know 16 2.73%
whatever who cares? 108 18.43%
timmah said:
fordy said:
timmah said:

I believe in teaching my kids to live a life that would reflect that of Jesus. The most important of those is the way they would treat others, regardless of any other factors. Every parent attempts to teach their child some sort of right and wrong, or morals. I don't believe the 'morals' are the be all and end all, as many things are open to discussion and interpretation... the core message is loving others and treating others as you would like to be treated.

Of course youth suicide is a huge thing, and suicides in the gay community are an especially horrible tragedy. I agree 100% with you there, but the 'murder' comparison was a stretch because I wouldn't in any way advocate anything that would provoke people towards suicide.

I understand that, which is why I told you my definition of 'reaching out'. It has to be without agenda and only for the good of the other person.

I agree with you. I also have massive issues with people who preach that homosexuality is evil, hate gays, or any of the other things you reference. There is a group of so-called christians near where I live that at times stand out with horrible, offensive signs about gays, this makes me more angry than anything I've ever seen. This is vastly different than what I'm talking about, it's on a personal level and would never seek to call out somebody else or be used in a judgemental way. I honestly think that some view homosexuality as somhow worse than anything they've done simply because they don't understand it (or because they themselves are gay in some cases).

If everyone truly lived that way, then there would be no bigotry at all, and we wouldn't be having this argument. However, I think you're underestimating the effects that such morals can have on young minds. Some question them; some accept them, and some let it well up inside them until later when it comes out in one expression or another (sometimes suicide). The latter are the ones that I worry about the most. I place it in the same category as bullying. Sure, you can ignore the things that others say, but it CAN get to some people, and unfortunately a lot of teen suicides are also attributed to bullying.

I'm not implying that you would personally advocate something towards provokation to suicide, but please understand that there are many out there whose teachings of such morals can be a direct provocation towards such measures. 

I agree with the definition of 'reaching out'. Unfortunately for my friend, this whole traumatic incident has closed him off moreso than anything. It's more of a knee-jerk response to an action, creating a kind of partisan rift. Before this incident, he was open to everyone.

If you do what you say you do, then you're one of the good ones. However, I don't agree with your stance on the morals thing, because some morals taught to impressionable youth can be damaging in more ways than originally intended.

I agree with you on that, teaching morals as the way to be 'good' and 'acceptable' to a higher power is foolish because nobody can live up to that standard (perfection). Morals are not the main focus of my faith, not even close. It really also depends on the reaction the parents have to their kids' shortcomings (every human being has faults, that's a given). As an example, my 4 year old hit her sister in the face yesterday (obviously not a good thing for her to do). As a consequece we put her in a time out for a few minutes. After this, I went over and gave her the same talk I always do, told her "you know when you hit your sister it made her sad. I'm not mad at you, and I always love you no matter what you do, but you need to say you're sorry and not do that again because it hurt her". That's a simplistic approach because she's 4, but the message is always the same, I love her no matter what she does, and there's nothing she could ever do to change that. I hammer on this far more than I do on her behavior. A lot will change when she's older and able to make her own decisions, and obviously I won't always be able to 'tell' her what to do forever (when they're 4 it's a little different), but the love and acceptance always has to be there no matter what.

Yes there are, and that is not acceptable.

I've seen this method of reaching out, and it's more for selfish purposes of the person doing the so-called reaching out in that case.

I can certainly understand your point on that, and I agree with you up to a point. Teaching morals alone is a surefire way to set your kids up for failure and rejection. That being said, I can say from my own personal experience that there is another side to this that is actually incredibly freeing. This hits close to home for me - I had suicidal thoughts as a teen because I was in a family that, at the time, was somewhat like what you describe and I could never 'live up' to their expectations (my parents have turned the corner and 'grown up' in a lot of ways, so my youngest brother had it much better than me). If I see 'sin' as some 'bad' thing that makes me unacceptable, it's terrible and like prison, however, if I see it as something everybody struggles with, as well as believe there is grace and forgiveness for my faults, that is an incredibly freeing thing. It takes away the natural shame I would feel - without any outside influence - for my own shortcomings (such as the fact that I can be a terrible Jerk if I don't watch myself as one of many things I struggle with). This is a two sided coin, the forgiveness/grace/acceptance aspect of the message too often gets left out even though it's the most important part. That oversight is what leads to judgementalism and bigotry not only against others, but against oneself, sometimes leading to suicide as you said. I can look at my own faults and forgive myself for them, they're just not a big deal, so neither are anybody else's faults. I also understand that I'm not on my own, and that every single person has faults, so the faults are really not a big deal.

Not trying to turn you into a Christian here, just trying to explain to you a little of what drives me and many people like me. I'm just as flawed as anybody else, and I certainly make mistakes and fall short of these standards pretty much every day.

I am sorry to hear about your past, but at least you have emerged from it a stronger person. Unfortunately, that cannot be said about others. Some find power to be able to restrain their mind from running too far, while for others it consumes them, and death feels like the only way out. It's always difficult to tell how another can react to such things, because of how different we as individuals can think. This is why it really annoys me to hear such hateful words sometimes, because I've worked with suicidal gay teens before, the results of such wishes and actions displayed by some in here. It is a cry for help that sometimes comes way too late. Nobody should feel alone.

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warlord74 said:
Bible = word of God
Jesus = God
Thus Jesus speaks out against homosexuality in the following passages. Fordy the truth will set you free.
Matthew 19:1-8
Romans 1:18-32
1Cor 6:9-11
Galatians 5:19

And here we are with the crazy end of the spectrum.

Tell me, have you ever: Gotten a short haircut, played football, eaten any kind of pig product (pork, ham, bacon), read a horoscope, masturbated (including wet dreams), gotten a tatoo, worn polyester, gotten a divorce, worn any gold at all, gossiped, worked on Sunday or eaten shellfish? If you say no to all of these, I know you're lying.

The bible says a lot of things. Mostly it is Heresay, and cannot stand up as real evidence on things. However, it contains a LOT of contradictions, one of them being to love everyone, yet telling who to hate and what for. So if the bible says to love and to hate and you CHOOSE to hate, I'm afraid you're the only one with problems here....

Tom3k said:
warlord74 said:
Bible = word of God
Jesus = God
Thus Jesus speaks out against homosexuality in the following passages. Fordy the truth will set you free.
Matthew 19:1-8
Romans 1:18-32
1Cor 6:9-11
Galatians 5:19 


Bilble just like "God" is the most racist, sexsit, violent, immoral.... of all human creation. It has caused to humanity more suffering than the existence of atomic bombs.

I've seen some sick twisted hateful posts towards Christianity here, but this one easily takes the biscuit. Wow

Mnementh said:
Michael-5 said:
Tom3k said:

However, why would anyone not look at homosexuality as a disorder similar to schizophrenea or autism? Just because the consequences aren't as extreme, doesnt mean that they are not disorders. They do affect an individuals normal life. Normal people have sex with the opposite gender because that's what were genetically programed to do. Evolution did not evolve homosexuality into our code, if you took any courses in bio, you would have learned that all evolutions only occur because of a corresponding increase in fitness. If there is a decrease in fitness, then those genes would have been weeded out long long ago.

If homosexuality were a gene, it would get weeded out because a higher % of homosexuals (or bisexuals) would not reproduce then a similar population of heterosexuals. This is the same logic as how pest resistance work (where eventually all pests become resistant because they are the only ones who have reproduced).

You are wrong. If you think about homosexuality as a gene you think homosexuals do have the gene and heterosexuals have not. But everyone could have the "homosexuality"-gene, but it is not expressed in every individual. Or there is a gene or combination of it for heterosexuality and if something is missing the individual is becoming homosexual.

Also you're wrong about the evolutionary aspect of it. Personal fitness is not the way to look at it. Yes, from the standpoint of personal fitness, the homosexual individual has a lower probability of reproduction. But personal fitness is near to no driving force in evolution. Individuals are killed by bad luck in nature. Based on personal fitness, altruism wouldn't be develop in evolution. The altruistic individual is at disadvantage. But the image changes if we look at a population. A population with altruistic individuals is in many situations stronger than one of egoists. That's why altruism is for many social animals something that develops in evolution. In the same way homosexuality of some individuals in a population could increase the fitness of this population. There are a lot of theories for this.

One thing is clear: as we discovered homosexual behaviour in many animals, a random mutation that is a disadvantage in evolution is highly unlikely. It would have removed from the population and it is highly unlikely that another random mutation has a similar effect. And in this case the mutation must have happened hundreds of times. So homosexuality is either an advantage in evolution or not inheritable. In the second case we need a good explanation, why it happens so often (relatively) in humans and animals.

I never said homosexuality was a gene, I actually made a point as to why it isn't a gene. I beleive what most scientists believe, and that homosexuality is a biological mutation (Many believe it to be an error occuring during pregnancy), a biological disorder, however a psychological disorder is also possible.

Autism is a genetic mutation which is random, but not uncommon. These people probably don't reproduce often, but the mutation is common enough to see it frequently. Only referencing it because it's a randomly occuring mutation.

Compare homosexuality to schizophrenea, that's more accurate. There is no schizophrenic gene, although children of schizophrenic people are less likely to carry the disorder, but that increase in frequency disappears after only 2 generations (grandchildren have normal odds ob developing the disorder).

Bold1: explain to me how that works. From what I learned in bio, fitness is the driving force behind evolution.

Bold2: 100% False, most random mutations are detremental, and usually get phased out with evolution (individuals with a lower fitness die off before they can reproduce). Very few are advantages. Mutations, are far more common then you realise.

Bold3: Exactly, the mutation is not inheritable. Do you need a reason for why it happens so regularly in humans? Here's one, it doesn't. Homosexuality rates are no higher then the non inheritable biological disorder of schizophrenea, which is about 1% the World Population, and significantly loweer then the non inheritable biological disorder of Depression, which is about 2.8%.

Now, you might want to argue that the homosexuality rate is over 3% (which it isn't, 3% is the homosexuality rate of Toronto, which has a significantly higher homosexuality rate then the rest of North America), but you should also realize that the schizophrenea and depression rates are actually significantly higher then the 1% and 2.8% I posted above. 1% is the occurance of being born with schizophrenea, but it's not impossible to develop the illness. In fact many homeless people become schizophrenic and depressed, so why can't the sexually oppressed people become homosexual?


There is absolutly no reason not to look at homosexuality as a disorder. Sure it's not as extreme as Schizophrenea (a Psychotic Disorder) or Bi Polar/Depression (Mood Disorders), or even an Eating Disorder, but it's a disorder non the less.

Are you against curing Disorders?

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Your the one who asserted that Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality which is incorrect. Then you go on some rant about how irrational the bible is trying avoid the fact that your facts were wrong. If you got that point wrong maybe your wrong on your view of homosexual behavior. Think about it.

Marriage is the unique institution that unites mother and father with their biological offspring. Do we need an institution in society that unites children with their father and mother? Does the state have an public interest in promoting this type of family relationship.

What is the public interest of recognizing of a committed relationship of two people versus the assertions above? How does this unite mother and father with their biological offspring?

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warlord74 said:
Your the one who asserted that Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality which is incorrect. Then you go on some rant about how irrational the bible is trying avoid the fact that your facts were wrong. If you got that point wrong maybe your wrong on your view of homosexual behavior. Think about it.

Marriage is the unique institution that unites mother and father with their biological offspring. Do we need an institution in society that unites children with their father and mother? Does the state have an public interest in promoting this type of family relationship.

What is the public interest of recognizing of a committed relationship of two people versus the assertions above? How does this unite mother and father with their biological offspring?

Jesus didn't. Kind of embarassing that you don't even understand your own religion properly. Then again if you didn't spend all your time using illogical intolerance, maybe you'd be a little more enlightened on the matter by now.

Marriage started out as a contract of sale for a father to use their daughters hand in marriage in exchange for other things. Like contracts, it was binding (hence divorce was considered a breach of contract and wrong). Your definition of marriage is a joke, since 1. Not all marriages bear children, 2.Some marriages have parents who are not the biological parents of children, 3. There are single parents out there who have kids who lives just as fulfilling of lives. Your sense of view on marriage incredibly narrow-minded. That being said, the church NOR the state has any right to say who can or cannot become one's family. 

warlord74 said:
Bible = word of God
Jesus = God
Thus Jesus speaks out against homosexuality in the following passages. Fordy the truth will set you free.
Matthew 19:1-8
Romans 1:18-32
1Cor 6:9-11
Galatians 5:19

The only thing in that list that is actually a quote of Jesus is Matthew 19, but that is just a discussion of divorce and doesn't mention homosexuality at all. In Romans 1, Paul was actually addressing a historical practice where the Romans engaged in open male prostitution, including with young boys, in worship of their fertility God... you didn't take that in context. The original greek word used in 1 Cor 6:9 comes from the greek word malakoi, which can sometimes be translated  'effeminate', which was also (possibly) incorrectly translated to 'homosexuals'. One usage of that term in the context of morality at the time it was written was to describe people who are weak-spined, lazy, decadent, seeking only their own pleasure, and/or lacking courage. It did not necessarily have a sexual connotation in that context, but could instead be describing character traits. Another possibility is that the word refers to grown men of the time who participated in the prostitution & sex-slave trade of young boys, I think we can all agree this is wrong. Many of the homosexual acts of that time were not anything like the modern gay community. Young boys were commonly used as prostitutes or sex slaves, and it would make sense to speak out against this practice. There's a passage somewhere in the book of Timothy that, if you look at the greek, seems to reference the sex-slavery aspect. Galatians 5:19 speaks of sexual immorality, but there is no specific reference to homosexuality.

Michael-5 said:

Bold1: explain to me how that works. From what I learned in bio, fitness is the driving force behind evolution.

Yes. But you only seem to know the individual fitness. A population has also a fitness. Both are important for evolution. So even if an individual dies for a group, this is a positive evolutionary effect if it helps that the others of the group live and it is likely the others share most of the genes the dying individual had. That is the fitness of a population, and it is of importance to evolution.

You should read 'The selfish gene' from Dawkins, he is pretty good in explaining the evolutionary forces.


Michael-5 said:

Bold2: 100% False, most random mutations are detremental, and usually get phased out with evolution (individuals with a lower fitness die off before they can reproduce). Very few are advantages. Mutations, are far more common then you realise.

I'm not a native english speaker and you only took out part of the sentence. You understand me completely wrong. I'm aware most mutation are a disadvantage. I'm aware, that these disadvantuous mutations will be removed fast from the gene-pool through selection. That's what I mean. The conclusion of it is, because we can discover homosexuality in many species it is either an evolutionary advantage or something that is not inheritable but instead produced by environment.

Michael-5 said:

Bold3: Exactly, the mutation is not inheritable.

You are not up to date. Twin-studies show a strong indication, that homosexuality has at least a genetic component.

This is in german, sorry:


Michael-5 said:

Bold3: Exactly, the mutation is not inheritable. Do you need a reason for why it happens so regularly in humans? Here's one, it doesn't. Homosexuality rates are no higher then the non inheritable biological disorder of schizophrenea, which is about 1% the World Population, and significantly loweer then the non inheritable biological disorder of Depression, which is about 2.8%.

I don't know much about the frequency of homosexuality in humans. But neither do you. Or anyone. The data from surveys shows big variability, depending on the way the questions in the survey are asked, the cultural backgraund, laws against homosexuality and so on. We pretty much don't know how common homosexuality is under humans.

But I was talking mainly about the fact, that homosexuality occurs in many species. We discovered homosexual behaviour in over 1500 species. If it is really a disorder and has some disadvante in evolutionary terms, the evolution would have redued the chance, even if homosexuality itself wouldn't be inheritable. We don't have genes for illnesses that are infectious. But evolution gave us an immune system to defend us against such illnesses. Same would have happened for homosexuality, if it is really a disadvantage.

But as written above, there is some inheritable aspect. That pretty much guarantees, that homosexuality is an evolutionary advantage for a population.

Michael-5 said: 

Are you against curing Disorders?

Wait what? No, I don't want to cure brown eyes, red hair, black skin or homosexuality. Again, Homosexuality is of evolutionary advantage for a population (or saying it different: it increases the fitness of a population), so why should it be a disorder?

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warlord74 said:
Your the one who asserted that Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality which is incorrect. Then you go on some rant about how irrational the bible is trying avoid the fact that your facts were wrong. If you got that point wrong maybe your wrong on your view of homosexual behavior. Think about it.

Marriage is the unique institution that unites mother and father with their biological offspring. Do we need an institution in society that unites children with their father and mother? Does the state have an public interest in promoting this type of family relationship.

What is the public interest of recognizing of a committed relationship of two people versus the assertions above? How does this unite mother and father with their biological offspring?

I'm a Christian, but it's not my job to tell other people how to live their life. That's between them and God, none of my business. One reason that Gays want to get married is for the legal benefits, including hospital visitation (though this has already been addressed in the US), the ability to make medical decisions, ineheritance, etc. Whether I believe that homosexual acts are right or wrong is irrelevant to the fact that they should have the same legal rights as me. There's no reason one should go bankrupt because the 'inheritance' of a business gets taxed as a gift, or that one should not be able to visit the other in the hospital or make medical decisions for the other even if that is their wish. That's why I'm for Civil Unions, there's no reason to deny somebody rights just because you disagree with them. The public interest of recognizing that committed relationship is for the legal benefits for those involved in that relationship.

Mnementh said:
Michael-5 said:

Bold1: explain to me how that works. From what I learned in bio, fitness is the driving force behind evolution.

Yes. But you only seem to know the individual fitness. A population has also a fitness. Both are important for evolution. So even if an individual dies for a group, this is a positive evolutionary effect if it helps that the others of the group live and it is likely the others share most of the genes the dying individual had. That is the fitness of a population, and it is of importance to evolution.

You should read 'The selfish gene' from Dawkins, he is pretty good in explaining the evolutionary forces.


Michael-5 said:

Bold2: 100% False, most random mutations are detremental, and usually get phased out with evolution (individuals with a lower fitness die off before they can reproduce). Very few are advantages. Mutations, are far more common then you realise.

I'm not a native english speaker and you only took out part of the sentence. You understand me completely wrong. I'm aware most mutation are a disadvantage. I'm aware, that these disadvantuous mutations will be removed fast from the gene-pool through selection. That's what I mean. The conclusion of it is, because we can discover homosexuality in many species it is either an evolutionary advantage or something that is not inheritable but instead produced by environment.

Michael-5 said:

Bold3: Exactly, the mutation is not inheritable.

You are not up to date. Twin-studies show a strong indication, that homosexuality has at least a genetic component.

This is in german, sorry:


Michael-5 said:

Bold3: Exactly, the mutation is not inheritable. Do you need a reason for why it happens so regularly in humans? Here's one, it doesn't. Homosexuality rates are no higher then the non inheritable biological disorder of schizophrenea, which is about 1% the World Population, and significantly loweer then the non inheritable biological disorder of Depression, which is about 2.8%.

I don't know much about the frequency of homosexuality in humans. But neither do you. Or anyone. The data from surveys shows big variability, depending on the way the questions in the survey are asked, the cultural backgraund, laws against homosexuality and so on. We pretty much don't know how common homosexuality is under humans.

But I was talking mainly about the fact, that homosexuality occurs in many species. We discovered homosexual behaviour in over 1500 species. If it is really a disorder and has some disadvante in evolutionary terms, the evolution would have redued the chance, even if homosexuality itself wouldn't be inheritable. We don't have genes for illnesses that are infectious. But evolution gave us an immune system to defend us against such illnesses. Same would have happened for homosexuality, if it is really a disadvantage.

But as written above, there is some inheritable aspect. That pretty much guarantees, that homosexuality is an evolutionary advantage for a population.

Michael-5 said: 

Are you against curing Disorders?

Wait what? No, I don't want to cure brown eyes, red hair, black skin or homosexuality. Again, Homosexuality is of evolutionary advantage for a population (or saying it different: it increases the fitness of a population), so why should it be a disorder?

Bold1: I didn't think of it that way. Also someone else has informed me that blood relatives to the mother of homosexuals (the Mother and her Sisters) are more fertile then most. So having a few homosexuals in the population does control population a bit.

Bold2: Ah I see, but the occurances of homosexuality are not that different from other anaomlies. Like I said above, because family members of homosexuals are more fertile, this correlating affect could be why homosexuals actively remain in our population.

Bold3: Actually I was talking to someone here call Tom3K, and he had a good explanation for homosexuality, one that's reflective of my opinion. While there is no actual gene resposnible for homosexuality, the interaction of two or more genes at locations called epi-marks, could be a cause for homosexuality. Thus it's not inheritable unless you mate with someone who also carried the genes required for homosexuality and produce a zygote with all the needed genes and epi-marks.

Bold3-2: I agree with you. A question such as "have you had a homosexual experience" will give a different result from "are you a homosexual." A single homosexual experience doesn't make you a homosexual, but such serveys would be inclided to make the homosexual population higher.

Disorder is a strong word, I've learned, but I don't think the cause of homosexuality is a gene like red hair or blue eyes are. My eyes actually change color, and are often symetrically multicolored (Half Blue, Half Green, with a straigh boudry down the middle of my eye is what they most commonly look like), but this isn't a disorder, it's a rare gene. I think Homosexuality works more like Freckles. From what I read, there is no gene that causes Freckles. It's a relationship between the skins poor ability to tan (create melatope? forget), and something with the hair type.

Should we cure freckles? Yea, but only if people want to.

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