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Forums - General Discussion - If you are against gay marriage, explain why without mentioning religion


Are you for or against gay marriage?

For 290 49.49%
Against 171 29.18%
don't know 16 2.73%
whatever who cares? 108 18.43%
timmah said:
fordy said:
timmah said:

No it doesn't, not even in the least. By your obsurd, incredibly broad application of the word, I could not teach my children ANYTHING at ALL without you calling me a bigot without any basis or proof. Are you simply are choosing to not even take into account the entirity of what I'm saying? You ignore 90% of what I say and hone in on one thing, then broaden my statements and put words in my mouth to match your argument. There's no other option here as I've clearly proven that I'm not talking about any type of intolerance at all, I TEACH MY KIDS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF INTOLERANCE & BIGOTRY, PERIOD. Everyone I know at my church does the same.

For the sake of argument, what if this specific guarantee was more in arrogance or naivete than bigotry? What if just thinks he's going to have easy to teach kids that will listen to him, or that his parenting and reasoning skills are so awesome that there's no way his children will disregard his advice? There are multiple possibilities, so while it is possible that there was bigotry, it is highly unlikely since he already said he doesn't look down on other groups or act intolerantly towards them, so I would assume that in reality, he would most likely continue that. I assume the best about people until I see differently in their actions towards others. It's not a complete certainty either way, which is why it is over the line to call somebody that name out of your assumption of their motives. The only way your accusation works is if you actually know his intentions and motivations, which you do not. Could you at least consider that maybe you don't know somebody else's inner motivations?

Where in the world did you get that I would teach my kids to single out a group or tell other people what to do? Where? I can't even begin to know where you got the idea I would teach my kids to tell another group what to do.(?) I'm completely aghast at the stuff you come up with, the thoughts and beliefs that you ascribe to me are completely foreign to me and seem to come from some straw man you want me and others to be. Where could you possibly get the idea that I think a group needs to be 'told' what they're doing is wrong? You're telling me I believe things that I do not and never have believed, you continually presume to know what is in my mind in spite of everything I tell you. You either didn't read what I said or chose to ignore it, that's the only way you could possibly think this. I'll say it again... I teach my kids what they should do in their own life, how THEY should live, while teaching them never to look down on others or other groups, ever. In addition, I will love and accept them no matter what. It's not our (my family's/Christians in general) job to tell other people or groups what to do , it is our job to live an exemplary life of kindness, period. If you follow the example of Jesus, he lived a perfect life, while making friends with, loving and reaching out to people who were considered 'sinners' and 'outcasts' by society and the religious folks of the time (who ended up killing him). He went against societal norms by not looking down on anybody, ever, and by treating everyone as equals. If I teach my children to follow His example to the best of their ability while looking to follow this example myself there's absolutely no way they or I can be bigots. This goes for all Christians who truly understand the example set by Jesus. I am sorry that vocal and judgmental individuals have destroyed your opinion of Christians as a whole, the fact is that most of us are not like that.

Also, calling someone a lemming is clearly an insult any way you slice it. Are you calling me intelligent for 'not having any thoughts or opinions of my own and blindly following somone else off a proverbial cliff', that's what the term means. You're calling me the exact opposite of intelligent, that looks like a pretty clear insult to me, not really sure how you could say otherwise.

And here we go again, not realising that teaching your kids to love everyone, yet homosexuality is a sin is blatant hypocrisy. It's the exact OPPOSITE of toleration, if you're teching your kids to be just as intolerant towards a group, and stop bringing up this "they wont use it for bad because I'll teach my kids the exact opposite" bullshit when you're still as comitted to teaching them that homosexuality is evil. When people are given the choice between loving someone and hating them by their authoritative figure, that just gives them excuses to hate on people and saying that they "do it because they love them", and that's exactly the same message that you're bringing to this argument at this very moment. Plans of acts of bigotry hidden under "I can teach my kids to hate anyone and disguise it as love".

What if it was arrogence or naietivity? What if people who planned murders never planned on executing them, but were arrested for planning to murder a civilian anyway? Either way, he said a stupid thing and has to deal with said consequences. If someone says, seriously, to you, that they were planning to murder somebody, would you treat it like they were planning to do it? And before you start the crap about saying that this has nothing on the degree of murder, then think about this. This can be considered manipulating a child's life, making them think that what they are is wrong, because of his beliefs. Ever wonder why LBGT people have a MUCH higher rate of suicide? Cmon, take a guess....

Are you or are you not going to teach your kids that being gay is a sin? If so, you're delusional if you don't think that they're going to look at the gay community and NOT think of them as a bunch of evil people doing sinful things. You can live in your la-la land where you think that anything you do has absolutely no effect on others. You're planting the seeds of prejudice into young kids' minds. I'm going to repeat this once again: if you think that kids brought up this way are NOT going to use this at any time as a means to prove that they're somehow more rightfully just than somebody else who happens to be homosexual REGARDLESS if you teach them that it's for them and not for others, then you're just outright delusional with your predictions. Not only that, but you'd be teaching a child that what they are is wrong (if they happen to be gay and you teach them that it's a sin). What's your plan there? Hope that they don't kill themselves before they become old enough to question it?

And how are you going to teach said kids to 'reach out' to gay people (said sinners)? They get the idea then that 'reaching out' means to start informing them that what they're doing is wrong, in an attempt to 'save them'. Your entire plan is riddled with things that haven't been taken into account, and hypocrisies EVERYWHERE.

Despite your assumptions, I'm not against Christians at all; I'm just against the ones who push hateful agendas onto others, or their kids. You might argue that it's not a hateful agenda to say that things a group of people are doing is wrong; and in that case, I urge you to keep reading the above few paragraphs until you FULLY understand it.

I'm not commited to teaching my kids that homosexuality is evil. I never said that and you continue to put words in my mouth since my words and actions don't fit your biased worldview. You also again jumped to hyperbole (using murder in an argument the same way you used Hitler and a racist who intended to commit murder).

The key concept you don't understand is that as a Christian, I fully realize that I am a sinner, I do things that are 'sinful' pretty much every day. I act like a jerk to my wife at times, get angry at other drivers on the road, fail to be patient with my kids, and slip up in many, many ways. Just because I know something is a 'sin' doesn't mean I look down on anybody for it, because I'm in the same boat as everybody else. How can I look down on somebody for being a 'sinner' when I myself am also a 'sinner'? The point really is that God forgave us, so we in turn would be slapping Him in the face if we looked down on or 'judged' any other person. Your fundamental lack of understanding regarding that key point is why you mis-judge literally everything else. I don't believe I'm more righteous than anybody else, whether somebody else is gay, alcoholic, whatever, I'm just as much a sinner as they are... I'm no more righteous than anybody based on my actions, I am only made right with God through Grace and Forgiveness. That being the case, I have no right to view myself as better than anybody else, to look down on anybody else, or to call anybody else a 'sinner'.

And 'reaching out' means purposefully befriending somebody who is an outcast in order to show them love and acceptance they are missing. That's all. If you have a problem with that, I don't know what to say.

Are you or are you not arguing for the side of "teaching your kids morals"? You brought up this entire thing that teaching your own morals to children is perfectly fine, whether they hold a bigoted point of view or not. I'm referencing 'you' in terms of the argument. People who teach their kids that being gay is wrong as a 'moral'  is what I'm arguing about, whether you do it personally or not.

Youth suicide is a serious thing. To say that provoking people towards suicide is nothing less than murder is rather insulting. No, that murder part was not hyperbole. It was completely justified. If you wish to argue this, you realise you'd only be seen as someone who regards the life of a homoesexual as less than another's...

Many see 'reaching out' as a chance for indoctrination, and you need to understand that. I had a friend who made friends with a Jehovah's witness, and found that every subtle thing being done was an attempt at trying to turn him away from homosexuality, until it became an all-out confrontation in the end. The result? This guy is now too afraid to to open up to ANYONE who openly classifies themself as Christian, for fear of something similar happening, or thought that any such friend has a hidden agenda. I know it's not the right way of thinking, but once bitten, twice shy.

Jesus was a good man, and not a bigot. Jesus also never spoke at all on homosexuality. So, why do a majority of his 'followers' do?

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fordy said:
timmah said:
fordy said:
timmah said:

No it doesn't, not even in the least. By your obsurd, incredibly broad application of the word, I could not teach my children ANYTHING at ALL without you calling me a bigot without any basis or proof. Are you simply are choosing to not even take into account the entirity of what I'm saying? You ignore 90% of what I say and hone in on one thing, then broaden my statements and put words in my mouth to match your argument. There's no other option here as I've clearly proven that I'm not talking about any type of intolerance at all, I TEACH MY KIDS THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF INTOLERANCE & BIGOTRY, PERIOD. Everyone I know at my church does the same.

For the sake of argument, what if this specific guarantee was more in arrogance or naivete than bigotry? What if just thinks he's going to have easy to teach kids that will listen to him, or that his parenting and reasoning skills are so awesome that there's no way his children will disregard his advice? There are multiple possibilities, so while it is possible that there was bigotry, it is highly unlikely since he already said he doesn't look down on other groups or act intolerantly towards them, so I would assume that in reality, he would most likely continue that. I assume the best about people until I see differently in their actions towards others. It's not a complete certainty either way, which is why it is over the line to call somebody that name out of your assumption of their motives. The only way your accusation works is if you actually know his intentions and motivations, which you do not. Could you at least consider that maybe you don't know somebody else's inner motivations?

Where in the world did you get that I would teach my kids to single out a group or tell other people what to do? Where? I can't even begin to know where you got the idea I would teach my kids to tell another group what to do.(?) I'm completely aghast at the stuff you come up with, the thoughts and beliefs that you ascribe to me are completely foreign to me and seem to come from some straw man you want me and others to be. Where could you possibly get the idea that I think a group needs to be 'told' what they're doing is wrong? You're telling me I believe things that I do not and never have believed, you continually presume to know what is in my mind in spite of everything I tell you. You either didn't read what I said or chose to ignore it, that's the only way you could possibly think this. I'll say it again... I teach my kids what they should do in their own life, how THEY should live, while teaching them never to look down on others or other groups, ever. In addition, I will love and accept them no matter what. It's not our (my family's/Christians in general) job to tell other people or groups what to do , it is our job to live an exemplary life of kindness, period. If you follow the example of Jesus, he lived a perfect life, while making friends with, loving and reaching out to people who were considered 'sinners' and 'outcasts' by society and the religious folks of the time (who ended up killing him). He went against societal norms by not looking down on anybody, ever, and by treating everyone as equals. If I teach my children to follow His example to the best of their ability while looking to follow this example myself there's absolutely no way they or I can be bigots. This goes for all Christians who truly understand the example set by Jesus. I am sorry that vocal and judgmental individuals have destroyed your opinion of Christians as a whole, the fact is that most of us are not like that.

Also, calling someone a lemming is clearly an insult any way you slice it. Are you calling me intelligent for 'not having any thoughts or opinions of my own and blindly following somone else off a proverbial cliff', that's what the term means. You're calling me the exact opposite of intelligent, that looks like a pretty clear insult to me, not really sure how you could say otherwise.

And here we go again, not realising that teaching your kids to love everyone, yet homosexuality is a sin is blatant hypocrisy. It's the exact OPPOSITE of toleration, if you're teching your kids to be just as intolerant towards a group, and stop bringing up this "they wont use it for bad because I'll teach my kids the exact opposite" bullshit when you're still as comitted to teaching them that homosexuality is evil. When people are given the choice between loving someone and hating them by their authoritative figure, that just gives them excuses to hate on people and saying that they "do it because they love them", and that's exactly the same message that you're bringing to this argument at this very moment. Plans of acts of bigotry hidden under "I can teach my kids to hate anyone and disguise it as love".

What if it was arrogence or naietivity? What if people who planned murders never planned on executing them, but were arrested for planning to murder a civilian anyway? Either way, he said a stupid thing and has to deal with said consequences. If someone says, seriously, to you, that they were planning to murder somebody, would you treat it like they were planning to do it? And before you start the crap about saying that this has nothing on the degree of murder, then think about this. This can be considered manipulating a child's life, making them think that what they are is wrong, because of his beliefs. Ever wonder why LBGT people have a MUCH higher rate of suicide? Cmon, take a guess....

Are you or are you not going to teach your kids that being gay is a sin? If so, you're delusional if you don't think that they're going to look at the gay community and NOT think of them as a bunch of evil people doing sinful things. You can live in your la-la land where you think that anything you do has absolutely no effect on others. You're planting the seeds of prejudice into young kids' minds. I'm going to repeat this once again: if you think that kids brought up this way are NOT going to use this at any time as a means to prove that they're somehow more rightfully just than somebody else who happens to be homosexual REGARDLESS if you teach them that it's for them and not for others, then you're just outright delusional with your predictions. Not only that, but you'd be teaching a child that what they are is wrong (if they happen to be gay and you teach them that it's a sin). What's your plan there? Hope that they don't kill themselves before they become old enough to question it?

And how are you going to teach said kids to 'reach out' to gay people (said sinners)? They get the idea then that 'reaching out' means to start informing them that what they're doing is wrong, in an attempt to 'save them'. Your entire plan is riddled with things that haven't been taken into account, and hypocrisies EVERYWHERE.

Despite your assumptions, I'm not against Christians at all; I'm just against the ones who push hateful agendas onto others, or their kids. You might argue that it's not a hateful agenda to say that things a group of people are doing is wrong; and in that case, I urge you to keep reading the above few paragraphs until you FULLY understand it.

I'm not commited to teaching my kids that homosexuality is evil. I never said that and you continue to put words in my mouth since my words and actions don't fit your biased worldview. You also again jumped to hyperbole (using murder in an argument the same way you used Hitler and a racist who intended to commit murder).

The key concept you don't understand is that as a Christian, I fully realize that I am a sinner, I do things that are 'sinful' pretty much every day. I act like a jerk to my wife at times, get angry at other drivers on the road, fail to be patient with my kids, and slip up in many, many ways. Just because I know something is a 'sin' doesn't mean I look down on anybody for it, because I'm in the same boat as everybody else. How can I look down on somebody for being a 'sinner' when I myself am also a 'sinner'? The point really is that God forgave us, so we in turn would be slapping Him in the face if we looked down on or 'judged' any other person. Your fundamental lack of understanding regarding that key point is why you mis-judge literally everything else. I don't believe I'm more righteous than anybody else, whether somebody else is gay, alcoholic, whatever, I'm just as much a sinner as they are... I'm no more righteous than anybody based on my actions, I am only made right with God through Grace and Forgiveness. That being the case, I have no right to view myself as better than anybody else, to look down on anybody else, or to call anybody else a 'sinner'.

And 'reaching out' means purposefully befriending somebody who is an outcast in order to show them love and acceptance they are missing. That's all. If you have a problem with that, I don't know what to say.

Are you or are you not arguing for the side of "teaching your kids morals"? You brought up this entire thing that teaching your own morals to children is perfectly fine, whether they hold a bigoted point of view or not. I'm referencing 'you' in terms of the argument. People who teach their kids that being gay is wrong as a 'moral'  is what I'm arguing about, whether you do it personally or not.

Youth suicide is a serious thing. To say that provoking people towards suicide is nothing less than murder is rather insulting. No, that murder part was not hyperbole. It was completely justified. If you wish to argue this, you realise you'd only be seen as someone who regards the life of a homoesexual as less than another's...

Many see 'reaching out' as a chance for indoctrination, and you need to understand that. I had a friend who made friends with a Jehovah's witness, and found that every subtle thing being done was an attempt at trying to turn him away from homosexuality, until it became an all-out confrontation in the end. The result? This guy is now too afraid to to open up to ANYONE who openly classifies themself as Christian, for fear of something similar happening, or thought that any such friend has a hidden agenda. I know it's not the right way of thinking, but once bitten, twice shy.

Jesus was a good man, and not a bigot. Jesus also never spoke at all on homosexuality. So, why do a majority of his 'followers' do?

I believe in teaching my kids to live a life that would reflect that of Jesus. The most important of those is the way they would treat others, regardless of any other factors. Every parent attempts to teach their child some sort of right and wrong, or morals. I don't believe the 'morals' are the be all and end all, as many things are open to discussion and interpretation... the core message is loving others and treating others as you would like to be treated.

Of course youth suicide is a huge thing, and suicides in the gay community are an especially horrible tragedy. I agree 100% with you there, but the 'murder' comparison was a stretch because I wouldn't in any way advocate anything that would provoke people towards suicide, nor do I believe anybody else here would.

I understand that, which is why I told you my definition of 'reaching out'. It has to be without agenda and only for the good of the other person.

I agree with you. I also have massive issues with people who preach that homosexuality is evil, hate gays, or any of the other things you reference. There is a group of so-called christians near where I live that at times stand out with horrible, offensive signs about gays, this makes me more angry than anything I've ever seen. This is vastly different than what I'm talking about, it's on a personal level and would never seek to call out somebody else or be used in a judgemental way. I honestly think that some view homosexuality as somhow worse than anything they've done simply because they don't understand it (or because they themselves are gay in some cases).

timmah said:

I believe in teaching my kids to live a life that would reflect that of Jesus. The most important of those is the way they would treat others, regardless of any other factors. Every parent attempts to teach their child some sort of right and wrong, or morals. I don't believe the 'morals' are the be all and end all, as many things are open to discussion and interpretation... the core message is loving others and treating others as you would like to be treated.

Of course youth suicide is a huge thing, and suicides in the gay community are an especially horrible tragedy. I agree 100% with you there, but the 'murder' comparison was a stretch because I wouldn't in any way advocate anything that would provoke people towards suicide.

I understand that, which is why I told you my definition of 'reaching out'. It has to be without agenda and only for the good of the other person.

I agree with you. I also have massive issues with people who preach that homosexuality is evil, hate gays, or any of the other things you reference. There is a group of so-called christians near where I live that at times stand out with horrible, offensive signs about gays, this makes me more angry than anything I've ever seen. This is vastly different than what I'm talking about, it's on a personal level and would never seek to call out somebody else or be used in a judgemental way. I honestly think that some view homosexuality as somhow worse than anything they've done simply because they don't understand it (or because they themselves are gay in some cases).

If everyone truly lived that way, then there would be no bigotry at all, and we wouldn't be having this argument. However, I think you're underestimating the effects that such morals can have on young minds. Some question them; some accept them, and some let it well up inside them until later when it comes out in one expression or another (sometimes suicide). The latter are the ones that I worry about the most. I place it in the same category as bullying. Sure, you can ignore the things that others say, but it CAN get to some people, and unfortunately a lot of teen suicides are also attributed to bullying.

I'm not implying that you would personally advocate something towards provokation to suicide, but please understand that there are many out there whose teachings of such morals can be a direct provocation towards such measures. 

I agree with the definition of 'reaching out'. Unfortunately for my friend, this whole traumatic incident has closed him off moreso than anything. It's more of a knee-jerk response to an action, creating a kind of partisan rift. Before this incident, he was open to everyone.

If you do what you say you do, then you're one of the good ones. However, I don't agree with your stance on the morals thing, because some morals taught to impressionable youth can be damaging in more ways than originally intended.

fordy said:
timmah said:

I believe in teaching my kids to live a life that would reflect that of Jesus. The most important of those is the way they would treat others, regardless of any other factors. Every parent attempts to teach their child some sort of right and wrong, or morals. I don't believe the 'morals' are the be all and end all, as many things are open to discussion and interpretation... the core message is loving others and treating others as you would like to be treated.

Of course youth suicide is a huge thing, and suicides in the gay community are an especially horrible tragedy. I agree 100% with you there, but the 'murder' comparison was a stretch because I wouldn't in any way advocate anything that would provoke people towards suicide.

I understand that, which is why I told you my definition of 'reaching out'. It has to be without agenda and only for the good of the other person.

I agree with you. I also have massive issues with people who preach that homosexuality is evil, hate gays, or any of the other things you reference. There is a group of so-called christians near where I live that at times stand out with horrible, offensive signs about gays, this makes me more angry than anything I've ever seen. This is vastly different than what I'm talking about, it's on a personal level and would never seek to call out somebody else or be used in a judgemental way. I honestly think that some view homosexuality as somhow worse than anything they've done simply because they don't understand it (or because they themselves are gay in some cases).

If everyone truly lived that way, then there would be no bigotry at all, and we wouldn't be having this argument. However, I think you're underestimating the effects that such morals can have on young minds. Some question them; some accept them, and some let it well up inside them until later when it comes out in one expression or another (sometimes suicide). The latter are the ones that I worry about the most. I place it in the same category as bullying. Sure, you can ignore the things that others say, but it CAN get to some people, and unfortunately a lot of teen suicides are also attributed to bullying.

I'm not implying that you would personally advocate something towards provokation to suicide, but please understand that there are many out there whose teachings of such morals can be a direct provocation towards such measures. 

I agree with the definition of 'reaching out'. Unfortunately for my friend, this whole traumatic incident has closed him off moreso than anything. It's more of a knee-jerk response to an action, creating a kind of partisan rift. Before this incident, he was open to everyone.

If you do what you say you do, then you're one of the good ones. However, I don't agree with your stance on the morals thing, because some morals taught to impressionable youth can be damaging in more ways than originally intended.

I agree with you on that, teaching morals as the way to be 'good' and 'acceptable' to a higher power is foolish because nobody can live up to that standard (perfection). Morals are not the main focus of my faith, not even close. It really also depends on the reaction the parents have to their kids' shortcomings (every human being has faults, that's a given). As an example, my 4 year old hit her sister in the face yesterday (obviously not a good thing for her to do). As a consequece we put her in a time out for a few minutes. After this, I went over and gave her the same talk I always do, told her "you know when you hit your sister it made her sad. I'm not mad at you, and I always love you no matter what you do, but you need to say you're sorry and not do that again because it hurt her". That's a simplistic approach because she's 4, but the message is always the same, I love her no matter what she does, and there's nothing she could ever do to change that. I hammer on this far more than I do on her behavior. A lot will change when she's older and able to make her own decisions, and obviously I won't always be able to 'tell' her what to do forever (when they're 4 it's a little different), but the love and acceptance always has to be there no matter what.

Yes there are, and that is not acceptable.

I've seen this method of reaching out, and it's more for selfish purposes of the person doing the so-called reaching out in that case.

I can certainly understand your point on that, and I agree with you up to a point. Teaching morals alone is a surefire way to set your kids up for failure and rejection. That being said, I can say from my own personal experience that there is another side to this that is actually incredibly freeing. This hits close to home for me - I had suicidal thoughts as a teen because I was in a family that, at the time, was somewhat like what you describe and I could never 'live up' to their expectations (my parents have turned the corner and 'grown up' in a lot of ways, so my youngest brother had it much better than me). If I see 'sin' as some 'bad' thing that makes me unacceptable, it's terrible and like prison, however, if I see it as something everybody struggles with, as well as believe there is grace and forgiveness for my faults, that is an incredibly freeing thing. It takes away the natural shame I would feel - without any outside influence - for my own shortcomings (such as the fact that I can be a terrible Jerk if I don't watch myself as one of many things I struggle with). This is a two sided coin, the forgiveness/grace/acceptance aspect of the message too often gets left out even though it's the most important part. That oversight is what leads to judgementalism and bigotry not only against others, but against oneself, sometimes leading to suicide as you said. I can look at my own faults and forgive myself for them, they're just not a big deal, so neither are anybody else's faults. I also understand that I'm not on my own, and that every single person has faults, so the faults are really not a big deal.

Not trying to turn you into a Christian here, just trying to explain to you a little of what drives me and many people like me. I'm just as flawed as anybody else, and I certainly make mistakes and fall short of these standards pretty much every day.

Tom3k said:

I couldn't open you're message because you titled it ..., and when I click it I go to a random "not found" page.

However, why would anyone not look at homosexuality as a disorder similar to schizophrenea or autism? Just because the consequences aren't as extreme, doesnt mean that they are not disorders. They do affect an individuals normal life. Normal people have sex with the opposite gender because that's what were genetically programed to do. Evolution did not evolve homosexuality into our code, if you took any courses in bio, you would have learned that all evolutions only occur because of a corresponding increase in fitness. If there is a decrease in fitness, then those genes would have been weeded out long long ago.

If homosexuality were a gene, it would get weeded out because a higher % of homosexuals (or bisexuals) would not reproduce then a similar population of heterosexuals. This is the same logic as how pest resistance work (where eventually all pests become resistant because they are the only ones who have reproduced).

Homosexuality is a disorder, it might not be psychological because of political pressure, but that's just politics. Many scientists still think there are psychological reasons as to why people are homosexual. I prefer to beleive it's biological, but that's my opinion.

In the end, it's a random disorder, it affect random samples of the population just like schizophrenea, and there is no reason to see it diferently.

That said, the most important thing is that I don't hate homosexuals, or treat them any differently then heterosexuals. It' not their fault that they are gay, and I hope they do find a cure one day so that homosexuals who wish to be heterosexuals can cure themselves.

Simple as that, the matter might not be as pressing as finding a cure for autism or schizophrenea, but it's a valid disorder, which deserves a cure.

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Brutalyst said:

Well, firstly marriage is a comunion between two people, who take an oath before God, usually performed by a Priest/Pastor/Vicar or whatever. So how can you ask people to argue against gay marriage without mentioning religion? Now you could say it doesnt have to be performed as such, but if its not would the marriage be recognised as such?

I should point out, im not religious and know little about that subject (so maybe someone can clarify this next part for me) but doesnt it say in the bible marriage/love etc should be between a man and a woman? maybe even go as far to say between a man and man (or two women) is forbidden?

So there is the problem in itself, if a religous person believes the word of god/biblical writing etc, they have to believe that too.

Next I should point, though my comments so far might point to otherwise, I am not against marriage between two men or women. If a man loves a man and wants to show it with a commitment such as marriage, more power to them.

The problem lies in religion as if someone believes something such as God, the Bible etc, its there choice to do so, and someone else cant make those people do something, or perform an action that contradicts those belief's.

Finally, I believe marriage in itself to be a sham, though now its something people believe to be binding and an oath sworn under the eye or a witness of god/before god, thats not what it should be, and its not where its origin lies, and is something that became over time by the Romans I believe).

A marriage shouldnt be about religion or god, and just a commitment between two people. If two people want to make that commitment they should be able too without the need of a church or religion. But then as I said eariler who would recognise the marriage as such. Marriage to me has become intertwined with religion, and it shouldnt be. It should be nothing more than one person commiting themselves to another.


Homosexuals can get civil unions, which are like marriages, and show a commitment to one another. I agree with you about gay marriages, in Canada same sex marriage is legal, but it's the priests choice if he/she wants to perform a marriage. Most don't.

Also the bible does specificially state that marriage is a sacred ritual performed between a man and a women, but it doesn't condone homosexuality post marriage. So I can see why Christian homosexuals wish to become married.

What I do't stand is why don't homosexuals make their own sect in the Christian religion? Don't Anglican marriages allow divorce, and protestant marriages allow their preists to marry? Did King George the ___ not make the Anglican sect because he wanted to divorce his wife and marry a different women?

As for your last statement, I kinda agree. Civil Unions are like marriages in this way, but they don't grant the same power in all places as marriage does. Civil Unions should be renamed something more extravagent, and people who don't follow a particular religion, should just get these performed. Homo and Heterosexuals alike.

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Michael-5 said:
Tom3k said:

However, why would anyone not look at homosexuality as a disorder similar to schizophrenea or autism? Just because the consequences aren't as extreme, doesnt mean that they are not disorders. They do affect an individuals normal life. Normal people have sex with the opposite gender because that's what were genetically programed to do. Evolution did not evolve homosexuality into our code, if you took any courses in bio, you would have learned that all evolutions only occur because of a corresponding increase in fitness. If there is a decrease in fitness, then those genes would have been weeded out long long ago.

If homosexuality were a gene, it would get weeded out because a higher % of homosexuals (or bisexuals) would not reproduce then a similar population of heterosexuals. This is the same logic as how pest resistance work (where eventually all pests become resistant because they are the only ones who have reproduced).

You are wrong. If you think about homosexuality as a gene you think homosexuals do have the gene and heterosexuals have not. But everyone could have the "homosexuality"-gene, but it is not expressed in every individual. Or there is a gene or combination of it for heterosexuality and if something is missing the individual is becoming homosexual.

Also you're wrong about the evolutionary aspect of it. Personal fitness is not the way to look at it. Yes, from the standpoint of personal fitness, the homosexual individual has a lower probability of reproduction. But personal fitness is near to no driving force in evolution. Individuals are killed by bad luck in nature. Based on personal fitness, altruism wouldn't be develop in evolution. The altruistic individual is at disadvantage. But the image changes if we look at a population. A population with altruistic individuals is in many situations stronger than one of egoists. That's why altruism is for many social animals something that develops in evolution. In the same way homosexuality of some individuals in a population could increase the fitness of this population. There are a lot of theories for this.

One thing is clear: as we discovered homosexual behaviour in many animals, a random mutation that is a disadvantage in evolution is highly unlikely. It would have removed from the population and it is highly unlikely that another random mutation has a similar effect. And in this case the mutation must have happened hundreds of times. So homosexuality is either an advantage in evolution or not inheritable. In the second case we need a good explanation, why it happens so often (relatively) in humans and animals.

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Bible = word of God
Jesus = God
Thus Jesus speaks out against homosexuality in the following passages. Fordy the truth will set you free.
Matthew 19:1-8
Romans 1:18-32
1Cor 6:9-11
Galatians 5:19

warlord74 said:
Bible = word of God
Jesus = God
Thus Jesus speaks out against homosexuality in the following passages. Fordy the truth will set you free.
Matthew 19:1-8
Romans 1:18-32
1Cor 6:9-11
Galatians 5:19

Universe is 13,8 billion of years old, Homo Sapiense 1st emerged some 200 000 years ago. So if according to Bilble we accept that Universe was created for Humans... It kinda took God a long time to create Humans since they have been in Universe only for 0,0014 % of time.

Bilble just like "God" is the most racist, sexsit, violent, immoral.... of all human creation. It has caused to humanity more suffering than the existence of atomic bombs.

Tom3k said:
warlord74 said:
Bible = word of God
Jesus = God
Thus Jesus speaks out against homosexuality in the following passages. Fordy the truth will set you free.
Matthew 19:1-8
Romans 1:18-32
1Cor 6:9-11
Galatians 5:19

Universe is 13,8 billion of years old, Homo Sapiense 1st emerged some 200 000 years ago. So if according to Bilble we accept that Universe was created for Humans... It kinda took God a long time to create Humans since they have been in Universe only for 0,0014 % of time.

Bilble just like "God" is the most racist, sexsit, violent, immoral.... of all human creation. It has caused to humanity more suffering than the existence of atomic bombs.

You honostly believe everything in history is true?