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    L5: Zergling(1,230 until level 6)
    • A 32 year old male gamer
    • Kazakhstan
    • Joined on July 3rd 2011, last online on 27 April 2017.
    • Profile Views: 17,199
    • Forum posts: 2,436 times which averages 1 posts per day
    • User Reviews: 0 reviews
    •   VG$ 1,750.00
    Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
    Permaban - Flaming (Even after your (multiple) extensive bans, you have not shown any improvement in your poor attitude towards others. gamrConnect has no need of your callous outlook on those who differ from you. This is a website which prides itself in its ability to bring people from different backgrounds and values together, and you only served to tear others apart. Go find another forum to call your home.) ~ Smeags
    You have liked 0 posts.
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    Badges: (view all)

    Leaving Limbo 100 posts on the gamrConnect forums.
    Watch Your Back! Received 10,000 profile views.
    Trust Me, It'll Have Legs 100 replies made to user's most popular thread.
    Making Friends 10 friends on gamrConnect.
    Pata 100 wall post comments made on gamrConnect.
    Littlest Genocide 1,000 posts on the gamrConnect forums.
    1st Birthday Has been a VGChartz member for over 1 year.



    Height: 0'0

    Eye colour: Brown

    Hair colour: Brown

    Zodiac sign: Cancer

    Relationship status: Single

    Website: Have none

    AIM: Nope

    MSN: Keep scroling

    Favourite Games:

    Wayy to many to number

    Favourite Music:

    I dont really follow a specific band, singer or type of music, as long as the song is good, I listen to it

    Favourite Films:

    Tons. Wrong Turn, Scary Movie 1, 2, Godfather 1 and 2, Bruce Almighty, Mask, tons of other Yugoslavian/Serbian films you didnt heard about, Tropa De Elite, Harry Potter 3, Unthinkable , Major Pain, Home Alone, Children of Corn, 2012, Rose Red, pretty everything from Stephen King, and hundreds of other films.

    Favourite Books:

    I rarely read or dont read at all

    Favourite Food:

    pretty much everything italian, some chinese and some turkish sweets, and occasional american fast food.


    computer, swimming, running and climbing

    Game Stats

    Player1x3 hasn't added any games yet!