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Forums - Politics Discussion - How to Save the American Economy

A three-pronged approach is needed:

1. Get rid of job-destroying technology. I'm talking about dangerous machines like ATMs and self-service airport kiosks and those new fangled telephones that let you directly call the person whom you want to call without going through Eloise first. Machines are not Americans, and they damned sure shouldn't be taking our jobs.

2. More debt. Did you know that the more money the government spends, the higher the GDP? So all we have to do to grow our way out of the debt is to spend infinite money. Yes, this means infinite debt, but it also means an infinite GDP with infinite money in tax revenue, so it all balances out in the end.

3. Hyperinflation. It took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread in the Weimar Republic. Think about that: all those "poor" Germans had wheelbarrows full of money. That's pretty kick ass.

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Michael-5 said:

Tax Junk Food. Everything from Chips to McDonalds. 1 in 3 Americans are Obese, a tax like this would not only help people keep in shape, but it would generate a HUGE source of income for the government to pay its debt.

I would get behind this 1000%

This would be REAL health reform, not the crap Obama is shoving down our throats.

ishiki said:

The economy has to crash before it can be fixed. They shouldn't have lifted the debt ceiling. Now it's only going to crash harder. Bad Spending by Bush and Obama has to lead to consequences, there is no magical fixes. But politicians are trying to get re-elected so the right thing won't be done. 

Bush screwed up a balanced budget... and then obama inherited a mess, and made it mostly worse.

Protectionism, has consequences, the prices of almost everything will go up immediatly, while the transition will take a while. Ideally I think globalization where it's not the US economy but a world economy is the effecient way to run the human race. However humans like to screw things up.

But that's okay. The world will go on.

The economy doesn't need to crash per se - if it falls into the right hands, it can be saved. Unfortunately Mittens or the Obamanation iare not the right hands.

And the price of everything will not go up that high - not much of a difference really - plus, if you dont have a job how will you afford that new Chinese made TV? And don't forget, foreign wages are going to go up soon as well. The U.S. is trying to prevent that, but they will. When China becomes the world's superpower, the people will get higher wages. Then what?

"Globalization" locks Americans out of America - a global economy does not include America. Enough is enough.

McDonaldsGuy said:


And the price of everything will not go up that high - not much of a difference really - plus, if you dont have a job how will you afford that new Chinese made TV? And don't forget, foreign wages are going to go up soon as well. The U.S. is trying to prevent that, but they will. When China becomes the world's superpower, the people will get higher wages. Then what?

Then China will lose its competitive advantage.

McDonaldsGuy said:
MDMAlliance said:
Well, here's my response to this

The problem with your idea is you believe a lot of lies told to you by the media (for example, illegals take construction jobs, electrician jobs, mechanics, etc. etc.).

The thing is the President does have the problem to not swipe the card given by the Bank of China, but he doesn't.

I never said that and I didn't get my info from "the media."  If you want to "disprove" what I'm saying, you should at least give a source for it.  A legitamite one.  Also, that last line you said doesn't make much sense.  The President may have foreign policy influence, but his power isn't that great.  You need to read up on this stuff.

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politics is bleh

This is a joke, right? I hope it's a joke...

BradleyJ said:
This is a joke, right? I hope it's a joke...

Isolationism often makes a resurgence when times are bad.

Love and tolerate.

Ending illegal immigration is a pretty poor solution.
Fixing the cost impact of illegal immigrants is a good solution.

Here's an example:
Set up manufacture regions where illegals can earn their tax credits and WICs.
Simple things like assembling transistors, or sorting through recycling, etc or street cleaning.
There should be a law where, no matter what, a person on federal aid, MUST be doing something proactive.

Right now, the whole problem isn't the illegals, it's their children. Children born in the US gain automatic citizenship, and through him the whole family qualifies for a range of federal aid.

Salnax said:
BradleyJ said:
This is a joke, right? I hope it's a joke...

Isolationism often makes a resurgence when times are bad.

America's greatest times have come from protectionism.

How is Bush's "free trade" idea working out? Just ask Ohio.

We are in a TRADE DEFICIT - did you know that? Probably not. Keep watching CNN or Fox News.