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Forums - Politics Discussion - How to Save the American Economy

Marks said:
Get rid of minimum wage, get rid of ridiculous regulations on businesses and get rid of corporate/business taxes...then you won't have to worry about "Made in China" because American products could once again compete worldwide like they could 50 years ago.

No stuff like regulations, taxes and minimum wages need to stay. Companies need to remain responsible for their actions. I mean would you work 15 hours for just $5, in filthy and dangerous (life threatening) conditions?. I doubt it. At $5 a day, you wouldn't be able to live in the USA (not now). Not only that, but there would be lots more polution, choking you! Finally, why shouldn't corporations pay any tax?, they produce for the nation, so they should pay a little bit of there earnings to maintain the nation. These corporations are greedy! that's why job's are leaving the USA for Asia

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

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the2real4mafol said:
Marks said:
Get rid of minimum wage, get rid of ridiculous regulations on businesses and get rid of corporate/business taxes...then you won't have to worry about "Made in China" because American products could once again compete worldwide like they could 50 years ago.

No stuff like regulations, taxes and minimum wages need to stay. Companies need to remain responsible for their actions. I mean would you work 15 hours for just $5, in filthy and dangerous (life threatening) conditions?. I doubt it. At $5 a day, you wouldn't be able to live in the USA (not now). Not only that, but there would be lots more polution, choking you! Finally, why shouldn't corporations pay any tax?, they produce for the nation, so they should pay a little bit of there earnings to maintain the nation. These corporations are greedy! that's why job's are leaving the USA for Asia

SamuelRSmith said:
the2real4mafol said:
Marks said:
Get rid of minimum wage, get rid of ridiculous regulations on businesses and get rid of corporate/business taxes...then you won't have to worry about "Made in China" because American products could once again compete worldwide like they could 50 years ago.

No stuff like regulations, taxes and minimum wages need to stay. Companies need to remain responsible for their actions. I mean would you work 15 hours for just $5, in filthy and dangerous (life threatening) conditions?. I doubt it. At $5 a day, you wouldn't be able to live in the USA (not now). Not only that, but there would be lots more polution, choking you! Finally, why shouldn't corporations pay any tax?, they produce for the nation, so they should pay a little bit of there earnings to maintain the nation. These corporations are greedy! that's why job's are leaving the USA for Asia

Is there a summary? I don't really want to watch for the whole hour

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

Obama can't fix the US economy, Romney can't fix the US economy. God himself can't fix the US economy.

A total revolution on the global economy is the way out.

Since the start of the recession all you hear are politicians, economists and people who listen to them talk the same old nonsense... wages, taxes, production, investment, banks, immigration etc., etc., etc, and years later we are still in the same mess.

The biggest joke is that people believe changing leaders is going to make difference, like it didn't do in Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Britain etc., etc., etc., maybe America will be different but I won't bet on it.


I agree with you. Globalization has done many in the the west no favors.
Good for the rest, not so good for the west.

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the2real4mafol said:

Is there a summary? I don't really want to watch for the whole hour

An hour is a summary. If you're gonna take cheap shots at the free market, you should at least know the first level of refutation against them.

SamuelRSmith said:
the2real4mafol said:

Is there a summary? I don't really want to watch for the whole hour

An hour is a summary. If you're gonna take cheap shots at the free market, you should at least know the first level of refutation against them.

Lol, it's just i'm not into economics, I perfer politics. But, because of you i'll probably learn something, as i will watch it now. Also, the stuff I said in the earlier post is all true

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

Protectionism is a pipe dream.

If I'm the CEO of Apple or Wal-Mart I like my cheap labor from China just fine and dandy. And I have a lot more say than "joe nobody auto-plant worker". I have billions of dollars at my disposal and can buy influence via lobbyists all day long.

Doesn't matter if its a democrat of republican in the White House, I can buy influence either way.

Harsh, but that's the reality.

This is what capitalism wanted anyway ... they won the Cold War and wanted to spread McDonalds to evey corner of the globe. Well they got it, now we have one basically unified global economy. You can't cry about it now that someone else (China) is doing it better or others (India, Russia) are getting their piece of the pie. Tough sh*t.

Fact is plenty of Americans like the system just fine -- they are the CEOs and corporate big wigs of companies. Cheap labor from China and Mexico works great for them. You willing to work for $5-$10 a day? No? Well tough luck, because millions in China are. Drop all the regulations you want, why in the world should I pay you $15/hour? Because you're an American? Hah. I have profit projections to meet.

McDonaldsGuy said:
Kasz216 said:

Sounds like the Argentinan plan.

Which has been an absolute disaster for Argentina.


True. America is in fine shape right now. Let's ship more jobs overseas then complain about unemployment!

America's not great... but all this plan did to argentina is make argentina a much worse place to live.

stabbing yourself in the foot because your sick may be doing something, but it isn't helping.

Michael-5 said:
kain_kusanagi said:

I want a huge cut in government costs. That means closing crap like the Department of Education.

I want unions to have less power. We have all the worker's rights laws we need, now unions do nothing but costs us all money.

I want term limits for congress.

I want all our fuel resources utilized. That goes for oil, coal, coal to oil, wind, solar and most importantly nuclear.

I want congress to stop stealing money from Social Security.

I want the USA to leave the UN. The security council is a joke.

This is why the rest of the world makes fun of Americans for being dumb...I tink the Department of Education is one of the most important things needed in the USA.

im guessing you dont realize the the DOE does nothing, except waste money. it certainly doesnt educate anybody. we have over tripled spending on education in the past 3 decades, and test score have remained flat. we have nothing to show for it. nothing. we need to give control back to the states, and let them decide how to best educate kids.

Unions to have less power? Alright lets make life shit for people. Lets let Wal-Mart CEO's become richer, and the poor become poorer.

you are also demenstrating a complete lack of understanding basic economics. if businesses were run like that then they wouldnt be in business much longer. Businesses have an incentive to keep productive employees and to keep prices down for the consumer. CEO are getting richer right now and unions have death grips on many industries. its not because of lack of unions, its becuase of cronyism. Unions are corupt and care little about the workers. they only care about lining their pockets. 

Nuclear is the fuel of 70's, it's more efficient to put tons of money into solar and pave large potions of the Arizona desert with solar panel cells. In labs, solar cells are already capable of higher then 35% efficiency, that's much higher then oil (which is about 25%), and in the real life market, 20% is available, but expensive ATM.

everything you just said is wrong. we waste billions buying trying to create false markets where there simply isnt one. Solar power just isnt ready.

Leave the UN??? WOW.

yes, it is just a anti-american quasi-socialist entity that does nothing in our best interests


Instead of making ideas on how to save the US economy baised on your personal opinions, you should conside what is best for everyone. A lot of the things you meantioned here would make life shittier and more expensive for the average person, and most of your ideas do not relate to this debt issue.