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Forums - Politics Discussion - How to Save the American Economy

McDonaldsGuy said:

"Why do you think that so many manual labor jobs are by illegals? Our country has a culture that hates to do hard labor."

True. Before illegals came America had no construction, no electricity, no plumbing, no roads, etc. etc. Thank god for the illegals.

And to answer your question - they are cheaper. End of story.

"There is always a reason jobs go overseas. Many times, its because its much easier to work with other nations than it is America - less regulations, less red tape, and they are willing to do whatever is needed to get your business. If you change that, then jobs come back."

And it's cheaper, and in the case of China, becoming more skilled.

Call centers don't have EPA regulations (well, not the same as a factory does) but they are still being shipped out cause companies are cheap.

"Its pretty damning when it comes to tariffs. Each country that approaches 0% import tariffs are doing very well economically (Hong Konh, Macau, Singapire, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Canada, ect). Comparatively, no nation that has a 10% tariff rate has seen notable growth in the past decade."

Different situations compared to America.  I will say it once again - the U.S. has a trade deficit. The U.S. is being destroyed by "free trade!" Plus, when you talk about the economy, you have to ask "Who's economy?" You have the corporate American economy, and the people's American economy. You seem to be for the corporate American economy (low wages, no regulations, foreigners deserve the jobs, etc. etc.). Shipping all the high paying jobs to India and China where people work for 10 cents an hour is great for the corporate economy and CEOs who want $10 million bonuses, but not so great for the people's economy.

With tariffs, we will recover the millions of jobs that have been sent to India, China, Haiti, Burma,e tc. etc. There'd be a lot more work here to do, which means a higher demand for workers.

There was no real foreign competition for long time, and people could afford to buy a house, own cars, schools (like college) were cheap, people could hold on to the same job for decades instead of months, and get a fully funded retirement rather than hoping they get lucky in the casino (aka the stock market), and had a sense of stability. Now it is a giant race to the bottom of the barrel. To make matters worse with technology the standards of living should improve but now it is becoming harder and harder.

With $2.5 trillion in a trade deficit, $16 trillion national debt, a stagnant stock market for 15 years, a housing market still unaffordable to many, an 8% unemployment rate (probably more closer to 15%), clearly this free trade stuff isn't working out as well as you hoped, right?

Let me ask you something:

Why does Canada, which has the same trade policies as the US (NAFTA signatory), have much lower unemployment, little debt, and no trade deficit? They have the same modern economy as we do. Get back to me on the reason - again, since they do not have what you're suggesting we do.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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I was thinking you were serious up until you added the "raise taxes, cut spending" line at the end...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Sounds like the Argentinan plan.

Which has been an absolute disaster for Argentina.


McDonaldsGuy said:
Michael-5 said:

Tax Junk Food. Everything from Chips to McDonalds. 1 in 3 Americans are Obese, a tax like this would not only help people keep in shape, but it would generate a HUGE source of income for the government to pay its debt.

I would get behind this 1000%

This would be REAL health reform, not the crap Obama is shoving down our throats.

It would also be capable of eliminating the debt. Think about it, 330 plus million people, close to 7 trillion in debt. That's just over $200 a person. Lets assume everyone eats healty except those who are obese, meaning that $600 would have to be generated per obese person. To erase the debt in 1 year you would need each obese person to contribute less then $2 a day. Put a 20% tax on junk food and viola. Two trips to McDonalds a day for 30% the population means the debt is gone, and it might even cut obesity rates.

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kain_kusanagi said:

I want a huge cut in government costs. That means closing crap like the Department of Education.

I want unions to have less power. We have all the worker's rights laws we need, now unions do nothing but costs us all money.

I want term limits for congress.

I want all our fuel resources utilized. That goes for oil, coal, coal to oil, wind, solar and most importantly nuclear.

I want congress to stop stealing money from Social Security.

I want the USA to leave the UN. The security council is a joke.

This is why the rest of the world makes fun of Americans for being dumb...I tink the Department of Education is one of the most important things needed in the USA.

Unions to have less power? Alright lets make life shit for people. Lets let Wal-Mart CEO's become richer, and the poor become poorer.

Nuclear is the fuel of 70's, it's more efficient to put tons of money into solar and pave large potions of the Arizona desert with solar panel cells. In labs, solar cells are already capable of higher then 35% efficiency, that's much higher then oil (which is about 25%), and in the real life market, 20% is available, but expensive ATM.

Leave the UN??? WOW.


Instead of making ideas on how to save the US economy baised on your personal opinions, you should conside what is best for everyone. A lot of the things you meantioned here would make life shittier and more expensive for the average person, and most of your ideas do not relate to this debt issue.

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The government should just invest and promote growth in green industries. A largely, untapped industry. America should also stop spending so much on the military industrial complex. Make a fairer tax system and end any loopholes. The key thing now, is America should focus on it's self, rather than foreign countries, America can't afford it (like the rest of the western world)

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

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Michael-5 said:
McDonaldsGuy said:
Michael-5 said:

Tax Junk Food. Everything from Chips to McDonalds. 1 in 3 Americans are Obese, a tax like this would not only help people keep in shape, but it would generate a HUGE source of income for the government to pay its debt.

I would get behind this 1000%

This would be REAL health reform, not the crap Obama is shoving down our throats.

It would also be capable of eliminating the debt. Think about it, 330 plus million people, close to 7 trillion in debt. That's just over $200 a person. Lets assume everyone eats healty except those who are obese, meaning that $600 would have to be generated per obese person. To erase the debt in 1 year you would need each obese person to contribute less then $2 a day. Put a 20% tax on junk food and viola. Two trips to McDonalds a day for 30% the population means the debt is gone, and it might even cut obesity rates.

That's an amazing idea, it's shame no politicians are doing this

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

mrstickball said:
McDonaldsGuy said:

"Why do you think that so many manual labor jobs are by illegals? Our country has a culture that hates to do hard labor."

True. Before illegals came America had no construction, no electricity, no plumbing, no roads, etc. etc. Thank god for the illegals.

And to answer your question - they are cheaper. End of story.

"There is always a reason jobs go overseas. Many times, its because its much easier to work with other nations than it is America - less regulations, less red tape, and they are willing to do whatever is needed to get your business. If you change that, then jobs come back."

And it's cheaper, and in the case of China, becoming more skilled.

Call centers don't have EPA regulations (well, not the same as a factory does) but they are still being shipped out cause companies are cheap.

"Its pretty damning when it comes to tariffs. Each country that approaches 0% import tariffs are doing very well economically (Hong Konh, Macau, Singapire, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Canada, ect). Comparatively, no nation that has a 10% tariff rate has seen notable growth in the past decade."

Different situations compared to America.  I will say it once again - the U.S. has a trade deficit. The U.S. is being destroyed by "free trade!" Plus, when you talk about the economy, you have to ask "Who's economy?" You have the corporate American economy, and the people's American economy. You seem to be for the corporate American economy (low wages, no regulations, foreigners deserve the jobs, etc. etc.). Shipping all the high paying jobs to India and China where people work for 10 cents an hour is great for the corporate economy and CEOs who want $10 million bonuses, but not so great for the people's economy.

With tariffs, we will recover the millions of jobs that have been sent to India, China, Haiti, Burma,e tc. etc. There'd be a lot more work here to do, which means a higher demand for workers.

There was no real foreign competition for long time, and people could afford to buy a house, own cars, schools (like college) were cheap, people could hold on to the same job for decades instead of months, and get a fully funded retirement rather than hoping they get lucky in the casino (aka the stock market), and had a sense of stability. Now it is a giant race to the bottom of the barrel. To make matters worse with technology the standards of living should improve but now it is becoming harder and harder.

With $2.5 trillion in a trade deficit, $16 trillion national debt, a stagnant stock market for 15 years, a housing market still unaffordable to many, an 8% unemployment rate (probably more closer to 15%), clearly this free trade stuff isn't working out as well as you hoped, right?

Let me ask you something:

Why does Canada, which has the same trade policies as the US (NAFTA signatory), have much lower unemployment, little debt, and no trade deficit? They have the same modern economy as we do. Get back to me on the reason - again, since they do not have what you're suggesting we do.

Cause they don't have greedy companies shipping jobs overseas by the millions and millions of illegal immigrants. Canada is far better ran than America. Normally I'd actually be against tariffs, but this is a situation in which we need them the most.

Kasz216 said:

Sounds like the Argentinan plan.

Which has been an absolute disaster for Argentina.


True. America is in fine shape right now. Let's ship more jobs overseas then complain about unemployment!

Get rid of minimum wage, get rid of ridiculous regulations on businesses and get rid of corporate/business taxes...then you won't have to worry about "Made in China" because American products could once again compete worldwide like they could 50 years ago.