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Forums - Politics Discussion - How to Save the American Economy

Obama has no clue what he's doing. In this video, he criticized Bush for "taking out a credit card from the bank of China" and "driving up our national debt." In Bush's 8 years of Presidency, Bush racked up a phenomenal $4 trillion in debt. That was the record.

That was the record. Obama has no racked up $7 trillion in debt in just 4 years. God knows what will happen when he is re-elected - god help us.


Obama is clueless as hell, as was Bush - but they are anti-American so they can get away with it. Someone who wants to SAVE America has no chance at the Presidency. Here are some ways to help save the American economy

- Tariffs

Tariffs ensure that the home country has the best advantage over outside competitors. Everything is made in China now - even American flags. Tariffs keep the jobs at home. Free trade just allows companies to ship jobs out of the country and use a cheaper labor force to produce goods then sell them here.

- Protectionism

Protectionism is important because America has run five straight record trade  deficits and has caused 3 million manufacturing jobs to be lost, with thousands of factories gone. Nations rise on economic nationalism, then they descend on free trade. If you run a trade deficit year after year like America is the nation will eventually go bust and other countries who have had a trade surplus year after year will have bought everything of value in America with their surplus cash at knockdown prices. China now holds over a trillion dollars in U.S. bonds and about 1.5 billion in USD.

- End illegal immigration

The stereotype of an illegal immigrant is someone who works in agriculture. No longer is that stereotype true - illegals now work in blue collar type jobs such as an electrician, a construction worker, a plumber, in the factories America does have, etc. etc. then they dominate the hospitality industry in many U.S. states. In fact, only 3% of illegals work in agriculture! California has a crumbling economy because of this issue. If we put a halt to illegal immigration and enforce laws, our economy will slowly spring back up.

There are other ways as well - raise taxes, cut spending, rebuild our infrastracture, etc. etc. but these 3 are HUGE and require immediate attention!

What do you guys think?

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So you are voting romney then i presume?

My opinon is the complete opposite.


Remove tariffs and other business fees

We are a global economy now. Tariffs make just as much sense as Sony charging non exclusive developers extra to publish on the PS3. Imagine I wanted to buy a widget and an American company sells it for $20 while an identical foreign company sells it for $5. Without a tariff I could pay a few extra dollars and buy the foriegn product at half the price of the American one. As a result I still have $10! Now I feel "richer" and will be ok with spending more money. In time this money will find itself back to America.

Adopt a fair tax

It is rediculus that people think the rich aren't paying enough in taxes. Why should people be penilised for being successful? The fair tax simplifies this and gets rid of income taxes and closes almost all loopholes with the current system. Buy a burritoe, pay 15% tax on it. Buy a new car, pay 15% tax on it. Buy a used car, no tax! With a fair tax all goods have a one time tax of around 15%. This means used goods aren't taxed!

Replace federal regulations with local

The "white wigs in washington" have no idea what's going on in Elbert Colorado. By having State and local governments set regulations the whole system works better. I'll focus this paragraph on the EPA. I'm assuming most people love them right? Well to tell you the truth they suck at protecting the enviorment. My father is an entemologist and has to deel with them all the time becuase they don't have a clue on what's going on, especially on the local level. Usually they ban chemicals just because they have a certain concentration in the enviroment yet fail to realise the flaw in doing this. If chemical A kills rats with one dose but the new chemical B takes 10 doses to kill the same rat then obviously the EPA shouldn't ban chemical A. Recently it has got even worse with them declaring chemicals can only be used on certain rats. As a result in Colorado it was illegal to exterminate rats because we have a different breed of rats than the EPA had said the chemical could be used for. Exterminators had to ignore the EPA or else clients would fire them. If they followed the regulation factories would have to be shut down due to contamination issues from rats. Long story short my father had to contact the EPA and finally got a exception approved for our state a few weeks ago.


Sorry for this becoming a horribly written rant.

Well, here's my response to this

MDMAlliance said:
Well, here's my response to this

The problem with your idea is you believe a lot of lies told to you by the media (for example, illegals take construction jobs, electrician jobs, mechanics, etc. etc.).

The thing is the President does have the problem to not swipe the card given by the Bank of China, but he doesn't.

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JoeTheBro said:

My opinon is the complete opposite.


Remove tariffs and other business fees

We are a global economy now. Tariffs make just as much sense as Sony charging non exclusive developers extra to publish on the PS3. Imagine I wanted to buy a widget and an American company sells it for $20 while an identical foreign company sells it for $5. Without a tariff I could pay a few extra dollars and buy the foriegn product at half the price of the American one. As a result I still have $10! Now I feel "richer" and will be ok with spending more money. In time this money will find itself back to America.

Adopt a fair tax

It is rediculus that people think the rich aren't paying enough in taxes. Why should people be penilised for being successful? The fair tax simplifies this and gets rid of income taxes and closes almost all loopholes with the current system. Buy a burritoe, pay 15% tax on it. Buy a new car, pay 15% tax on it. Buy a used car, no tax! With a fair tax all goods have a one time tax of around 15%. This means used goods aren't taxed!

Replace federal regulations with local

The "white wigs in washington" have no idea what's going on in Elbert Colorado. By having State and local governments set regulations the whole system works better. I'll focus this paragraph on the EPA. I'm assuming most people love them right? Well to tell you the truth they suck at protecting the enviorment. My father is an entemologist and has to deel with them all the time becuase they don't have a clue on what's going on, especially on the local level. Usually they ban chemicals just because they have a certain concentration in the enviroment yet fail to realise the flaw in doing this. If chemical A kills rats with one dose but the new chemical B takes 10 doses to kill the same rat then obviously the EPA shouldn't ban chemical A. Recently it has got even worse with them declaring chemicals can only be used on certain rats. As a result in Colorado it was illegal to exterminate rats because we have a different breed of rats than the EPA had said the chemical could be used for. Exterminators had to ignore the EPA or else clients would fire them. If they followed the regulation factories would have to be shut down due to contamination issues from rats. Long story short my father had to contact the EPA and finally got a exception approved for our state a few weeks ago.


Sorry for this becoming a horribly written rant.

No it's not horribly written - but let me tell you this.

We don't want a global empire, a global economy - we want a country. This "global economy" bullcrap basically means America is pushed to the side. We are in a trade deficit - did you know that? Read my posts on tariffs and protectionism again - when we implemented tough tariffs America's economy boomed, but with Bush's dumb free trade crap America has lost millions of jobs.

Globalization does benefit one group though - the financial elite. Americans and American workers? No way.

I do agree we should get rid of income tax and federal regulations.

The economy has to crash before it can be fixed. They shouldn't have lifted the debt ceiling. Now it's only going to crash harder. Bad Spending by Bush and Obama has to lead to consequences, there is no magical fixes. But politicians are trying to get re-elected so the right thing won't be done. 

Bush screwed up a balanced budget... and then obama inherited a mess, and made it mostly worse.

Protectionism, has consequences, the prices of almost everything will go up immediatly, while the transition will take a while. Ideally I think globalization where it's not the US economy but a world economy is the effecient way to run the human race. However humans like to screw things up.

But that's okay. The world will go on.

Tax Junk Food. Everything from Chips to McDonalds. 1 in 3 Americans are Obese, a tax like this would not only help people keep in shape, but it would generate a HUGE source of income for the government to pay its debt.

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I want a 10% flat tax with no exceptions.

I want a huge cut in government costs. That means closing crap like the Department of Education.

I want all foreign aid sent to our enemies to end. If people need our help, we can help them, but we need to stop borrowing money from China to send to Egypt while they hate us.

I want taxes on imports to make outsourcing cost more than running factories in the USA.

I want unions to have less power. We have all the worker's rights laws we need, now unions do nothing but costs us all money.

I want term limits for congress.

I want all our fuel resources utilized. That goes for oil, coal, coal to oil, wind, solar and most importantly nuclear.

I want congress to stop stealing money from Social Security.

I want the USA to leave the UN. The security council is a joke.

here's an idea, balance a damn budget, 6 trillion in debt in 4 years, selling out our countrys future, Obama is a clueless putz, it looks like hes trying to destroy our country, and Romney wanting to lower taxes???????? what is that about, everybody should be paying income taxes, rich to poor, get rid of the child tax credit, all the tax loopholes people use, quit giving illegals foodstamps, free money shouldnt exist, especially if you're not a legal resident!, stop sending billions of dollars overseas to countrys that hate us, make everybody pay their fair share and maybe we can clean this mess up, oh and screw Flanders...