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Michael-5 said:
McDonaldsGuy said:
Michael-5 said:

Tax Junk Food. Everything from Chips to McDonalds. 1 in 3 Americans are Obese, a tax like this would not only help people keep in shape, but it would generate a HUGE source of income for the government to pay its debt.

I would get behind this 1000%

This would be REAL health reform, not the crap Obama is shoving down our throats.

It would also be capable of eliminating the debt. Think about it, 330 plus million people, close to 7 trillion in debt. That's just over $200 a person. Lets assume everyone eats healty except those who are obese, meaning that $600 would have to be generated per obese person. To erase the debt in 1 year you would need each obese person to contribute less then $2 a day. Put a 20% tax on junk food and viola. Two trips to McDonalds a day for 30% the population means the debt is gone, and it might even cut obesity rates.

That's an amazing idea, it's shame no politicians are doing this

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