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A three-pronged approach is needed:

1. Get rid of job-destroying technology. I'm talking about dangerous machines like ATMs and self-service airport kiosks and those new fangled telephones that let you directly call the person whom you want to call without going through Eloise first. Machines are not Americans, and they damned sure shouldn't be taking our jobs.

2. More debt. Did you know that the more money the government spends, the higher the GDP? So all we have to do to grow our way out of the debt is to spend infinite money. Yes, this means infinite debt, but it also means an infinite GDP with infinite money in tax revenue, so it all balances out in the end.

3. Hyperinflation. It took a wheelbarrow full of money to buy a loaf of bread in the Weimar Republic. Think about that: all those "poor" Germans had wheelbarrows full of money. That's pretty kick ass.