Here is a top 30. Same rules apply. Comparing only ps3/360 and nothing else. Games like Fable 3 count.
Xbox 360 exclusives | ps3 exclusives |
Kinect Adventures 16.85 | Grand Turismo 5 7.81 |
Halo 3 11.57 | Uncharted 2 5.69 |
Halo Reach 9.12 | MGS4 5.67 |
Gears of War 2 6.52 | LBP 4.96 |
Halo 3:ODST 6.07 | Uncharted 3 4.53 |
Gears of War 5.96 | God of War 3 4.44 |
Gears of War 3 5.51 | Uncharted 4.26 |
Forza 3 5.09 | GT5: Prologue 4.10 |
Fable 3 4.83 | Resistance:FOM 4.07 |
Kinect Sports 4.42 | Motorstorm 3.74 |
Fable 2 4.07 | Sports Champion 3.34 |
Forza 2 3.98 | Killzone 2 2.86 |
Left4dead 2 3.51 | LBP2 2.61 |
left4dead 3.11 | GOW Collection 2.50 |
Dance Central 2.81 | R&CF: TOD 2.38 |
Mass Effect 2.65 | Resistance 2 2.33 |
Forza 4 2.33 | Killzone 3 2.32 |
Halo Wars 2.16 | Infamous 2.23 |
Saints Row 2.12 | Heavy Rain 2.19 |
Kinect Sports 2 2.02 | Demon Souls 1.64 |
Dead Rising 1.98 | R&C: CIT 1.63 |
TC SC: Conviction 1.98 | Heavenly Sword 1.56 |
PGR4 1.96 | Ridge racer 7 1.30 |
Halo:CEA 1.93 | Infamous 2 1.25 |
Dance Central 2 1.71 | MAG 1.25 |
Crackdown 1.68 | motorstorm: PR 1.22 |
viva Pinata 1.56 | Resistance 3 1.18 |
Kinectimals 1.26 | Socom:Confrontation 1.17 |
Kinect Joy Ride 1.19 | Ninja Gaiden sigma 1.08 |
Alan Wake 1.17 | Hot shot Golf: OB 1.07 |
In the end it's pretty damn close, so I don't even see a need to argue over it.