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Forums - Gaming Discussion - One of the things that I believed collapsed the Final Fantasy franchise - Music

Agreed, except Blinded by Light was OK (overused throughout the rest of the soundtrack).

Same thing with Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon. The latest games having poor soundtracks were the #1 cause of me not buying, for example, SMG2, Other M, Skyward Sword and just now NSMB2.

I hate ambience and remixes/reuse in soundtracks more than anything else in games.

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Soundtrack can make a game for me and I agree skyward sword's soundtrack sucked bad. That one song played backwards sounds like absolute and utter crap. Seriously, whose idea was that? Terrible terrible idea. It stings more knowing that that song played normally is amazing. That is a literal example of how backwards Skyward sword is lol. Anyways, soundtracks in general are underrated. The Uncharted 2 menu song gets me excited, Valkyria Chronicles town music makes me smile for no reason, and Chrono Trigger's music...I don't know because I played it on the ds and no one plays handhelds with music on, but if it was half as good as the game, it was amazing.

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -My good friend Mark Aurelius

X, XIII and Crisis Core are my favourite Final Fantasy OSTs. The older stuff is great too, especially VII, VIII and IX, I just prefer the more natural sounding instruments. But out of the 10 hours I've played of VI the soundtrack has been very repetitive and sort of annoying.

Soleron said:

Agreed, except Blinded by Light was OK (overused throughout the rest of the soundtrack).

Same thing with Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon. The latest games having poor soundtracks were the #1 cause of me not buying, for example, SMG2, Other M, Skyward Sword and just now NSMB2.

I hate ambience and remixes/reuse in soundtracks more than anything else in games.

SMG had an awesome soundtrack!! I don't remember Other M's soundtrack, so it probably wasn't great. But it was a really good game! You shouldn't decline playing it just cuz of the soundtrack! Same with skyward sword. 

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

mysticwolf said:
Soleron said:

Agreed, except Blinded by Light was OK (overused throughout the rest of the soundtrack).

Same thing with Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon. The latest games having poor soundtracks were the #1 cause of me not buying, for example, SMG2, Other M, Skyward Sword and just now NSMB2.

I hate ambience and remixes/reuse in soundtracks more than anything else in games.

SMG had an awesome soundtrack!! I don't remember Other M's soundtrack, so it probably wasn't great. But it was a really good game! You shouldn't decline playing it just cuz of the soundtrack! Same with skyward sword. 

It's really really important to me. I understand others can ignore it.

Here's everything on my MP3 player:

They may be fun games but buying is a sign of endorsement and I don't want them to think it's OK to do that again.

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Totally agree. The loss of Nobuo Uematsu was the bigger one for the company (yes, even more than Sakaguchi's imho)
Even X, where Nobuo was just co-composing, felt like something was missing.
He added so much to every single moment in the game and was able to deliver every kind of emotions.
(Sadly innovation changed even Nobuo's way of making scores (i.e. FFXIV, The last story), but they still great, surely thousands time better than FFXII or FFXIII)

And as also mentioned above... the written dialogues were a very important thing. FFX felt wrong, even if it was a beautiful game, just because of that.

You can expand this to almost every franchise really. Most franchises from the PS2 era had much better soundtracks than their PS3/360 sequels. It's just one of those gems that was lost in most games this generation.

EDIT: Of course my point is a little different than yours since I'm comparing generations. But I would agree with your OP if you included FFX (like others said).

DigitalDevilSummoner said:


Come on now, is this a troll thread ? Some of you in your attempt to appear proper old school or whatever, just keep on looking for excuses to bitch about stuff. STOP BEING SO CHILDISH ! The music went dowhill with XII ?!

 best FF battle theme: FF XII

 second best FF battle theme: FF XIII Defiers Of Fate


Chark said:
 I have never been trolled by a game so hard.

So you were trolled because the game was neither Skyrim nor a book ?!

I swear a developer would go mental reading all this.


Do you not understand my post? With a response like that I wonder if you've even played any of the older FF. In no way was I pushing a TES model and the comparison to a book was towards a game aspect that was essntial and standard until voice acting was added.

If developers can't understand the difference between text and audio when it comes to the experience the player has than I feel sorry for them.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

Yes, someone who gets it. I never played XI, but I didn't like or dislike XII because I thought the music was very bland. I actually liked XIII more than XII and XIII-2 because it had better music. Music is so often overlooked in video games and to me, it is literally one of the biggest factors. That is one of the biggest reasons why I like FF VII so much, every time that Holy materia falls from Aeris's head it makes me feel so many different emotions.

Check out my video game music blog:




He who hesitates is lost

@Topic. FFX has some of the best FF game music of all time. Sudeki da ne, to Zanarkand, lots of nice stuff.

Soleron said:
mysticwolf said:
Soleron said:

Agreed, except Blinded by Light was OK (overused throughout the rest of the soundtrack).

Same thing with Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon. The latest games having poor soundtracks were the #1 cause of me not buying, for example, SMG2, Other M, Skyward Sword and just now NSMB2.

I hate ambience and remixes/reuse in soundtracks more than anything else in games.

SMG had an awesome soundtrack!! I don't remember Other M's soundtrack, so it probably wasn't great. But it was a really good game! You shouldn't decline playing it just cuz of the soundtrack! Same with skyward sword. 

It's really really important to me. I understand others can ignore it.

Here's everything on my MP3 player:

They may be fun games but buying is a sign of endorsement and I don't want them to think it's OK to do that again.

Nononono, SMG has some of the best VGM of all time. All orchestrated and very grandiose. Skyward sword also went for that level of awesomeness, but I didn't like much other than the romance tune and the trailer tune.

Here are some incredible galaxy songs:

Gusty Gardens:
