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Forums - Gaming Discussion - One of the things that I believed collapsed the Final Fantasy franchise - Music

Best final fantasy soundtracks (from best to worst): fantasy vi fantasy iv fantasy xii fantasy viii fantasy xiii fantasy x fantasy v fantasy vii fantasy ix fantasy x-2

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Ehh, XIII's sountrack was great imo. Not Uematsu like, but great... probably my favorite behind 6,7,8 (pretty far behind though).

I didn't like FF12's. FFX-2's fit the game (slapstick/silly etc).

XIII-2's sountrack is weird. I liked it but it was Jpoppy+strange not the same, but I'm fond of this game it was my favorite FF in like 9 or 10 years. So meh.

I thought FF9 and FF10, had some really good standout tracks like zanarkand, the character themes in X, and melodies of life (though this theme was played over and over and over more than normal). And that one zidane song when he turns emo for a wee bit is amazing. 

But I thought Uematsu got worse after 8 (but was still really great, and this includes his mistwalker scores.).
but as a whole were weaker than the previous ones.

I don't think FF's music now is near as good as my 3 favorites. But there's only one soundtrack I've liked as much as those this gen, and it was from deus ex. With The 3rd Birthday coming sort of close.

homer said:
Soundtrack can make a game for me and I agree skyward sword's soundtrack sucked bad. That one song played backwards sounds like absolute and utter crap. Seriously, whose idea was that? Terrible terrible idea. It stings more knowing that that song played normally is amazing. That is a literal example of how backwards Skyward sword is lol. Anyways, soundtracks in general are underrated. The Uncharted 2 menu song gets me excited, Valkyria Chronicles town music makes me smile for no reason, and Chrono Trigger's music...I don't know because I played it on the ds and no one plays handhelds with music on, but if it was half as good as the game, it was amazing.

This song from Link to the Past trumps EVERYTHING in Skyward Sword, and it isn't even that great...I hate to be that guy that posts links in a music thread, but at least I made the size small. Midna'sLament was a standout track from Twilight Princess, and don't get me started on Ocarina & Chrono Trigger's greatness. Some games from the 80s and 90s which were awful or mediocre, are still remembered to this day because some of them had some decent music. If not they'd be lost in time forever. Games like Cannon Fodder, Journey to Silius, and Comix Zone. Music is so important yet overlooked....

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

happydolphin said:

Here are some incredible galaxy songs:


Soleron said:
mysticwolf said:

SMG had an awesome soundtrack!! I don't remember Other M's soundtrack, so it probably wasn't great. But it was a really good game! You shouldn't decline playing it just cuz of the soundtrack! Same with skyward sword. 

It's really really important to me. I understand others can ignore it.

Here's everything on my MP3 player:

They may be fun games but buying is a sign of endorsement and I don't want them to think it's OK to do that again.

I can understand wanting a good soundtrack, but for me, a really good soundtrack is just icing on the cake, a bonus. Usually I don't mind if a soundtrack is medeocre. But if I really dislike it I will listen to my iPod while playing. 

But you should t blame developers for wanting to focus on the gameplay more than the soundtrack. I've been a very musical person ever since I can remember, and I can play many instruments. I enjoy a lot of instrumental videogame music. But I buy the game for the gameplay, not the soundtrack. If I really like the soundtrack I will download it.

 I just don't think I will ever understand how you can deny yourself so many amazing games just because it has songs that you've heard before.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

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So far this is my second best. First being the One Winged Angel.

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5

I personally think music is the second most important part of a game, next to gameplay.  I mean I will listen to tunes and want to play the game again.  That said, I disagree.  With the exception of Final Fantasy XII (Which music wasn't bad, but not too memorable), the music in the games have remained amazing.  Especially Final Fantasy X, that game hit emotions in every scene because of it.  I haven't heard a soundtrack fit a game so well to say the least.
P.S. best boss music in Final Fantasy:

I disagree of FF X. FF X has the best soundtrack of the entire series.

I think most people on this thread cant tell the difference between a good soundtrack and a memorable soundtrack.

Think of each of the FF games and then think if any music theme still pops to mind. Thats how you can tell if the soundtrack is memorable, or just good.
FF7/9/10 are all memorable to me, 10 less than the other two. 12 not so much because i couldnt really get into the game. 13 and 13-2, definitly not memorable.

What? FFX and XIII had the best soundtracks in the series. The only game with a weak soundtrack was IX. It's stayed fairly consistent throughout the years.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!