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Soleron said:
mysticwolf said:

SMG had an awesome soundtrack!! I don't remember Other M's soundtrack, so it probably wasn't great. But it was a really good game! You shouldn't decline playing it just cuz of the soundtrack! Same with skyward sword. 

It's really really important to me. I understand others can ignore it.

Here's everything on my MP3 player:

They may be fun games but buying is a sign of endorsement and I don't want them to think it's OK to do that again.

I can understand wanting a good soundtrack, but for me, a really good soundtrack is just icing on the cake, a bonus. Usually I don't mind if a soundtrack is medeocre. But if I really dislike it I will listen to my iPod while playing. 

But you should t blame developers for wanting to focus on the gameplay more than the soundtrack. I've been a very musical person ever since I can remember, and I can play many instruments. I enjoy a lot of instrumental videogame music. But I buy the game for the gameplay, not the soundtrack. If I really like the soundtrack I will download it.

 I just don't think I will ever understand how you can deny yourself so many amazing games just because it has songs that you've heard before.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash