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Ehh, XIII's sountrack was great imo. Not Uematsu like, but great... probably my favorite behind 6,7,8 (pretty far behind though).

I didn't like FF12's. FFX-2's fit the game (slapstick/silly etc).

XIII-2's sountrack is weird. I liked it but it was Jpoppy+strange not the same, but I'm fond of this game it was my favorite FF in like 9 or 10 years. So meh.

I thought FF9 and FF10, had some really good standout tracks like zanarkand, the character themes in X, and melodies of life (though this theme was played over and over and over more than normal). And that one zidane song when he turns emo for a wee bit is amazing. 

But I thought Uematsu got worse after 8 (but was still really great, and this includes his mistwalker scores.).
but as a whole were weaker than the previous ones.

I don't think FF's music now is near as good as my 3 favorites. But there's only one soundtrack I've liked as much as those this gen, and it was from deus ex. With The 3rd Birthday coming sort of close.