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@Topic. FFX has some of the best FF game music of all time. Sudeki da ne, to Zanarkand, lots of nice stuff.

Soleron said:
mysticwolf said:
Soleron said:

Agreed, except Blinded by Light was OK (overused throughout the rest of the soundtrack).

Same thing with Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon. The latest games having poor soundtracks were the #1 cause of me not buying, for example, SMG2, Other M, Skyward Sword and just now NSMB2.

I hate ambience and remixes/reuse in soundtracks more than anything else in games.

SMG had an awesome soundtrack!! I don't remember Other M's soundtrack, so it probably wasn't great. But it was a really good game! You shouldn't decline playing it just cuz of the soundtrack! Same with skyward sword. 

It's really really important to me. I understand others can ignore it.

Here's everything on my MP3 player:

They may be fun games but buying is a sign of endorsement and I don't want them to think it's OK to do that again.

Nononono, SMG has some of the best VGM of all time. All orchestrated and very grandiose. Skyward sword also went for that level of awesomeness, but I didn't like much other than the romance tune and the trailer tune.

Here are some incredible galaxy songs:

Gusty Gardens:
