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From now on, it won't be so hard to outsell or outship the PS4. We enter in the 2018 year for the PS4. It's at 18M, and 2025 will probably end somewhere around that number, and if GTA VI boost the sales, I can even see it breaking the 20M mark, although I think the GTA VI will be delayed till 2026. So if I have to guess how it's gonna go, it can de 17-18M this year (without GTA VI), 17-18M next year (because of GTA VI release, otherwise I would put it at 15-16M for 2026), which in both cases will beat the 2019 of PS4 at 14M, and then it depends when the successor releases, if it's not release till 2028, then I can see it doing at least 13-14M in 2027 and something around 8-10M in 2028 when it's most likely the PS6 will launch. Also I think PS6 will release at least 4 years after the PS5 Pro, just like the PS5 released 4 years after the PS4 Pro.

So the most likely case at this moment for me is:
2025 - 17/18M or around 90M total sold units by end of 2025.
2026 - 17/18M (because of GTA VI) or 107/108M by end of 2026.
2027 - 13/14M or around 120M by end of 2027. (assuming 2028 release for the successor)
2028 - 8-10M (assuming launch of the PS6 in the end of that year) or 128-130M by end of 2028.
2029/2030 - 4/5M, those will be it's last years on the market, finishing around or slightly above 130M.

My primary threads:

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Lifetime Showdowns: Global / Regional / Historical / YOY Charts / 150M+ Club Chart

Polls: When will the Switch: Outsell the DS? / Outsell the PS2? / LT expectations of: Switch / PS5 / XBSX