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If for real Switch 2 launches 2025, then yes, Switch'24 is 10M lock for sure. Depending on the when the announcement for the next system take place, and if there are some price cuts for the Switch this year (in this scenario where Switch 2 launches 2025) there is even chance of reaching 12M for the year (although with price cut). And yes, this really opens the door for passing the DS and even reaching PS2. Since I started making the lifetime predictions for Switch, I really though a 2023 or 2024 at latest for successor's launch. But a 2025 launch really can change the tides and those early predictions of mine from ~135M (from 2020) to 150M since 2022 onwards to really become at least 155M or even 160M. 2025 launch can make the PS2 passing possible.

Last edited by XtremeBG - on 21 February 2024

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