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Forums - Sony Discussion - It's official. Worldwide LBP delay. :'(

Zen is so funny.

He really doesn't want LBP to do good. It's pretty sad.

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Euphoria14 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Another major worry I just thought of:

Sony is rushing this.

What if they aren't able to meed demand, by not having time to print/ship enough units? What if the bundles aren't gonna make the new release date? What if it gets delayed again, when Sony realizes one of these potential problems?

If they are able to only launch a couple of hundred thousand units in every territory, week 1 sales would suffer tremendously. It would certainly be hard to meet that release date with full stock.

The new "release date" could just be the day Sony ships enough units to meet preorders(or doesn't).


Try thinking positive.




I'm sipping hateraid Euphoria, lol. I'm not happy about LBP being delayed, let me say that first and foremost. However, me and the Sony fans, we have this thing going, where they deny truths, and spread propoganda, and I theorize and embellish the possibilities of every story, and how it will/could effect Sony.

I don't make the news. I don't spin the news. However, I do represent negative thinking, and present the worst possible scenerios as much as possible, lol.

That jus how I do. Ask Rol. As you see, I don't even spare myself.


Well if it makes you feel any better. Manager at Gamecrazy said their HQ said they already received their launch copies and are still going with the Oct. 20th Midnight launch.


Have one near you? If so, go there!


Edit - Even with a recall, can stores do this?

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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Jordahn said:
Euphoria14 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Another major worry I just thought of:

Sony is rushing this.

What if they aren't able to meed demand, by not having time to print/ship enough units? What if the bundles aren't gonna make the new release date? What if it gets delayed again, when Sony realizes one of these potential problems?

If they are able to only launch a couple of hundred thousand units in every territory, week 1 sales would suffer tremendously. It would certainly be hard to meet that release date with full stock.

The new "release date" could just be the day Sony ships enough units to meet preorders(or doesn't).

Try thinking positive.

I had hopes for Zen, but he continues to allow his SONY hatred to spill in almost every attempt to crush them in his mind.  But I'll keep praying for him...

lol, off topic, but I was beyond hope long before you started posting here.

The only thing special about me, is I can see all the angles.


Dude, prayer is a powerful thing, but just messing with you.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Godot said:
I'll repost what I posted in the other thread.

Does anyone remember the episode Cartoon Wars from South Park. In that episode, they couldn't show Muhammad in an everyday life situation (it was censored by Comedy Central) while they put a really crude cartoon instulting the Christian religion.

The problem with that double standard is that Western companies fear to put "anything" even remotely offensive to Muslims since the backlash of the Danish caricatures. It's really sad because those caricatures were about the freedom of expression and I think freedom of expression is a lot more important than freedom of religion. Especially when the song wasn't offensive (it did not contain hate speech of any sort). If anything, that song was probably introduced as a way to show that the game wasn't only made for the West.


I would have to disagree. They were really offensive and insulting to all Muslims. However, I get just as pissed off when I saw those "art" of Jesus in NY a few years ago that was made out of shit. Its just disrespectful and you should not be allowed to have freedom of insult.

Also, most of the time the Jesus or religious related stuff in South Park is not offensive, just funny. However, I do think they have also crossed the line with Christianity at times.


OT: I really don't see what the issue is with that song. It isn't negative that I can tell in any way. I guess Sony just doesn't want the possibility that their biggest game right now might offend someone somewhere. Oh well, its only one week.


And The New LittleBigPlanet North American Release Date Is...

In case you've just joined us this morning, Sony and Media Molecule have run into a bit of a snag with LittleBigPlanet on a worldwide scale, with copies already out at retail being recalled due to some passages from the Islamic holy text Qur'an making their way into one of the game's background tracks. Now Sony has revealed the updated release date for the North American version of the game. Originally slated for an October 21st release, the new, improved version will begin shipping on October 27th.

We will begin shipping LittleBigPlanet to retail in North America the week of October 27th. Sorry for the delay, and rest assured, we are doing everything we can to get LittleBigPlanet to you as soon as possible.

See? Everything is alright. We waited this long, another week won't kill us.

I think you should update the first post with this DMJ.

4 ≈ One

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Are they also going to release a patch too? I don't want to return mine.

superchunk said:
Godot said:
I'll repost what I posted in the other thread.

Does anyone remember the episode Cartoon Wars from South Park. In that episode, they couldn't show Muhammad in an everyday life situation (it was censored by Comedy Central) while they put a really crude cartoon instulting the Christian religion.

The problem with that double standard is that Western companies fear to put "anything" even remotely offensive to Muslims since the backlash of the Danish caricatures. It's really sad because those caricatures were about the freedom of expression and I think freedom of expression is a lot more important than freedom of religion. Especially when the song wasn't offensive (it did not contain hate speech of any sort). If anything, that song was probably introduced as a way to show that the game wasn't only made for the West.


I would have to disagree. They were really offensive and insulting to all Muslims. However, I get just as pissed off when I saw those "art" of Jesus in NY a few years ago that was made out of shit. Its just disrespectful and you should not be allowed to have freedom of insult.

Also, most of the time the Jesus or religious related stuff in South Park is not offensive, just funny. However, I do think they have also crossed the line with Christianity at times.


OT: I really don't see what the issue is with that song. It isn't negative that I can tell in any way. I guess Sony just doesn't want the possibility that their biggest game right now might offend someone somewhere. Oh well, its only one week.

your still censoring, and censorship is not freedom of insult, but freedom of expression. if you are insulted, its your prerogative to not view it or go to it. you can even complain about it. but the artist does have the freedom to show what on his mind, no matter how offensive it may be. the only provision i can think of that would limit this is for slander, even then i have issues with it, but understand why its there.... i may not agree with the way we judge people in media before court cases are done much like art is judged, but we as a society must foster freedom of speech and expression at the expense of peoples feelings 

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According to Amazon the release date is November 4, 3 days before GeoW 2

According to Amazon the release date is November 4, 3 days before GeoW 2



Gamestop has it as OCtober 28th

Oh well, I'll just get Dead Space then.