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And The New LittleBigPlanet North American Release Date Is...

In case you've just joined us this morning, Sony and Media Molecule have run into a bit of a snag with LittleBigPlanet on a worldwide scale, with copies already out at retail being recalled due to some passages from the Islamic holy text Qur'an making their way into one of the game's background tracks. Now Sony has revealed the updated release date for the North American version of the game. Originally slated for an October 21st release, the new, improved version will begin shipping on October 27th.

We will begin shipping LittleBigPlanet to retail in North America the week of October 27th. Sorry for the delay, and rest assured, we are doing everything we can to get LittleBigPlanet to you as soon as possible.

See? Everything is alright. We waited this long, another week won't kill us.

I think you should update the first post with this DMJ.

4 ≈ One