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Forums - Sony Discussion - It's official. Worldwide LBP delay. :'(

darthdevidem01 said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
xman said:
9 days is not bad, plus its getting more press which is a good thing


While I agree that more press is a good thing, I think it's very hard to argue that this won't have a negative effect on week 1 sales.

While I also agree that more press is a good thing, I think it's very hard to argue that this will have a negative effect on week 1 sales.


No, it's very easy to argue. Broken street date, different release date on commercials, most people have recently played the beta, hype and marketing designed around this street date, huge losses for reprinting and repackaging, bad PR, ect.

If week 1 sales are just "ok"...will you blame it on the marketing, the delay, or the game?

I'd put my money on the delay or the marketing, because the game is fantastic.

Anyway, this is my opinion, but it's a fact that this having some sort of negative effect on LBP in general, is easy to argue.

I mean, you guys certainly don't think this is good news about the game, according to every LBP fan on the interent, and their grandmothers. It certainly has some of you worried, at the very least. Even if just to further the delaystation propoganda, this is good news for Microsoft.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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sieanr said:
The original version of this game is going to go for sky high prices on ebay, and will likely become a collectors item.

good point


perpride said:
I am a Muslim and I approve of this delay.


 I'm a Muslim and I don't approve of this delay.

I mean the songs been out for 2 years and it was written and sung by a Devoted Muslim. I don't see the need for a delay.

i went out this afternoon to some 2nd rate places that sell video games hoping one shop would have them in but no such luck. you just know the copies WITH this questionable material are going to be rare & a collector's item.

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goddog said:
Godot said:
I'll repost what I posted in the other thread.

Does anyone remember the episode Cartoon Wars from South Park. In that episode, they couldn't show Muhammad in an everyday life situation (it was censored by Comedy Central) while they put a really crude cartoon instulting the Christian religion.

The problem with that double standard is that Western companies fear to put "anything" even remotely offensive to Muslims since the backlash of the Danish caricatures. It's really sad because those caricatures were about the freedom of expression and I think freedom of expression is a lot more important than freedom of religion. Especially when the song wasn't offensive (it did not contain hate speech of any sort). If anything, that song was probably introduced as a way to show that the game wasn't only made for the West.


i always thought that was very strange considering is super best friends south park had already shown muhammad. this is reactionary to our times, and can only harm our future as a country. these decisions show to terrorists that terrorism or the threat there of works. and we lose freedom of choice, they are free not to play the game if they so chose, why give special consideration to them, sony barely apologized for the church battle ground, so i can not see this being prior company policy. fanatics really get to me. 

The terrorists really won after september 11. I don't want to go too much off-topic but we have much less freedom of speech today than we had in 2000. Just look at the fact that the other thread got locked because a few members blamed that on religion.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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On another site people are saying a few US retailers are still going ahead with their midnight launches.

Hopefully Gamecrazy is one of them seeing as how they haven't called me back yet. :)

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i dont think i even have enough money to get it by oct 21, so the 6 day delay is good for me, i should come up with some money.





Another major worry I just thought of:

Sony is rushing this.

What if they aren't able to meed demand, by not having time to print/ship enough units? What if the bundles aren't gonna make the new release date? What if it gets delayed again, when Sony realizes one of these potential problems?

If they are able to only launch a couple of hundred thousand units in every territory, week 1 sales would suffer tremendously. It would certainly be hard to meet that release date with full stock.

The new "release date" could just be the day Sony ships enough units to meet preorders(or doesn't).

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I remember being a comic book fan in the mid 80's to the early 90's. One of my favorite artist and writer was John Byrne. I forgot which comic it was, but he always started it with a quote from the Bible, but he wasn't a Christian. Now, I cannot recall if those verses were taken out of context or not, but I don't remember any rucuss over it. There shouldn't be any problems with it now. Go figure.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

Godot said:
goddog said:
Godot said:
I'll repost what I posted in the other thread.

Does anyone remember the episode Cartoon Wars from South Park. In that episode, they couldn't show Muhammad in an everyday life situation (it was censored by Comedy Central) while they put a really crude cartoon instulting the Christian religion.

The problem with that double standard is that Western companies fear to put "anything" even remotely offensive to Muslims since the backlash of the Danish caricatures. It's really sad because those caricatures were about the freedom of expression and I think freedom of expression is a lot more important than freedom of religion. Especially when the song wasn't offensive (it did not contain hate speech of any sort). If anything, that song was probably introduced as a way to show that the game wasn't only made for the West.


i always thought that was very strange considering is super best friends south park had already shown muhammad. this is reactionary to our times, and can only harm our future as a country. these decisions show to terrorists that terrorism or the threat there of works. and we lose freedom of choice, they are free not to play the game if they so chose, why give special consideration to them, sony barely apologized for the church battle ground, so i can not see this being prior company policy. fanatics really get to me. 

The terrorists really won after september 11. I don't want to go too much off-topic but we have much less freedom of speech today than we had in 2000. Just look at the fact that the other thread got locked because a few members blamed that on

yes agreed, and not just religious ones... all terrorist.... anyone who uses fear to coheres for their desired result.on topic, why not offer an optional patch? those who want it patched do so those who want to play the game as envisioned do so its a terrible blow to  a burgeoning art form. as i have read this i have come to understand the song was even recoreded by a muslim this is all kinds of confusing sigh it would be nice if we did not have to deal with such sillyness 

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