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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Best Wii game, besides Mario Galaxy 1/2

When discussing the best game on Wii, the conversation is typically dominated by Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel.

To make things more interesting, if we set those aside for a moment, what do you think is the best Wii game besides these two, and what's your argument for why it's the best?

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Super Smash Bros. Brawl is my favorite Wii game.

I spend ages playing the N64 version, and once I saw it and The Subspace Emissary... I was blown away.

This is an easy one, because my top Wii game isn’t a Super Mario Galaxy title; it’s Xenoblade Chronicles :)

Great story and world-building, sympathetic characters, a deep and customizable combat framework, an invigorating sense of discovery, an absurd amount of rewarding content, and multiple absorbing role-playing systems that dovetail beautifully.


Dont really have an argument for it. I just love it

This is gonna be met with a lot of divided opinions:

Skyward Sword.

It damn near perfected the classic OoT formula. The game looked fantastic for the system, the motion controls (when you know what you're doing and not just flailing the damn thing around like you're trying to swat a fly in mid-air with your bare hand) are the best for any Wii game and really went above and beyond in immersing me in the world full of characters I absolutely adore (Best Link and Zelda in the series! And the best relationship between the two in the series as well. Groose, my main man! I loved Ghirahim and Demise as villains! Both past and present versions of Impa. Fi, even though I have some problems with her, I still love her all the same!) And the world itself felt like one giant dungeon constantly challenging me and making me ponder "What's next? How do I solve this one?" The amazing soundtrack - Starting from the Wii menu music that plays before you even start the game. The dungeons are the best the series has to offer! It was the game that made me fall in love with the Zelda series and made it my de-facto #2 favorite gaming franchise behind Sonic (Try not to laugh, I know.)

Does it have flaws? Ohhhh, yes it does. Fi can be annoying at times, especially with the hand-holding at the beginning and the constant reminder of the batteries (Which doesn't happen if you change them before they get to that point.) Or how every time you boot up the game, you have to look at the text logs for each item you pick up AGAIN. And padding, especially in the last part of the game.

But, y'know what? I still love this game to death despite its flaws - Flaws that were mostly addressed and mitigated in the HD version, thankfully. (Fi's handholding and interruptions were dialed back significantly. No more text logs every time you start the game, 60 fps.)

And I know that back then, the very linear structure of the game was something fans considered a negative and a flaw back then. Something I NEVER agreed with. And after Breath of the Wild and ESPECIALLY Tears of the Kingdom, most people can see why and I've seen some people changing their tune on that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with linearity as long as it's concise and constructed in a way to where the world and the story they are trying to tell in the world makes sense, which Skyward Sword does.

Last edited by PAOerfulone - on 17 February 2025

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Sin n Punishment Star Successor

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I think I’d have to split my favourites into single and multiplayer games:

For single player:
Xenoblade Chronicles
Rune Factory Frontier
Resident Evil 4
Monster Hunter 3 (well, that is largely online co-op multiplayer, but that may as well be single player)
Little King Story
Muramasa the Demon Blade
Super Paper Mario
Godfather: Blackhand Edition
Final Fantasy 4: The After years
Chrono Trigger and FF6 if we’re including VC.

For multi-player - some of these, admittedly, we’re more or less excuses to play while getting smashed and flirting with women, but there’s a lot of fun in that 😀:
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Just Dance series (mainly 1-4)
Wii Sports
Mario Kart Wii
Kirby’s Epic Yarn
Sports Resort
Tiger Woods
Smash Bros Brawl
Umbrella Chronicles or House of the Dead: Overkill.

Last edited by Jumpin - on 17 February 2025

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

SMB and MHTri for me.

Twilight Princess as well. 

Skyward Sword is one of Nintendo's greatest games ever.

Wii has a lot of great games, although Mario is without a doubt very popular.

My favorite Wii games:
Another Code R

Pandora's Tower

Xenoblade Chronicles

All three of these were hated by Reggie and didn't came to the US or came late and limited in the case of Xenoblade.

Other good games:
Monster Hunter Tri
Resident Evil 4
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo needs to bring back Wuhu Island)
Umbrella Chronicles (shockingly good on rails shooter)
Mario Kart Wii
Twilight Princess
Fire Emblem:Radiant Dawn
Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise
Metroid Prime 3

Last edited by Mnementh - on 17 February 2025

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

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