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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Nintendo are in competition. But are they really?

BraLoD said:

Playstation sales in Japan have been in decline for a long time, despite the PS4 worldwide success and it selling 30M more units than the PS3, the PS4 still sold less than the PS3 there. Despite the Switch completely dominating the physical games charts, the PS5 was not far behind the PS4 there, and the PS5 is now decling heavily because Sony is giving Japan the middle finger, raising prices and not having many exclusives that appeal for that market.

Had Nintendo not been in Japan, would the PS5 and games sold more?

That's your lead.

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But is Nintendo Online competing with Xbox Game Pass.... HMMMMM.... /s

Phenomajp13 said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

It makes sense to say Switch or PS5 is crushing Xbox because they are but, saying Switch is crushing PS5 is crazy and delusional. It's also very strange to just disregard selling 4 million consoles in a month alone like it's nothing and it's irrelevant. You have to sell the consoles to sell the games  

Depends on what you consider crushing. PS5 could sale as much as 120 million depending on when Sony launches PS6. Currently PS5 is tracking behind PS4, which sold less than 120 but PS5 could remain on the market without a successor longer than PS4 allowing PS5 to hit 120 million. Switch is looking to reach the coveted 160 million or even higher. That puts Switch 40 million above PS5, I personally think that should qualify as getting beat and atleast approaching getting crushed. So no, not really delusional just depends on your definition. This is supposedly a market leader (PS).

If that's crushed then what did PS4 do to the Wii U? Or PS1 and PS2 do to the 64 and GC? Switch outselling PS5 4 to 3 isn't really crushing. And total software will be very close in the end. Playstation main profits are probably from subscriptions, dlc and micro-transactions

Last edited by Pinkie_pie - on 27 January 2025

Chazore said:
killer7 said:

I am no relec from a dated timeline, i just do not see computers as gods like some pc fanboys do. I do not need a PC for my work. Everything i do i do with my smartphone. PCs get replaced by tablets and smartphones. People who had laptops now have tablets. Its more easy to use them, they rearly break. If i use a PC: The more powerful and complex it is, the easier it can break. I don't need it when i have an 8K TV and a high end home cinema with an Ultra 4K BD Player, that does not only read (4K) BD, but also DVD and CD. And guess what? I can also download music and films, because i can connect an SSD to it. For streaming fans its important to use Amazon, Netflix... and surprise: I can also use that! So why do i need a PC? With ambilight hue i get an experience i would never want to exchange with anything else! Google "ambilight hue philips"! As you see, i also don't need a PC for entertainment!ðŸ˜Å½

Calling me "dellusional" or "a relic from the past" only shows informational lack of todays posibilities in technology! 

Yes you are, because the vast majority of users on this website have changed significantly over the years, and I know, because I've been here that long to notice.

Computers aren't "gods", but they do in fact help out a hell of a lot with humanity when it comes to a multitude of tasks and we naturally need computers to operate various systems and services, because without them we'd have nothing. Consoles owe practically everything to a computer, because you don't just sketch a console on papers and print it at the factor, no, it has to be designed specifically on a computer. Your games are made on computers, consoles in their alpha stage builds are basically Small Form Factor computers, as seen here:

Just because you do not need a computer for work does not mean others do not. What you are trying to imply here is that no one needs a computer, and that is just factually wrong, and you know this, but you're acting in a "baity" manner which harkens back to my comment about you being a relic of a deleted timeline.

People still use laptops and gaming laptops?. My partner has a gaming laptop, previous Computex showed off brand new gaming laptops, and Nvidia will have their brand new 5000 series GPU's for said laptops. So this myth of "no one needs anything related to a PC/Laptop" is horseshit, and again, you know this, but you're wanting to point and mock/laugh, but it only makes you look worse (and believe me, someone on the team is going to find out who you really are). 

There's nothing "important" for Streaming fans?. I used to sub to Amazon prime and used my PC to stream movies/shows, and my partner did the same on their gaming laptop. Why on earth would either of us want to watch a full length movie on a tiny phone screen when we could watch it from our respective PC's with our separate speaker systems?. 

No, you really are delusional, most of us here are citing your delusions with our own evidence and you're just sitting there wagging your finger, acting like that somehow matters. 

PCs are for work yes. But for entertainment i don't need them and never will. An 8K TV does a better job for movies and picture quality than a PC. A 20k home cinema will never be surpassed by a tiny speaker system with a PC. You need a good amplifier to get the maximum out of a sound system. You need an amplifier for a big subwoofer wich costs 1000$+ alone! For Loutspeakers that do Bi Amping, a high end emplifier is obligatory! A PC does not do that on its own. I workes for Dolby as well. If we only had PCs with their soundcards, well have fun with mickey mouse sound quality! Yes a smartphone is a tiny screen, but an 8k TV isn't. In fact its bigher than a PC monitor. So when you complain about small screens but you prefere PC montiors (wich cost just a piece of cake compared to good TVs) over TVs you are contradictong yourself. I love my movies and games physical. PC is pushing away from that. I can do everything i need without a PC. So why buy one? Thats my opinion and it will never ever change. Like i said, i am fine with my phone because i don't need a PC. And more and more people replace their desktop PCs with tablets and Smartphones. Because they do not need more than that. I see this in my job as well.

Pinkie_pie said:
Phenomajp13 said:

Depends on what you consider crushing. PS5 could sale as much as 120 million depending on when Sony launches PS6. Currently PS5 is tracking behind PS4, which sold less than 120 but PS5 could remain on the market without a successor longer than PS4 allowing PS5 to hit 120 million. Switch is looking to reach the coveted 160 million or even higher. That puts Switch 40 million above PS5, I personally think that should qualify as getting beat and atleast approaching getting crushed. So no, not really delusional just depends on your definition. This is supposedly a market leader (PS).

If that's crushed then what did PS4 do to the Wii U? Or PS1 and PS2 do to the 64 and GC? Switch outselling PS5 4 to 3 isn't really crushing. And total software will be very close in the end. Playstation main profits are probably from subscriptions, dlc and micro-transactions

The same thing 3DS did to Vita, Wii did PS3, and DS did to PSP. Regardless, the "market leader" with all the 3rd party support has no business getting beat by 40 million. Nintendo is damn near carrying their own platforms while Sony has all the support in the world getting smoked. 

Last edited by Phenomajp13 - on 27 January 2025

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killer7 said:

PCs are for work yes. But for entertainment i don't need them and never will.

And many other people don't need consoles or handhelds or TVs or home cinemas for their entertainment. So what's your point?

An 8K TV does a better job for movies and picture quality than a PC.

You can connect a PC to an 8K TV, same as a console or a Bluray-player.

And by the way... which 8K-model do you have and which 8K-content do you use on it?

A 20k home cinema will never be surpassed by a tiny speaker system with a PC. You need a good amplifier to get the maximum out of a sound system. You need an amplifier for a big subwoofer wich costs 1000$+ alone! 

You can connect a PC to a home cinema system, including amplifiers and speakers.

And by the way... do you have a home cinema  worth 20k USD or is this just theoretical? Pics or it didn't happen.

I can do everything i need without a PC.

And other people can do anything they need without a consoles or handheld. Different interests and different quality standards.

padib said:
BraLoD said:

Playstation sales in Japan have been in decline for a long time, despite the PS4 worldwide success and it selling 30M more units than the PS3, the PS4 still sold less than the PS3 there. Despite the Switch completely dominating the physical games charts, the PS5 was not far behind the PS4 there, and the PS5 is now decling heavily because Sony is giving Japan the middle finger, raising prices and not having many exclusives that appeal for that market.

Had Nintendo not been in Japan, would the PS5 and games sold more?

That's your lead.

It wouldn't, at least not to a significant degree 

The easy way to check is software sales. The majority games Japanese people are interested are not on PS5

Same way of why Wii U sales tanking did not helped PS4 on its slightest either in Japan or elsewhere 

In other time-line, one where Nintendo was kicked out of gaming market after Game Cube, we could make an argument for Sony never losing its grip on Japanese Market 

However the existence of Nintendo devices and Nintendo games are responsible for a shift in Japanese Market tastes and habits, including the habit of playing portable. A significant amount of Switch userbase comes from 3DS players, those would never buy a PS5 in first place because a PS5 do not satisfy their gaming demands 

This of course doesn't mean Nintendo and Sony are not in competition, they absolutely are. But two things can be competition in different degrees. You will see a significant bigger correlation between PC adoption in Japan increasing while Sony brand gets weaker

padib said:
BraLoD said:

Playstation sales in Japan have been in decline for a long time, despite the PS4 worldwide success and it selling 30M more units than the PS3, the PS4 still sold less than the PS3 there. Despite the Switch completely dominating the physical games charts, the PS5 was not far behind the PS4 there, and the PS5 is now decling heavily because Sony is giving Japan the middle finger, raising prices and not having many exclusives that appeal for that market.

Had Nintendo not been in Japan, would the PS5 and games sold more?

That's your lead.

If we look at the sales of the first 4 years of the PS4 and PS4 in Japan we don't see that much of a difference. The PS4 had the Wii U as competition those years and the PS5 had the Switch. The sales are pretty much equal launch aligned, even though the Switch sold much more units in those years. So I would say there isn't that much of an impact.

If Switch 2 flops for some reason it probably won't make PS6 sell any better in Japan. 

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

padib said:

Not the right spirit, it's tribalism at its best, trying to paint people who use common sense as unreasonable idol worshippers. So anyone who isn't on his side of thinking is tribal, according to him. That's a very tribal mindset and highly hypocritical. He needs to looks at himself very carefully and stop pointing fingers at everyone whose opinions he dislikes.

Then says it's the nature of the website. Why then dwell on a sales forum, and try to make people feel bad or make then look bad for talking sales? There are so many other gaming-centric forums to be on.

Next time quote me directly if you want to criticize me instead of hiding behind another user's post.

There's nothing common or sensible about any of your posts.

Your post history about Nintendo and how you feel about the other companies is text book definition of a tribal mindset, especially the negative aspects of it is very visible in your posts.

You get so easily offended whenever someone criticizes anything Nintendo whether its minimal or not.

Why dwell on a sales forum? Because I can, welcome to the Internet which thankfully isn't as close minded as your tastes in gaming.

IcaroRibeiro said:

This of course doesn't mean Nintendo and Sony are not in competition, they absolutely are. But two things can be competition in different degrees. You will see a significant bigger correlation between PC adoption in Japan increasing while Sony brand gets weaker

Yeah. I have to think of Arcades with this discussion. In a way you could've argued (and maybe they did, I wasn't there) that the far more powerful Arcade cabinets with better input devices clearly were in a different market than the comparatively weaker game consoles. And maybe that would look good. But that market was shrinking, while home consoles flourished. And I don't think these events were unconnected.

Nowadays mobile phones and PC are viable platforms besides gaming handhelds and consoles. And they may seem as different markets, after all which mobile gamer would get a console and vice versa? But the reality is that if you start to exclude the Switch, the console market (or some put it as high performance console market) is not growing for some time now. This is a bad sign. Gaming overall grows greatly and Nintendo adapted with the Switch and sees success. If Sony and MS (and for MS I can see some effort) don't adapt as well their market might dwindle away, same as arcades did. Then Sony wins a dying market. And I am pretty sure that market dwindles because the alternative offerings exist.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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