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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo Quarterly Sales Update: Switch at 139.36m shipped

Great quarterly sales for every type of Mario content you could say.

A nice launch for Super Mario RPG which is already over it's predecessor by double. It's probably gonna finish up it's run around 4M-5M I think. Mario RPGs have a market so I'm quite confident for the Paper Mario TTYD Remake.

Super Mario Wonder had the Holiday boost that most would've expected, even beyond NSMB Wii at the moment. It'll likely continue to ride a good momentum this whole year until new hardware is to appear, even then, numbers will go up nonetheless. 

Zelda TOTK which was overshipped at launch finally is starting to build up again. It's difficult to think if it'll catch up totally with Zelda BOTW ... But I think some kind of remaster/deluxe edition on the Switch successor could help.

Looking at the overall revenue, it's on the net positive as usual, even increased due to exterior streams of revenue outside of the home console buisness, and also the cards which both doubled their total revenue.

To finish the fiscal year at about 141M Switch shipped is definitely a good step in the direction of surpassing the reigning DS when it comes to their own hardwares. Can't say if it truly has the potential of surpassing the PS2 at this point however, we'll know once we understand Nintendo strategy for its next generation hardware.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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PAOerfulone said:

So Nintendo upped their hardware shipment forecast to 15.5 million.

As of this update, FY24 stands at 13.74 million units shipped. Which means it needs to ship an additional 1.76 million units to reach their updated forecast.

If it does, the Switch would sit at 141.12 million units lifetime the end of March 2024. And if that happens, then this is what we'd be looking at by the end of March:

1. PS2 - 158.70 million units.
2. DS - 154.02 million units
3. NS - 141.12 million units and counting.

So, it would need to ship another 12.9 million units from FY25 and beyond to catch the DS. I'll say right now, I think it's gonna do it! Either by the end of the next FY or sometime during the one after that (FY26) the Switch will pass the DS to move into 2nd place on the all-time hardware sales list.

It's AFTER that where things get difficult...

Because at the same time, it would need to ship another 17.58 million units from FY25 and beyond to catch the PS2... And that is NOT going to be easy.
I think everybody here is guessing by this time next year, Switch 2 will be out or, at the very latest, just about to come out. (March 7th, 2025 release date, just after the 8 year anniversary at the very latest, I say. But I think a more likely release date will be September 2024.) And barring any unforeseen circumstances, that is going to really eat into Switch 1's legs and we're going to start to see shipments and sales decrease rapidly.

Like I said, I think it's close enough to the DS where I think it should still be able to pass it in spite of this, but the PS2 is an entirely different matter. It needs to ship ~2 million more than what it's projected to ship this FY, which means it's not going to do it by the end of next FY. So, we're talking 2026 or beyond for the Switch to pull it off... And honestly, there's a strong chance that it WON'T pull it off.

That PS2 number might be a bit out of reach.

We'll see. Considering they just had to raise shipments by 500k, there's also the possibility that sales may be strong enough this quarter to where they end up raising them again. And there's also moves Nintendo can make to maintain sales like price cuts, hardware revisions, and a strong post-NS2-launch lineup of games to keep consumers interested. And depending on the launch price of Switch 2, and if they DO go through w/ price cuts and revisions to bring down Switch 1's entry price, that can keep people invested.

At this point, I think it's legit 50/50 whether or not the Switch becomes the best selling system of all-time.

Nintendo will sell an average of 900k units each month in January, February and March for a total of 2.7M. It will have shipped 142.06M.
Nintendo will most likely set a goal of 10M Switch units sold, which is -30% decline from 15M (and a bit more than a -30% decline from 15.5M). I sells as average of 900k units each month until the rumored Sept successor launch, shipping 146.56M.

Once the Successor releases it goes downhill.

Personally, we have signs of a successor but they are the early signs.
It takes around 1.5 years, usually, for a console to launch after dev get the early dev kits. We heard about Nintendo's next gen dev kits in July 2023, so expect the release near Jan 2025 at the earliest. So yes, I do expect a Spring 2025 next gen release. And thats just one sign.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Zippy6 said:
psychicscubadiver said:

Interesting news on the digital sales right there.
Over the past five quarters listed in that slide, total digital sales make an average of 48.6% of all software sales and digital versions of packaged software make up an average of 55.9% of those digital sales.
So digital versions make up 27.2% of total sales vs physical software at 51.4%, meaning that the digital-physical split on software is approximately 34.6% digital to 65.4% physical for retail released games.

Worth bearing in mind that this is revenue and that Nintendo will receive more from a digital sale through their eshop than a physical sale at a retailer. So in terms of units it will be less than 34.6% digital.

That's true. Although, the voucher program may have leveled that playing field, since a digital game for $50 is likely to be close in revenue to a physical game for $60. Has Nintendo put out any data how many vouchers they've sold?

-Super Mario RPG already over 3 million! Insane! I was concerned that the late age of the console would cause bad sales (I also have that concern for TTYD which will be launching closer to Switch 2 release). Very shocked!

-SMW is gonna have crazy legs. Those games never have amazing starts. Also, I'm fairly confident any Switch game released in the last couple years of its life will come to Switch 2 so that will help sales out.

-I'm now wondering if Nintendo will release Switch 2 and simultaneously push Switch 1. At some point you have to release your hardware or it's tech will start to get outdated. Doing R&D to stall Switch 2 release and beef up the tech is impossible at this stage of development, many developers are already working on Switch 2 games based on its specs which were no doubt set years ago. But at the same time, milk the Switch for all the profit you can get, right? It's hard to juggle that.

-Conspiracy speculation - Nintendo was made aware of Microsoft's pending shift years ago and Switch 2 will be even beefier so it can have all MS ported games.

Giving it a little though I'd say the DS is a very, very possible target to reach at this point as long as Nintendo doesn't decide to discontinue their most succesful system ever a few months after the successor. 10m feels like the absolute floor for this year so at most it would need 5m in 2025 and beyond. That seems exceedingly doable if they keep shipping it as long as there's demand.

PS2 is admittedly still tricky though and the Switch could very well end up in that dangerous 155-160m range, which, since we don't have exact confirmation on PS2 numbers, would inevitably result in endless arguments over which system really sold more.

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UnderwaterFunktown said:

Giving it a little though I'd say the DS is a very, very possible target to reach at this point as long as Nintendo doesn't decide to discontinue their most succesful system ever a few months after the successor. 10m feels like the absolute floor for this year so at most it would need 5m in 2025 and beyond. That seems exceedingly doable if they keep shipping it as long as there's demand.

PS2 is admittedly still tricky though and the Switch could very well end up in that dangerous 155-160m range, which, since we don't have exact confirmation on PS2 numbers, would inevitably result in endless arguments over which system really sold more.

For that debate, we'll most probably have the final tally on the Switch sales by the end of it's life. Kind of a bummer, Sony never really did the same in the end since it mostly lead to educated reasoning as to why the PS2 is currently the best selling console of all time. In the end, symbolically, the fact the Switch has the possibility to reach such a result is the biggest surprise of these last generations really.

Of course now, the discourse over it's successor will possibly get heated due to Nintendo's history with transition from successful hardware to other ones but the Switch legacy will live on nonetheless.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

Good sales for Mario Wonder. I'm playing through it right now and it's really good so far.

XtremeBG said:

Aren't the quarter reports normally include shipment numbers and not sold ?

Yep. Whenever "sales" are reported by any of the Big Three (not that MS shares shipment figures anymore), it's always in terms of units shipped, not units sold to end users. There's always going to be some stock left in supply channels at the end of any quarter. For example, at the end of any given calendar year from 2014 to 2019, the PS4 had anywhere from 1.8M to 3.7M units left in supply channels worldwide (the average was about 2.8M). If VGC's estimate of 136.7M units for the Switch is accurate, that would mean it had over 2.6M unsold units in the supply channels, which would not be all that unusual.


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In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

Hardware is somewhat higher than I expected given the drops we saw in some of the weekly/monthly charts. Even after all these years, the elderly Switch still punches like a champ.

Switch Sports is a real standout here; 1.7m for the quarter more than a year and a half after its release is seriously impressive and really goes to show that there's still a lot of interest in this sort of software, contrary to the narrative among some gamers that it was a short-lived fad.

Pikmin has also really blossomed on Switch; entries on prior consoles never passed 2 million, yet here it is passing 3 in under 6 months. 

trunkswd said:

@curl-6 Thanks for posting the thread on the Switch figures. I had a brain fart and thought they were going to be posted tonight for me and not last night. 

No worries, happy to assist. :)

curl-6 said:

Hardware is somewhat higher than I expected given the drops we saw in some of the weekly/monthly charts. Even after all these years, the elderly Switch still punches like a champ.

Switch Sports is a real standout here; 1.7m for the quarter more than a year and a half after its release is seriously impressive and really goes to show that there's still a lot of interest in this sort of software, contrary to the narrative among some gamers that it was a short-lived fad.

Pikmin has also really blossomed on Switch; entries on prior consoles never passed 2 million, yet here it is passing 3 in under 6 months. 

trunkswd said:

@curl-6 Thanks for posting the thread on the Switch figures. I had a brain fart and thought they were going to be posted tonight for me and not last night. 

No worries, happy to assist. :)

I appreciate it. I will hopefully not get confused for when Sony releases their earnings report.

I adjusted up our Switch estimates, mainly in regions we get very little data from like mainland Asia, MEA, and "other" Europe.

VGChartz Sales Analyst and Writer - William D'Angelo - I stream on Twitch and have my own YouTube channel discussing gaming sales and news. Follow me on Bluesky.

I post and adjust the VGChartz hardware estimates, with help from Machina.

Writer of the Sales Comparison | Monthly Hardware Breakdown Monthly Sales Analysis | Marketshare Features, as well as daily news on the Video Game Industry.

I adjusted up our Switch estimates, mainly in regions we get very little data from like mainland Asia, MEA, and "other" EuEurope.

Switch units shipped during Q3 (Oct to Dec)- 6.9 million

Vgchartz estimates before adjustments- 5.73 million 

Vgchartz estimates after adjustments- 6.19 million. 

So, it has been adjusted up by 460k units. Right?