Hardware is somewhat higher than I expected given the drops we saw in some of the weekly/monthly charts. Even after all these years, the elderly Switch still punches like a champ.
Switch Sports is a real standout here; 1.7m for the quarter more than a year and a half after its release is seriously impressive and really goes to show that there's still a lot of interest in this sort of software, contrary to the narrative among some gamers that it was a short-lived fad.
Pikmin has also really blossomed on Switch; entries on prior consoles never passed 2 million, yet here it is passing 3 in under 6 months.
trunkswd said: @curl-6 Thanks for posting the thread on the Switch figures. I had a brain fart and thought they were going to be posted tonight for me and not last night. |
No worries, happy to assist. :)