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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

A203D said:


At the moment I'm dealing with the other guy, I don't have much time to engage you, but I will respond because you have threatened to pull out the moderator card again when you saw the other guy is loosing ground.

"Americans were generally well aware that there were no WMDs 6 months later."

I actually posted the link, which I will do so again:

What are you talking about? What I reffered to is how the pretext for war never existed in the first place since the evidence presented by Dick Cheeney was unsubstantiated.

If you read the second link, there was insuffient evidence presented to the United Nations Security Council who did not sanction the US invasion of Iraq and deemed an invasion of Iraq illegal. Now explain to me how it is trolling to show you the evidence?

>What are you talking about?

What do you think I'm saying? 

I'm saying Pem is a little bit wrong, and you are correct about the Iraq War. It is pretty well known that Dick Cheney and George Bush lied to their allies about how strong the evidence was that Iraq had WMDs.

Pem was right about a lot of the details, it was reasonable that Iraq wanted to make WMDs, they've done it before. 

The part that you are wrong about is more complicated.

You are arguing that the government can and has lied. That's not the issue. Of course every government lies and covers things up. Even honest mistakes get made.

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs

Dick Cheney lies here

Here's the issue, can basically every government lie about the same thing collectively and do it without getting caught? 

Your Iraq War example basically proves the opposite of what you think it does. The government can barely lie about Iraq for a few months without the people being aware of it. A country on the other side of the planet, where most people can barely point to it on the map. 

And yet you think there was some global conspiracy that the US fed into every country on the planet, a conspiracy that affected where 90+% of people got vaccinated without getting caught multiple years down the road.

It's the same problem with the moon landing. It's totally possible for NASA to make up some bad footage and fake a moon landing. And for the government to lie about it and say "we did it!". 

But it's basically impossible for that to last more than 15 minutes. It's basically 15 minutes before people start finding issues with the footage, using telescopes. Other countries start noticing there's nothing actually in the sky. 15 minutes before someone starts bragging about how they faked the moon landing. Etc.

A203D said:

"So you're telling us to watch a propaganda piece that you admit you haven't watched."

I haven't seen it yet, but I like to watch both sides of the argument so I can discern who is telling the truth. In this case I can't say if its a propaganda peice because I haven't see it, but then again neither have you.

I have actually, watched quite a bit of it. as well reading more of the transcript.

A203D said:

"You could read more of the article:"

Check the article you are asking me to read:

"In September 2021, the Australian Government purchased an additional 1 million Moderna doses from European Union member states."

At the time of mandatory vaccinations the Australian Government purchased... You stopped at Moderna and made assumptions about the other 4. Let me help you with that:

"The Australian Government advises that the AstraZeneca vaccine is no longer available in Australia."...

"The Australian Government advises that the Novavax ancestral vaccine is no longer available in Australia."

As your next point:

"The Australian Government has entered into a 10-year partnership with Moderna and the Victorian Government that will see Moderna build an mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility at Monash University Victoria."

If you look at what I said, I actually said that its irrelevant whether Australia manufactures these vaccines or not because the respective American cooporations hold patents on these products so the end user can't know whats in them. I only used the manufacture argument because that guy who responded to my comment didn't read the link he posted. It looks like neither did you...

By the way a 10-year partnership usually dosen't mean that the vaccines are manufactured straight away, it means this is a 10-process. At the time of the vaccine mandate they wouldn't have been manufacturing at that point, since the time scale was 10 years, which you've kindly reminded us of.

"The EUA process for a vaccine is similar to the BLA, or full approval, process in most ways. A manufacturer must conduct laboratory research, followed by animal testing, and submit an application. Phase I, II, and III clinical trials run as they normally would, as does the FDA assessment of manufacturing practices."

"FDA may authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. "

Unapproved medical products, only in the instant of no other medication being avaliable, in addition to the vaccines having not passed the clinical trials.

Most of Australia got vaccinated before early mid 2022. So it doesn't really matter that the vaccines became less available after 2023.

That's not what "unapproved" means. It says nothing about vaccines not passing clinical trials. All of the vaccines went through clinical trials. Again, touted by Trump. Not sure why you are singing his praises, while not believing him about that.

The first round of covid vaccines did pass through clinical trials. Some of the updated formulas didn't. The flu vaccine doesn't always go through full clinical trials. 

Moderna and Pfizer are both fully FDA approved now, not even EUA. 

A203D said:

Its trolling to disagree with everything you say and provide evidence for it? Even when you provide the evidence yourself. Are you sure Vladimir Putin is the dictator here?

Nah, Vlad would have thrown you out of a window a long time ago, instead of trying to talk to you, even after you've ignored several of my posts.

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The_Yoda said:

Also Perma is absolutely right Saddam was into using chemical weapons, something most people fail to acknowledge. Why don't you do some research on the Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program. There are some Kurdish survivors that could tell you about Mustard Gas, Tabun, and even Sarin Gas (do you remember the movie The Rock? I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice). Hell they tried unsuccessfully to develop VX gas. Did they have nukes, what most people associate with the phrase "weapons of mass destruction". No, they didn't have nukes (although Saddam was pursuing them), but they were not afraid to use chemical warfare on even their own people to quash those pesky uprisings. All that said did the US target the country responsible for 9/11 ... nope. It just sticks in my craw when people say " but but but Iraq didn't even have WMDs." They did (at least at points in time) and were not afraid to use them. If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you.

We will deal with the first point later. With regards to what your saying.

"I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice"

Actually I cited two links and I will give you a third. I also citied Offical Secrets which is based on a book about the false lies that perpetiated the Iraq war. The war that was propaged by the Democrats and the Republicans for their interests in control of Iraq's oil reserve. Until Trump put a stop to that because it put American service men and women at risk for the interests of the cartel running Washington DC. Which he actually stated publically as well. Why have you ingnored the other links disproving this guy...

"If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you."

Lets do some reading first:

If you want I can read for you and take direct citations about these 'chemical weapons'. Perhaps you would like an explanation. The United Nations could not find any evidence of weapons of mass destruction. The United States apparently 'found' chemical weapons in the country they invaded after they had invaded it. Yet where is the investigation by other countries?

Actually I will read for you:

"Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”"

Now I'm not a big fan of The Times, but in this case they seem to disprove your conspiracy. Even them I'm distrustful of anything the US government 'finds'.

A203D said:
The_Yoda said:

Also Perma is absolutely right Saddam was into using chemical weapons, something most people fail to acknowledge. Why don't you do some research on the Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program. There are some Kurdish survivors that could tell you about Mustard Gas, Tabun, and even Sarin Gas (do you remember the movie The Rock? I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice). Hell they tried unsuccessfully to develop VX gas. Did they have nukes, what most people associate with the phrase "weapons of mass destruction". No, they didn't have nukes (although Saddam was pursuing them), but they were not afraid to use chemical warfare on even their own people to quash those pesky uprisings. All that said did the US target the country responsible for 9/11 ... nope. It just sticks in my craw when people say " but but but Iraq didn't even have WMDs." They did (at least at points in time) and were not afraid to use them. If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you.

We will deal with the first point later. With regards to what your saying.

"I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice"

Actually I cited two links and I will give you a third. I also citied Offical Secrets which is based on a book about the false lies that perpetiated the Iraq war. The war that was propaged by the Democrats and the Republicans for their interests in control of Iraq's oil reserve. Until Trump put a stop to that because it put American service men and women at risk for the interests of the cartel running Washington DC. Which he actually stated publically as well. Why have you ingnored the other links disproving this guy...

"If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you."

Lets do some reading first:

If you want I can read for you and take direct citations about these 'chemical weapons'. Perhaps you would like an explanation. The United Nations could not find any evidence of weapons of mass destruction. The United States apparently 'found' chemical weapons in the country they invaded after they had invaded it. Yet where is the investigation by other countries?

Actually I will read for you:

"Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”"

Now I'm not a big fan of The Times, but in this case they seem to disprove your conspiracy. Even them I'm distrustful of anything the US government 'finds'.

I'm curious about the idea that Trump ended the Iraq war. It looks to me that based on troop levels you would have to give Obama credit for that if anyone. Then he brought the levels back up to like 4-5k before 2016 which Trump kept at the same levels until right at the end (Jan 2021) when he ordered a decrease from 4k to 2.5k. Where in this story did Trump do all the good you mention?


A203D said:


Lets continue with the first point. As I explained to you and showed you infomation the US Government illegally invaded Iraq. A country which had no links to terrorisim. Yet the Republicans at the time created a false pretext. The US claims were unsubstantiated and as a consequence the United Nations Security Council declared an invasion of Iraq would be illegal. To which you said:

I never claimed anything to the contrary.
You are making something out of nothing, you really are.

A203D said:


Yet you are claiming to the contrary. Have a look at what your writing:

False. I am expanding on the concept that some hard choices need to be made without expanded knowledge, you need to look at it from a perspective that encompasses the entire situation, not your binary position.

A203D said:

As I asked you before, would someone in your line of work fabricate evidence, present it to your superior officers and then act illegally in your own interests when your superior officers have declared your actions would be illegal?

Asking this question when I have already answered it is a waste of yours and my time. (Go back and read my prior post.)

A203D said:

As someone who is sworn to protect life, surely you can see the paradox in what you are saying. Actually lets take this a step further. A lot of American families would have sent their children to fight in a illegal war, where George Bush, Dick Cheeney, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and many others from both political parties acted in their own interests. The only person in Washington who called these criminals out was Donald Trump. In fact Trump pulled American men and women service men out of the Middle East and ended the forever wars. He's the only President in Washington who fought to protect the lives of those service men and women. I suppose thats not in line with your 'sworn duty' to protect life and property...

Donald Trump is a populist, he will always "call something out" if it's in his best interest to accrue support, enrage his fanbase or make himself some money.

If we look here though... Donald Trump was not the only person who spoke against the war.
Many in the Democrat and Republican parties did.

However the pulling out of Iraq occurred before Trump gained power as Obama already had that ball rolling.

And you think that was Trumps doing? Mate. You need to lower the reality distortion field.

As for the military and protecting lives... The Military does protect the lives of the country they serve... They however just have a very different set of tools compared to what I use. I respect that. So should you.

A203D said:

Then your telling what I already know. These countries are run by corrupt governments. Although I'm looking into information about Vladimir Putin but I haven't had a chance to watch his Tucker Carson interview yet.

Funny how Donald Trump is a part of that corrupt government.

A203D said:

Well we're getting somewhere now. You've gone from saying that these countries are your enemies to now admitting that the people in those countries are not your enemies but its their corrupt governments that are your enemies.

The countries, as in the entities are not our friends.

You haven't gotten anywhere with this point.

A203D said:

Not sure if you checked your own link, it dosen't say that there. It even says that 'the vaccine is manufactured overseas'. It irrelevant whether Australia manufuactures these products because the patient on these products are protected by American coporation laws meaning that it dosen't matter if your country is 'independent and sovereign' because the Australian government has no intellectual property rights over the manufacture of these products. In fact if you look into this the patient is designed so that the end user is not allowed to know the ingredients of whats inside these 'vaccines'.

Clearly you are incapable of reading, I suggest you follow that link and I suggest you read the part that says "Manufacturing facility in Victoria" for the Moderna and another manufacturing facility for Astrazenica.

You thought you were being clever, clearly you were not.

A203D said:

Then you know that these vaccines have not passed the clinlical safety trials. They were brought to market under emergency use authorization. Its the technical term to indemnify the vaccine companies and the Government should you drop dead from their vaccine. Your Government is telling you something is safe and effective but it hasn't passed the clincal safety trials... Is that in line with your duty to 'protect life'?

They passed clinical safety trials, hence why they are permitted in Australia.
I have already provided evidence for this prior.

These vaccines are not as dangerous as you make them out to be.

A203D said:

You lost composure and played your moderator card to avoid informed debate. I had no choice. If you like we can get into that later, but you ignore what threatens your beliefs. We've only just got past the Iraq war, which your only just let slip was illegal. We will get the pandemic business when we get through the basic points first.

I didn't play the moderator card. That is not something I ever leverage.

I am always up to changing my beliefs based on readily available evidence, but because you have failed to do so... Well. My beliefs stay as they are.

Science, evidence, experience is what keeps me safe when I run into a burning building, conspiracies and fake information is not something I adhere myself to.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

The last US combat troops withdrew from Iraq on 18 December 2011 (under Obama), but the US embassy and consulates continued to maintain a staff of more than 20,000 including military personnel within the Office of Security Cooperation-Iraq and US Marine Embassy Guards.

Obama announced the return of US forces in 2014, in the form of aerial support, in an effort to halt the advance of ISIL forces, render humanitarian aid to stranded refugees and stabilize the political situation.

In January 2020 (under Trump), after the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the Iraqi parliament voted for all foreign troops to leave the country. This would end its standing agreement with the United States to station 5,200 soldiers in Iraq.


President Donald Trump threatened Iraq with debilitating sanctions, should the Middle Eastern country force US troops to leave.

The move provoked a swift response from Washington, as it expressed its disappointment with the decision.

"We strongly urge Iraqi leaders to reconsider the importance of the ongoing economic and security relationship between the two countries and the continued presence of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS," said a State Department spokesperson.

"We believe it is in the shared interests of the United States and Iraq to continue fighting ISIS together," and that the US is still "committed to a sovereign, stable, and prosperous Iraq."

Iraqi Parliament Votes to Expel US Troops – DW – 01/05/2020

"We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that's there. It cost billions of dollars to build. We're not leaving unless they pay us back for it," he told reporters.

Speaking from the presidential plane, Mr Trump said that if Iraq asked US forces to depart on an unfriendly basis, "we will charge them sanctions like they've never seen before, ever. It'll make Iranian sanctions look somewhat tame."

Trump Threatens Iraq With Sanctions If US Troops Are Expelled - BBC News

President Trump, speaking at the White House, said that withdrawing the estimated 5,000 U.S. troops would be the “worst thing to happen to Iraq.”

Trump Administration Insists U.S. Troops Will Remain in Iraq - The Washington Post

President Joe Biden agreed on Monday to formally conclude the US combat mission in Iraq by the end of the year, another step toward winding down the two prolonged military engagements that began in the years following the September 11 terror attacks.

Biden told reporters in the Oval Office alongside Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi that the US mission in Iraq will shift.

Biden Announces End of Combat Mission in Iraq As He Shifts US Foreign Policy Focus | CNN Politics

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 01 April 2024

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT!! President Biden reportedly just died in a wakeboarding accident at Spring Break Fort Lauderdale in another bid to shore up waning youth support and reassure the nation that he is energetic and up to task of the presidency as part of his re-election effort!! Kamala Harris has been sworn in! Meanwhile Trump, almost unsurprisingly, responded by promising to sue the White House, claiming damages resulting from lost anti-Biden merch revenue while angry supporters complained their shirts, buttons, and bumper stickers were no longer relevant. Naturally that would be their response to a situation like this.

If that weren't enough news for you today, a leak has revealed, furthermore, that Harris plans to choose Taylor Swift as her running mate. You read that correctly! Asked about the matter (after being chased down by a mob of reporters), Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that the leak was being investigated and that the leaker would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Pressed on the substance of the Swift selection, Jean-Pierre added that, in light of Biden's passing, it was time for the campaign "to shake, shake, shake, shake, shake it up". ...Delivery aside, it's probably a good choice really. Swift is actually popular with Americans under 65. Naturally, there will be a lot of backlash from the "Swift is a psy-op" crowd, but, y'know, haters gonna hate. Probably the best thing to happen to the Democratic presidential campaign so far. Still quite a day, jeez!!

(Also April Fools.)

A203D said:
The_Yoda said:

Also Perma is absolutely right Saddam was into using chemical weapons, something most people fail to acknowledge. Why don't you do some research on the Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program. There are some Kurdish survivors that could tell you about Mustard Gas, Tabun, and even Sarin Gas (do you remember the movie The Rock? I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice). Hell they tried unsuccessfully to develop VX gas. Did they have nukes, what most people associate with the phrase "weapons of mass destruction". No, they didn't have nukes (although Saddam was pursuing them), but they were not afraid to use chemical warfare on even their own people to quash those pesky uprisings. All that said did the US target the country responsible for 9/11 ... nope. It just sticks in my craw when people say " but but but Iraq didn't even have WMDs." They did (at least at points in time) and were not afraid to use them. If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you.

We will deal with the first point later. With regards to what your saying.

"I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice"

Actually I cited two links and I will give you a third. I also citied Offical Secrets which is based on a book about the false lies that perpetiated the Iraq war. The war that was propaged by the Democrats and the Republicans for their interests in control of Iraq's oil reserve. Until Trump put a stop to that because it put American service men and women at risk for the interests of the cartel running Washington DC. Which he actually stated publically as well. Why have you ingnored the other links disproving this guy...

"If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you."

Lets do some reading first:

If you want I can read for you and take direct citations about these 'chemical weapons'. Perhaps you would like an explanation. The United Nations could not find any evidence of weapons of mass destruction. The United States apparently 'found' chemical weapons in the country they invaded after they had invaded it. Yet where is the investigation by other countries?

Actually I will read for you:

"Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”"

Now I'm not a big fan of The Times, but in this case they seem to disprove your conspiracy. Even them I'm distrustful of anything the US government 'finds'.

Disprove what conspiracy?  The times article you linked is about nothing other than injured troops that found hidden chemical weapons post 2001 ... pictures and personal accounts of soldiers exposed to hidden chemical weapons.  From the article:

The_Yoda said:

" I've read enough of the replies back and forth that I really don't want to engage in what seems to be discussions slipping more and more off topic.  Have a good one."

You've engaged me to try and prove yourself the moderator who lost a lot of ground to me. I'm not sorry that hasn't worked out for you, but you chose this path, not me. Let me remind me of what you said:

"I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice"

I gave multiple links, but you ignored them, including the part where the United Nations did not sanction an invasion of Iraq because you were trying so hard to impress the moderators. You saw that guy lost so much ground you went into support his chemical weapons post, in which you then ignored the article I posted. You then tried to propose a conspiracy theory that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction:

"If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you."

This is what you said, then you ignored the article I posted about chemical weapons:

"Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”

You should read the whole article, its quite insightful. Either way, an invasion of Iraq was not sanctioned and US actions were illegal.

"Don't bother responding I was initially trying to help you out by trying to remedy what i thought may be a misinterpretation of your use of "covid hoax" but you didn't bother to  answer that."

Well the moderator felt threatend so he played the warning card so I couldn't talk about it, which you already knew, hence why you have coming running to his defence when you saw he lost so much ground. Is it my fault you chose to reply to a comment that you were never involved with in the first place?

A203D said:
The_Yoda said:

" I've read enough of the replies back and forth that I really don't want to engage in what seems to be discussions slipping more and more off topic.  Have a good one."

You've engaged me to try and prove yourself the moderator who lost a lot of ground to me. I'm not sorry that hasn't worked out for you, but you chose this path, not me. Let me remind me of what you said:

"I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice"

I gave multiple links, but you ignored them, including the part where the United Nations did not sanction an invasion of Iraq because you were trying so hard to impress the moderators. You saw that guy lost so much ground you went into support his chemical weapons post, in which you then ignored the article I posted. You then tried to propose a conspiracy theory that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction:

"If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you."

This is what you said, then you ignored the article I posted about chemical weapons:

"Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”

You should read the whole article, its quite insightful. Either way, an invasion of Iraq was not sanctioned and US actions were illegal.

"Don't bother responding I was initially trying to help you out by trying to remedy what i thought may be a misinterpretation of your use of "covid hoax" but you didn't bother to  answer that."

Well the moderator felt threatend so he played the warning card so I couldn't talk about it, which you already knew, hence why you have coming running to his defence when you saw he lost so much ground. Is it my fault you chose to reply to a comment that you were never involved with in the first place?

You got it wrong. All that happened here is that a conservative distanced himself from someone on the far-right.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

RolStoppable said:

A203D said:


You got it wrong. All that happened here is that a conservative distanced himself from someone on the far-right.

This seems to be a pretty accurate assessment: although I consider myself fiscally conservative and socially moderate.  If I had to pigeonhole myself though I probably do fit better in the conservative slot.