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Forums - Politics Discussion - Biden vs Trump 2024 Political Platforms, Policies and Issues

Ryuu96 said:
Chrkeller said:

Correct.  They recommend calling an operator and not changing the tire yourself.  I never said doing so was illegal.  You just can't read and picked a fight without knowledge.  Clicking change tire on the government test is the wrong answer.  

Thank for proving I'm right.  

Remind when did you get a UK license and took the test?  All right, you haven't.

Dude...You're getting really defensive, Lol.

You Said:

If you get a flat you aren't suppose to change the tire yourself. You are suppose to call a government agency to do it for safety.

UK being an example.

You call someone, you are 100% not suppose to change your tire. It is a government regulation.


But I corrected you and said that is not correct, you're implying that we in the UK aren't suppose to change a tyre ourselves, we are suppose to call a government agency, you said we're "100%" not suppose to change our tyres and it's a government regulation.

But that is incorrect. We CAN change a tyre ourselves, nowhere does it say "we don't recommend changing your tyres yourself no matter the circumstances" in the Highway Code, it says you CAN change a tyre yourself as long as it's safe for you and others. It is not a government regulation to call an agency to do it in all scenarios.

So what is the bloody issue? The Government is saying "You can change your tyre, but if it's dangerous then call someone to do it safely"


@Chrkeller You did get defensive about it.

Also this topic isn't something anyone should be getting angry (not the right word, but I can't think of the correct one) about.

The UK gov doesn't want people to change their tires. In the US you can do so and I appreciate that.

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"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Around the Network
Shtinamin_ said:
Ryuu96 said:

Dude...You're getting really defensive, Lol.

You Said:

If you get a flat you aren't suppose to change the tire yourself. You are suppose to call a government agency to do it for safety.

UK being an example.

You call someone, you are 100% not suppose to change your tire. It is a government regulation.


But I corrected you and said that is not correct, you're implying that we in the UK aren't suppose to change a tyre ourselves, we are suppose to call a government agency, you said we're "100%" not suppose to change our tyres and it's a government regulation.

But that is incorrect. We CAN change a tyre ourselves, nowhere does it say "we don't recommend changing your tyres yourself no matter the circumstances" in the Highway Code, it says you CAN change a tyre yourself as long as it's safe for you and others. It is not a government regulation to call an agency to do it in all scenarios.

So what is the bloody issue? The Government is saying "You can change your tyre, but if it's dangerous then call someone to do it safely"


@Chrkeller You did get defensive about it.

Also this topic isn't something anyone should be getting angry (not the right word, but I can't think of the correct one) about.

The UK gov doesn't want people to change their tires. In the US you can do so and I appreciate that.

Perhaps, because anytime I post (and a couple others) in this thread 4-6 people immediately jump with zero knowledge and zero experience.  Even when what is posted is correct, like the tire thing. 

Either way I'm happy to drop the political thread.  Just not worth the dog pile on every single post.  And I'm also the one not making up BF stories.  Always cute when a person can flatly make up stuff but gets a free pass because reasons. 

Enjoy.  At this pace the only people left in the thread with be those with the exact same views...  which I suspect is the actual goal.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 20 May 2024


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Chrkeller said:
Shtinamin_ said:

@Chrkeller You did get defensive about it.

Also this topic isn't something anyone should be getting angry (not the right word, but I can't think of the correct one) about.

The UK gov doesn't want people to change their tires. In the US you can do so and I appreciate that.

Perhaps, because anytime I post (and a couple others) in this thread 4-6 people immediately jump with zero knowledge and zero experience.  Even when what is posted is correct, like the tire thing. 

Either way I'm happy to drop the political thread.  Just not worth the dog pile on every single post.  And I'm also the one not making up BF stories.  Always cute when a person can flatly make up stuff but gets a free pass because reasons. 

Enjoy.  At this pace the only people left in the thread with be those with the exact same views...  which I suspect is the actual goal.  

Yeah, it is excessive when 6 people attack. I get that.

I definitely don’t have the same views as others on here. My goal is to bring different perspectives together. To at least agree to disagree or to understand others ideas and grow.

I haven’t been paying attention much so I don’t know who got off scott free. Lo siento.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Deary me, all over providing clarification over the ability of Brits to replace their own tyres, Lmao.

If people want to drop a political thread because 2-3 people disagree with them or offer clarification on a subject matter, that's fine but saying "anytime I post (and a couple others) in this thread 4-6 people immediately jump with zero knowledge and zero experience." is wild...Everyone has zero knowledge and zero experience compared to you on every debate you've had in here.

Including Brits who drive, the Highway Code, UK Government and the Police*

Pi was actually very respectful, I sought clarification to your statement, I even asked you right at the start of the debate "ARE YOU SURE YOU DIDN'T MEAN MOTORWAY?" and you completely ignored that comment, until I straight up found the question that yes, you meant motorway. You're clearly someone who thinks very, very highly of their intelligence and looks down on others and that's how we've got in this mess.

You think Pi-Guy is making up best friend stories because his best friend was confused by you stating...

"Another thing that was odd to me is in many countries cars don't come with a spare tire.  Because if you get a flat you aren't suppose to change the tire yourself.  You are suppose to call a government agency to do it for safety."

"One of the questions in the test is what to do when you get a flat. You call someone, you are 100% not suppose to change your tire. It is a government regulation."

Why on Earth would Pi-Guy make up a story like that? Why does Pi-Guy give a shit about blindly defending Britain's ability to replace a tyre to the point of making up friends? Lmao.

Pi's friend was likely confused because you didn't specify on the motorway and heavily implied we can't change our tyres in any circumstances (we can), you said we aren't suppose to change it ourselves (that's only true if it's on the motorway/unsafe), you said we are suppose to call a government agency (car vehicle recovery, repair companies, like the AA and Greenflag aren't government agencies). You said it was government regulation (it isn't).

I found someone I actually know, a Brit who can drive and here's what they said.

"That's definitely not true - you read about how to change a tyre in the more detailed companion book to the highway code, though you never learn how to do it practically. I'd say most people can't change it themselves nowadays, but they're certainly allowed to. I think he probably failed a motorway-specific question - you're not allowed to do repairs yourself if you break down on the motorway"

"It's not banned, but you're not supposed to do any repairs yourself on the motorway because it's dangerous; I think it's one of those 'SHOULD NOT' rules"

Although I even posted someone in this thread from the UK who straight up said they replaced a tyre on the motorway for their own car with the police behind them so they could do it themselves, as long as the police were there, that user posted in a UK Reddit 5 years ago. Even the motorway rule is a bit of a grey area but the thing if you never even frigging mentioned motorway in the first place.

All this over a debate about Brits capability to change a bloody tyre, Lmao. Yeah...We don't want others having differing views on Brits being able to change a tyre or not. "You don't want others having differing views! Like how it's government regulation that Brits 100% are not suppose to change their own tyres and have to call a government agency!"*

*Excludes a ton of context and clarification of the rules.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 May 2024

Chrkeller said:

Perhaps, because anytime I post (and a couple others) in this thread 4-6 people immediately jump with zero knowledge and zero experience.  Even when what is posted is correct, like the tire thing. 

I'm not out to get you. I didn't ask these questions because I thought you were wrong, I legitimately asked them because I wanted more information. There are 200+ countries in the world with different ideas and laws, I was pretty sure somewhere you were right. But I couldn't find the situation in the way that I interpreted your meaning, so I asked. 

Chrkeller said:

Either way I'm happy to drop the political thread.  Just not worth the dog pile on every single post.  And I'm also the one not making up BF stories.  Always cute when a person can flatly make up stuff but gets a free pass because reasons. 

I'm surprised you didn't come up to a conclusion that maybe Ryuu was the British friend I asked. He wasn't. But the fact that you'd rather come to the conclusion that I lied, I think that says a lot more about your character than mine.  

I specifically asked my friend if he's heard of a country where you aren't allowed to change your tire, since that is how I interpreted your first post. This was before you even mentioned the UK. So I was then surprised that he didn't mention his own country. 

I'm completely baffled that for you, me asking someone a question is some implausible event; all while you're getting weirdly bothered by me asking you a question? You seem to come to a conclusion that I'm out to get you for reasons.

This is how I talk when I'm not out to get you. 

the-pi-guy said:

Which countries are those? 

I am finding information that apparently in some countries, there's no longer a legal requirement to have a spare, so car companies are removing the spare. 

That sounds more like corporations causing issues, as opposed to the government. 

the-pi-guy said:

I've never lived in Europe. I have a few friends who do. 

My best friend has lived in the UK their entire life, and they were confused when I told them about what you said.  

Are you sure, the correct answer wasn't something like pull over to somewhere safe? You'd need to do that before changing your tire.  

I never said you were lying, never implied you were lying. Just asking if you were sure, and asking for more information.

I'm not even sure how making up a friend would even help my apparent cause?

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 21 May 2024

Around the Network
Ryuu96 said:

Deary me, all over providing clarification over the ability of Brits to replace their own tyres, Lmao.

I thought Brits never need to change tyres anyways, as they get handed the keys to the Tardis on turning 18.

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Soundwave said:

Never seen a major election with two candidates this terrible, don't think anyone is envious of America's choices here.

Amen this sucks. Looks like I'll be voting for Kennedy if he is on my ballot.   Voted for a 3rd party in the majority of the presidential elections now.  Pretty pathetic that these two crazy old coots are  "the Best" we have to chose from.

Ryuu96 said:

Honestly the suggestions seem common sense based, pulled up somewhere off the main road and you'll be fine, don't stop and whip out a mini mechanic shop in the middle of the road, Lol. I'm not sure still if it's illegal specifically on the motorway or not or if it's only a strong recommendation.


Changing a tyre on the motorway is not recommended, as it can be dangerous due to the high speed and volume of traffic. If you have no other choice, it is important to pull over as far as possible onto the hard shoulder, turn on your hazard lights, and exit the vehicle from the passenger side, away from the traffic.

Contact a breakdown service if possible.

Where can I legally change my tyre in the UK? |

And I've just went through a few forums of British drivers, some had a debate if it was illegal, they mostly agreed it wasn't, then another Reddit UK thread asking why nobody repairs their tyres themselves anymore on the motorway.

Can no one on the motorway change a wheel anymore? : r/britishproblems (

Some dude in here changed his wheel by himself on the motorway with the cops behind him to keep him safe so...likely not illegal.

To make sure I better understand the great Tire/Tyre debate of 2024 ... What is a "Hard Shoulder" is it the paved shoulder on the outside edges of the roadway?  What some here in the US refer to as the breakdown lane?

The_Yoda said:
Ryuu96 said:

Honestly the suggestions seem common sense based, pulled up somewhere off the main road and you'll be fine, don't stop and whip out a mini mechanic shop in the middle of the road, Lol. I'm not sure still if it's illegal specifically on the motorway or not or if it's only a strong recommendation.


Changing a tyre on the motorway is not recommended, as it can be dangerous due to the high speed and volume of traffic. If you have no other choice, it is important to pull over as far as possible onto the hard shoulder, turn on your hazard lights, and exit the vehicle from the passenger side, away from the traffic.

Contact a breakdown service if possible.

Where can I legally change my tyre in the UK? |

And I've just went through a few forums of British drivers, some had a debate if it was illegal, they mostly agreed it wasn't, then another Reddit UK thread asking why nobody repairs their tyres themselves anymore on the motorway.

Can no one on the motorway change a wheel anymore? : r/britishproblems (

Some dude in here changed his wheel by himself on the motorway with the cops behind him to keep him safe so...likely not illegal.

To make sure I better understand the great Tire/Tyre debate of 2024 ... What is a "Hard Shoulder" is it the paved shoulder on the outside edges of the roadway?  What some here in the US refer to as the breakdown lane?

Man, I don't drive

But it's this, the point beyond the solid white line, to the left side.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 21 May 2024

Ryuu96 said:
The_Yoda said:

To make sure I better understand the great Tire/Tyre debate of 2024 ... What is a "Hard Shoulder" is it the paved shoulder on the outside edges of the roadway?  What some here in the US refer to as the breakdown lane?

Man, I don't drive

But it's this, the point beyond the solid white line, to the left side.

Ok that's what i assumed, I'd just never heard it referred to as a Hard Shoulder. Emergency Lane, Break Down Lane, Sherrif's Saloon, State Trooper's Turnpike, and now I can add Hard Shoulder.