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A203D said:


Lets continue with the first point. As I explained to you and showed you infomation the US Government illegally invaded Iraq. A country which had no links to terrorisim. Yet the Republicans at the time created a false pretext. The US claims were unsubstantiated and as a consequence the United Nations Security Council declared an invasion of Iraq would be illegal. To which you said:

I never claimed anything to the contrary.
You are making something out of nothing, you really are.

A203D said:


Yet you are claiming to the contrary. Have a look at what your writing:

False. I am expanding on the concept that some hard choices need to be made without expanded knowledge, you need to look at it from a perspective that encompasses the entire situation, not your binary position.

A203D said:

As I asked you before, would someone in your line of work fabricate evidence, present it to your superior officers and then act illegally in your own interests when your superior officers have declared your actions would be illegal?

Asking this question when I have already answered it is a waste of yours and my time. (Go back and read my prior post.)

A203D said:

As someone who is sworn to protect life, surely you can see the paradox in what you are saying. Actually lets take this a step further. A lot of American families would have sent their children to fight in a illegal war, where George Bush, Dick Cheeney, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and many others from both political parties acted in their own interests. The only person in Washington who called these criminals out was Donald Trump. In fact Trump pulled American men and women service men out of the Middle East and ended the forever wars. He's the only President in Washington who fought to protect the lives of those service men and women. I suppose thats not in line with your 'sworn duty' to protect life and property...

Donald Trump is a populist, he will always "call something out" if it's in his best interest to accrue support, enrage his fanbase or make himself some money.

If we look here though... Donald Trump was not the only person who spoke against the war.
Many in the Democrat and Republican parties did.

However the pulling out of Iraq occurred before Trump gained power as Obama already had that ball rolling.

And you think that was Trumps doing? Mate. You need to lower the reality distortion field.

As for the military and protecting lives... The Military does protect the lives of the country they serve... They however just have a very different set of tools compared to what I use. I respect that. So should you.

A203D said:

Then your telling what I already know. These countries are run by corrupt governments. Although I'm looking into information about Vladimir Putin but I haven't had a chance to watch his Tucker Carson interview yet.

Funny how Donald Trump is a part of that corrupt government.

A203D said:

Well we're getting somewhere now. You've gone from saying that these countries are your enemies to now admitting that the people in those countries are not your enemies but its their corrupt governments that are your enemies.

The countries, as in the entities are not our friends.

You haven't gotten anywhere with this point.

A203D said:

Not sure if you checked your own link, it dosen't say that there. It even says that 'the vaccine is manufactured overseas'. It irrelevant whether Australia manufuactures these products because the patient on these products are protected by American coporation laws meaning that it dosen't matter if your country is 'independent and sovereign' because the Australian government has no intellectual property rights over the manufacture of these products. In fact if you look into this the patient is designed so that the end user is not allowed to know the ingredients of whats inside these 'vaccines'.

Clearly you are incapable of reading, I suggest you follow that link and I suggest you read the part that says "Manufacturing facility in Victoria" for the Moderna and another manufacturing facility for Astrazenica.

You thought you were being clever, clearly you were not.

A203D said:

Then you know that these vaccines have not passed the clinlical safety trials. They were brought to market under emergency use authorization. Its the technical term to indemnify the vaccine companies and the Government should you drop dead from their vaccine. Your Government is telling you something is safe and effective but it hasn't passed the clincal safety trials... Is that in line with your duty to 'protect life'?

They passed clinical safety trials, hence why they are permitted in Australia.
I have already provided evidence for this prior.

These vaccines are not as dangerous as you make them out to be.

A203D said:

You lost composure and played your moderator card to avoid informed debate. I had no choice. If you like we can get into that later, but you ignore what threatens your beliefs. We've only just got past the Iraq war, which your only just let slip was illegal. We will get the pandemic business when we get through the basic points first.

I didn't play the moderator card. That is not something I ever leverage.

I am always up to changing my beliefs based on readily available evidence, but because you have failed to do so... Well. My beliefs stay as they are.

Science, evidence, experience is what keeps me safe when I run into a burning building, conspiracies and fake information is not something I adhere myself to.

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