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A203D said:


At the moment I'm dealing with the other guy, I don't have much time to engage you, but I will respond because you have threatened to pull out the moderator card again when you saw the other guy is loosing ground.

"Americans were generally well aware that there were no WMDs 6 months later."

I actually posted the link, which I will do so again:

What are you talking about? What I reffered to is how the pretext for war never existed in the first place since the evidence presented by Dick Cheeney was unsubstantiated.

If you read the second link, there was insuffient evidence presented to the United Nations Security Council who did not sanction the US invasion of Iraq and deemed an invasion of Iraq illegal. Now explain to me how it is trolling to show you the evidence?

>What are you talking about?

What do you think I'm saying? 

I'm saying Pem is a little bit wrong, and you are correct about the Iraq War. It is pretty well known that Dick Cheney and George Bush lied to their allies about how strong the evidence was that Iraq had WMDs.

Pem was right about a lot of the details, it was reasonable that Iraq wanted to make WMDs, they've done it before. 

The part that you are wrong about is more complicated.

You are arguing that the government can and has lied. That's not the issue. Of course every government lies and covers things up. Even honest mistakes get made.

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs

Dick Cheney lies here

Here's the issue, can basically every government lie about the same thing collectively and do it without getting caught? 

Your Iraq War example basically proves the opposite of what you think it does. The government can barely lie about Iraq for a few months without the people being aware of it. A country on the other side of the planet, where most people can barely point to it on the map. 

And yet you think there was some global conspiracy that the US fed into every country on the planet, a conspiracy that affected where 90+% of people got vaccinated without getting caught multiple years down the road.

It's the same problem with the moon landing. It's totally possible for NASA to make up some bad footage and fake a moon landing. And for the government to lie about it and say "we did it!". 

But it's basically impossible for that to last more than 15 minutes. It's basically 15 minutes before people start finding issues with the footage, using telescopes. Other countries start noticing there's nothing actually in the sky. 15 minutes before someone starts bragging about how they faked the moon landing. Etc.

A203D said:

"So you're telling us to watch a propaganda piece that you admit you haven't watched."

I haven't seen it yet, but I like to watch both sides of the argument so I can discern who is telling the truth. In this case I can't say if its a propaganda peice because I haven't see it, but then again neither have you.

I have actually, watched quite a bit of it. as well reading more of the transcript.

A203D said:

"You could read more of the article:"

Check the article you are asking me to read:

"In September 2021, the Australian Government purchased an additional 1 million Moderna doses from European Union member states."

At the time of mandatory vaccinations the Australian Government purchased... You stopped at Moderna and made assumptions about the other 4. Let me help you with that:

"The Australian Government advises that the AstraZeneca vaccine is no longer available in Australia."...

"The Australian Government advises that the Novavax ancestral vaccine is no longer available in Australia."

As your next point:

"The Australian Government has entered into a 10-year partnership with Moderna and the Victorian Government that will see Moderna build an mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility at Monash University Victoria."

If you look at what I said, I actually said that its irrelevant whether Australia manufactures these vaccines or not because the respective American cooporations hold patents on these products so the end user can't know whats in them. I only used the manufacture argument because that guy who responded to my comment didn't read the link he posted. It looks like neither did you...

By the way a 10-year partnership usually dosen't mean that the vaccines are manufactured straight away, it means this is a 10-process. At the time of the vaccine mandate they wouldn't have been manufacturing at that point, since the time scale was 10 years, which you've kindly reminded us of.

"The EUA process for a vaccine is similar to the BLA, or full approval, process in most ways. A manufacturer must conduct laboratory research, followed by animal testing, and submit an application. Phase I, II, and III clinical trials run as they normally would, as does the FDA assessment of manufacturing practices."

"FDA may authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. "

Unapproved medical products, only in the instant of no other medication being avaliable, in addition to the vaccines having not passed the clinical trials.

Most of Australia got vaccinated before early mid 2022. So it doesn't really matter that the vaccines became less available after 2023.

That's not what "unapproved" means. It says nothing about vaccines not passing clinical trials. All of the vaccines went through clinical trials. Again, touted by Trump. Not sure why you are singing his praises, while not believing him about that.

The first round of covid vaccines did pass through clinical trials. Some of the updated formulas didn't. The flu vaccine doesn't always go through full clinical trials. 

Moderna and Pfizer are both fully FDA approved now, not even EUA. 

A203D said:

Its trolling to disagree with everything you say and provide evidence for it? Even when you provide the evidence yourself. Are you sure Vladimir Putin is the dictator here?

Nah, Vlad would have thrown you out of a window a long time ago, instead of trying to talk to you, even after you've ignored several of my posts.