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The_Yoda said:

Also Perma is absolutely right Saddam was into using chemical weapons, something most people fail to acknowledge. Why don't you do some research on the Iraqi Chemical Weapons Program. There are some Kurdish survivors that could tell you about Mustard Gas, Tabun, and even Sarin Gas (do you remember the movie The Rock? I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice). Hell they tried unsuccessfully to develop VX gas. Did they have nukes, what most people associate with the phrase "weapons of mass destruction". No, they didn't have nukes (although Saddam was pursuing them), but they were not afraid to use chemical warfare on even their own people to quash those pesky uprisings. All that said did the US target the country responsible for 9/11 ... nope. It just sticks in my craw when people say " but but but Iraq didn't even have WMDs." They did (at least at points in time) and were not afraid to use them. If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you.

We will deal with the first point later. With regards to what your saying.

"I only ask since you keep referring people to Vice"

Actually I cited two links and I will give you a third. I also citied Offical Secrets which is based on a book about the false lies that perpetiated the Iraq war. The war that was propaged by the Democrats and the Republicans for their interests in control of Iraq's oil reserve. Until Trump put a stop to that because it put American service men and women at risk for the interests of the cartel running Washington DC. Which he actually stated publically as well. Why have you ingnored the other links disproving this guy...

"If you tell me exactly where and when you are going to look for something, chances are I am going to be able to hide it from you."

Lets do some reading first:

If you want I can read for you and take direct citations about these 'chemical weapons'. Perhaps you would like an explanation. The United Nations could not find any evidence of weapons of mass destruction. The United States apparently 'found' chemical weapons in the country they invaded after they had invaded it. Yet where is the investigation by other countries?

Actually I will read for you:

"Participants in the chemical weapons discoveries said the United States suppressed knowledge of finds for multiple reasons, including that the government bristled at further acknowledgment it had been wrong. “They needed something to say that after Sept. 11 Saddam used chemical rounds,” Mr. Lampier said. “And all of this was from the pre-1991 era.”"

Now I'm not a big fan of The Times, but in this case they seem to disprove your conspiracy. Even them I'm distrustful of anything the US government 'finds'.