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Forums - Sales Discussion - JAPAN Consoles Showdown 2024: Oct. 13th


Will the Switch in Japan beat the XBSX US+EU?

Yes 8 61.54%
No 5 38.46%

This is the JAPAN Console Showdown comparison thread for 2024.

It will be only for the JAPAN region, and will be the only sales thread from me, that will be updated weekly since the site is updating the worldwide numbers monthly instead of weekly.

To be able to update them weekly I will put the Famitsu numbers each week, and when VGCharts releases estimated ones, I will adjust them with those numbers, because the competitor's numbers are VGCharts estimated and not Famitsu ones, and therefore it is more fair to compare them to the numbers from the same place, and at the same time.

The battles for this year for JAPAN are as follows:

  • Nintendo Switch 2024 vs XBSX 2024 US+EU
  • Nintendo Switch vs NDS'10 (2.9M)
  • PlayStation 5 vs PlayStation 4'16 (2M)
  • XBOX Series vs XB360'11 (115K)

*The target for all of the comparisons is to be as close as possible (and with that to give us better perspective where the given console is going this year) and to have good chance of finishing close in the end. Therefore if some of the contenders go way far one from another then, the contender's year, or even the contender itself may change so that it suits better to the given's console performance in 2024. Other thing is also I would not repeat main competitor (on the tables) from the year before from my thread, so even if it's a good fit, I would always look for a different one, so it's always new and fresh.*

2024 Nintendo Switch JAPAN vs XBSX'24 US+EU Comparison

Week/Month '24 XBSX - Weekly '24 XBSX - Yearly '24 NSW - Weekly '24 NSW - Yearly (+/-) Weekly (+/-) Yearly
January 78,066 78,066 104,566 104,566 +26,500 +26,500
2 62,735 140,801 46,618 151,184 -16,117 +10,383
3 60,687 201,488 43,708 194,892 -16,979 -6,596
4 63,365 264,853 46,448 241,340 -16,917 -23,513
5 68,551 333,404 41,978 283,318 -26,573 -50,086
February 64,147 397,551 49,558 332,876 -14,589 -64,675
7 66,328 463,879 48,407 381,283 -17,921 -82,596
8 69,576 533,455 50,898 432,181 -18,678 -101,274
9 70,855 604,310 62,544 494,725 -8,311 -109,585
March 63,767 668,077 65,931 560,656 +2,164 -107,421
11 58,821 726,898 42,904 603,560 -15,917 -123,338
12 58,149 785,047 60,839 664,399 +2,690 -120,648
13 57,600 842,647 57,546 721,945 -54 -120,702
April 57,535 900,182 71,961 793,906 +14,426 -106,276
15 44,875 945,057 71,286 865,192 +26,411 -79,865
16 43,844 988,901 64,295 929,487 +20,451 -59,414
17 40,114 1,029,015 59,068 988,555 +18,954 -40,460
May 40,724 1,069,739 41,047 1,029,602 +323 -40,137
19 43,022 1,112,761 47,078 1,076,680 +4,056 -36,081
20 44,052 1,156,813 40,718 1,117,398 -3,334 -39,415
21 47,965 1,204,778 48,047 1,165,445 +82 -39,333
22 48,816 1,253,594 49,003 1,214,448 +187 -39,146
June 45,252 1,298,846 53,359 1,267,807 +8,107 -31,039
24 51,591 1,350,437 38,531 1,306,338 -13,060 -44,099
25 52,057 1,402,494 38,217 1,344,555 -13,840 -57,939
26 53,243 1,455,737 46,278 1,390,833 -6,965 -64,904
July 56,492 1,512,229 52,736 1,443,569 -3,756 -68,660
28 63,249 1,575,478 53,505 1,497,006 -9,744 -78,472
29 94,938 1,670,416 66,503 1,563,509 -28,435 -106,907
30 91,482 1,761,898 56,583 1,620,092 -34,899 -141,806
31 89,402 1,851,300 57,757 1,677,849 -31,645 -173,451
August 56,435 1,907,735 72,764 1,750,613 +16,329 -157,122
33 51,118 1,958,853 54,433 1,805,046 +3,315 -153,807
34 47,496 2,006,349 42,959 1,848,005 -4,537 -158,344
35 53,069 2,059,418 63,651 1,911,656 +10,582 -147,762
September 67,473 1,979,129
37 50,574 2,029,703
38 52,355 2,082,058
39 74,351 2,156,409
October 63,807 2,220,216
41 55,082 2,275,298


2010 Nintendo DS vs 2024 Nintendo Switch Comparison

Week/Month 10' DS - Weekly '10 DS - Yearly '24 NSW - Weekly '24 NSW - Yearly (+/-) Weekly (+/-) Yearly
January 110,547 110,547 104,566 104,566 -5,981 -5,981
2 63,689 174,236 46,618 151,184 -17,071 -23,052
3 51,542 225,778 43,708 194,892 -7,834 -30,886
4 72,429 298,207 46,448 241,340 -25,981 -56,867
5 54,551 352,758 41,978 283,318 -12,573 -69,440
February 52,242 405,000 49,558 332,876 -2,684 -72,124
7 46,256 451,256 48,407 381,283 +2,151 -69,973
8 46,798 498,054 50,898 432,181 +4,100 -65,873
9 45,573 543,627 62,544 494,725 +16,971 -48,902
March 40,569 584,196 65,931 560,656 +25,362 -23,540
11 40,975 625,171 42,904 603,560 +1,929 -21,611
12 45,553 670,724 60,839 664,399 +15,286 -6,325
13 42,160 712,884 57,546 721,945 +15,386 +9,061
April 36,923 749,807 71,961 793,906 +35,038 +44,099
15 31,626 781,433 71,286 865,192 +39,660 +83,759
16 31,143 812,576 64,295 929,487 +33,152 +116,911
17 45,371 857,947 59,068 988,555 +13,697 +130,608
May 45,466 903,413 41,047 1,029,602 -4,419 +126,189
19 28,446 931,859 47,078 1,076,680 +18,632 +144,821
20 26,518 958,377 40,718 1,117,398 +14,200 +159,021
21 28,757 987,134 48,047 1,165,445 +19,290 +178,311
22 20,331 1,007,465 49,003 1,214,448 +28,672 +206,983
June 22,397 1,029,862 53,359 1,267,807 +30,962 +237,945
24 52,736 1,082,598 38,531 1,306,338 -14,205 +223,740
25 66,881 1,149,479 38,217 1,344,555 -28,664 +195,076
26 54,859 1,204,338 46,278 1,390,833 -8,581 +186,495
July 50,087 1,254,425 52,736 1,443,569 +2,649 +189,144
28 46,576 1,301,001 53,505 1,497,074 +6,929 +196,073
29 45,955 1,346,956 66,503 1,563,577 +20,548 +216,621
30 44,428 1,391,384 56,583 1,620,160 +12,155 +228,776
August 42,468 1,433,852 57,757 1,677,849 +15,289 +244,065
32 57,872 1,491,724 72,764 1,750,613 +14,892 +258,957
33 45,031 1,536,755 54,433 1,805,046 +9,402 +268,359
34 38,911 1,575,666 42,959 1,848,005 +4,048 +272,407
35 37,823 1,613,489 63,651 1,911,656 +25,828 +298,235
September 38,311 1,651,800 67,473 1,979,129 +29,162 +327,397
37 83,767 1,735,567 50,574 2,029,703 -33,193 +294,204
38 86,931 1,822,498 52,355 2,082,058 -34,576 +259,628
39 56,299 1,878,797 74,351 2,156,409 +18,052 +277,680
October 50,618 1,929,415 63,807 2,220,216 +13,189 +290,869
41 46,141 1,975,556 55,082 2,275,298 +8,941 +299,810
42 33,226 2,008,782
43 51,689 2,060,471
November 37,693 2,098,164
45 32,347 2,130,511
46 40,573 2,171,084
47 51,781 2,222,865
48 76,125 2,298,990
December 113,152 2,412,142
50 149,426 2,561,568
51 203,231 2,764,799
52 107,484 2,872,283


2016 PlayStation 4 vs. 2024 PlayStation 5 Comparison

Week/Month  16'PS4 - Weekly '16 PS4 - Yearly '24 PS5 - Weekly '24 PS5 - Yearly (+/-) Weekly (+/-) Yearly
January 37,474 37,474 41,143 41,143 +3,669 +3,669
2 26,102 63,576 36,521 77,664 +10,419 +14,088
3 24,821 88,397 57,919 135,583 +33,098 +47,186
4 32,667 121,064 49,959 185,542 +17,292 +64,478
5 31,740 152,804 34,497 220,039 +2,757 +67,235
February 26,451 179,255 40,754 260,793 +14,303 +81,538
7 28,667 207,922 38,223 299,016 +9,556 +91,094
8 26,405 234,327 33,511 332,527 +7,106 +98,200
9 28,232 262,559 48,079 380,606 +19,847 +118,047
March 27,093 289,652 39,078 419,684 +11,985 +130,032
11 27,829 317,481 26,528 446,212 -1,301 +128,731
12 35,552 353,033 27,797 474,009 -7,755 +120,976
13 32,259 385,292 20,854 494,863 -11,405 +109,571
April 23,408 408,700 24,988 519,851 +1,580 +111,151
15 20,567 429,267 20,949 540,800 +382 +111,533
16 20,631 449,898 21,308 562,108 +677 +112,210
17 28,104 478,002 28,044 590,152 -60 +112,150
May 24,641 502,643 21,510 611,662 -3,131 +109,019
19 22,679 525,322 21,527 633,189 -1,152 +107,867
20 18,604 543,926 17,574 650,763 -1,030 +106,837
21 24,214 568,140 23,376 674,139 -838 +105,999
22 22,552 590,692 22,556 696,695 +4 +106,003
June 18,907 609,599 21,828 718,523 +2,921 +108,924
24 19,372 628,971 22,882 741,405 +3,510 +112,434
25 21,539 650,510 22,830 764,235 +1,291 +113,725
26 24,390 674,900 27,505 791,740 +3,115 +116,840
July 22,250 697,150 29,724 821,464 +7,474 +124,314
28 21,579 718,729 29,313 850,777 +7,734 +132,048
29 20,223 738,952 38,255 889,032 +18,032 +150,080
30 22,051 761,003 25,795 914,827 +3,744 +153,824
August 18,687 779,690 25,793 940,620 +7,106 +160,930
32 19,401 799,091 24,010 964,630 +4,609 +165,539
33 19,602 818,693 22,882 987,512 +3,280 +168,819
34 18,077 836,770 31,493 1,019,005 +13,416 +182,235
35 17,105 853,875 33,865 1,052,870 +16,760 +198,995
September 15,455 869,330 11,007 1,063,877 -4,448 +194,547
37 96,387 965,717 10,095 1,073,972 -86,292 +108,255
38 49,381 1,015,098 8,757 1,082,729 -40,624 +67,631
39 42,470 1,057,568 10,799 1,093,528 -31,671 +35,960
October 35,917 1,093,485 12,551 1,106,079 -23,366 +12,594
41 35,022 1,128,507 11,804 1,117,883 -23,218 -10,624
42 36,776 1,165,283
43 41,278 1,206,561
November 41,614 1,248,175
45 103,352 1,351,527
46 47,375 1,398,902
47 51,079 1,449,981
48 128,157 1,578,138
December 105,990 1,684,128
50 87,026 1,771,154
51 114,390 1,885,544
52 97,955 1,983,499


2011 XBOX 360 vs. 2024 Xbox Series Comparison

Week/Month '11 XB360 - Weekly '11 XB360 - Yearly '24 XBSX - Weekly '24 XBSX - Yearly (+/-) Weekly (+/-) Yearly
January 4,373 4,373 704 704 -3,669 -3,669
2 2,913 7,286 1,173 1,877 -1,740 -5,409
3 2,931 10,217 1,897 3,774 -1,034 -6,443
4 3,608 13,825 3,912 7,686 +304 -6,139
5 2,590 16,415 3,186 10,872 +596 -5,543
February 2,628 19,043 3,101 13,973 +473 -5,070
7 2,561 21,604 1,655 15,628 -906 -5,976
8 4,918 26,522 3,120 18,748 -1,798 -7,774
9 2,380 28,902 2,358 21,106 -22 -7,796
March 1,943 30,845 3,752 24,858 +1,809 -5,987
11 1,339 32,184 1,503 26,361 +164 -5,823
12 1,620 33,804 1,364 27,725 -256 -6,079
13 1,615 35,419 1,381 29,106 -234 -6,313
April 1,943 37,362 2,119 31,225 +176 -6,137
15 1,918 39,280 2,622 33,847 +704 -5,433
16 1,871 41,151 2,797 36,644 +926 -4,507
17 3,702 44,853 2,872 39,516 -830 -5,337
May 3,213 48,066 2,471 41,987 -742 -6,079
19 2,707 50,773 4,456 46,443 +1,749 -4,330
20 2,021 52,794 2,573 49,016 +552 -3,778
21 2,123 54,917 2,104 51,120 -19 -3,797
22 2,080 56,997 3,255 54,375 +1,175 -2,622
June 1,972 58,969 2,187 56,562 +215 -2,407
24 2,697 61,666 1,372 57,934 -1,325 -3,732
25 2,023 63,689 958 58,892 -1,065 -4,797
26 2,080 65,769 1,592 60,484 -488 -5,285
July 1,983 67,752 1,999 62,483 +16 -5,269
28 1,675 69,427 760 63,243 -915 -6,184
29 1,551 70,978 4,736 67,979 +3,185 -2,999
30 1,804 72,782 5,681 73,660 +3,877 +878
August 1,450 74,232 4,339 77,999 +2,889 +3,767
32 1,743 75,975 3,833 81,832 +2,090 +5,857
33 1,278 77,253 597 82,429 -681 +5,176
34 1,177 78,430 254 82,683 -923 +4,253
35 1,039 79,469 778 83,461 -261 +3,992
September 983 80,452 1,482 84,943 +499 +4,491
37 1,052 81,504 675 85,618 -377 +4,114
38 3,926 85,430 599 86,217 -3,327 +787
39 2,072 87,502 557 86,774 -1,515 -728
October 1,438 88,940 355 87,129 -1,083 -1,811
41 1,905 90,845 425 87,554 -1,480 -3,291
42 1,555 92,400
43 1,649 94,049
November 1,616 95,665
45 1,582 97,247
46 1,799 99,046
47 1,667 100,713
48 1,631 102,344
December 3,039 105,383
50 3,193 108,576
51 4,075 112,651
52 2,308 114,959


Last edited by XtremeBG - 13 hours ago

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

Around the Network

Aaand subscribed!

PS5 show no mercy do not hesitate. Defeat the Nintendo we must.


Nippon showdown

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

PS5 will lose all its battles I fear

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Around the Network

Im very excited. Here are my predictions:

Switch will sell more than PS5.

  • Switch 3.5M
  • PS5 3.3M

Switch beats NDS'10 & 3DS'17

PS5 does not beat PSP'08 but does beat PSP'10

XBOX Series does not beat XBOX 360'08 but does beat XBOX 360'11

  • XBOX Series 170k

Also I think the head to head graphs are a bit Playstation biased but that is fun. Competition is fun. I might be a bit Nintendo bias with my prediction but I have faith in Nintendo (and rather logical stats to back it up).
Let's go Switch! Give it your best!

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 160 million (was 120 million, then 140 million, then 150 million)

PS5: 130 million (was 124 million)

Xbox Series X/S: 54 million (was 60 million, then 57 million)

"The way to accomplish great things, is to be indefatigable and never rest till the thing is accomplished." - Joseph Smith Jr.

Shtinamin_ said:

Also I think the head to head graphs are a bit Playstation biased but that is fun. Competition is fun. I might be a bit Nintendo bias with my prediction but I have faith in Nintendo (and rather logical stats to back it up).
Let's go Switch! Give it your best!

There is no bias here. The comparisons are made from what is the natural way of continuing the sales from 2023 according to every console life and performance to date. If PS underperforms I will of course change it's competitor to weaker one. If Switch is better than it's competitors, I can change it as well. But the chances of Switch making more than 3M this year giving the big declines in Japan lately is not very likely.

For PS5 the most likely period of doing more than it's 2023, is now - 2024, when the Switch 2 won't be a factor for the most of the year, and where there won't be big competition (as Switch sales for example the last few years). That's why it's only natural for the PS5 to be able to reach higher numbers than it's 2023. Again if it fails I can and will change it's comparison accordingly.

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

Shtinamin_ said:

Im very excited. Here are my predictions:

Switch will sell more than PS5.

  • Switch 3.5M
  • PS5 3.3M

Switch beats NDS'10 & 3DS'17

PS5 does not beat PSP'08 but does beat PSP'10

There's no way the PS5 is beating the PSP'10, let alone getting to 3.3m. With pent up demand fulfilled and it getting a price increase everything points to it being down this year. It'll be surprising if it sells more than 2m again considering the PS4 never did that.

Okay, maybe there is a point here. I changed the PS comparison to:

  • PlayStation 5 vs PSP'06 (1.85M) vs PSP'07 (3.05M)

Let's see if PS5 will have tough time this year reaching 3M in Japan, and low target - 1.85M.

My sales comparison threads:

Ultimate Showdowns: JP 2023 / JP 2024 / 2024 / 2023 / 20222021

Lifetime Showdown / Historical Showdown / YOY Charts / 140M+ Club Chart / Quantity of Games

XtremeBG said:

Okay, maybe there is a point here. I changed the PS comparison to:

  • PlayStation 5 vs PSP'06 (1.85M) vs PSP'07 (3.05M)

Let's see if PS5 will have tough time this year reaching 3M in Japan, and low target - 1.85M.

That definitely makes more sense. I expect it'll be similar to the former.