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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread - The 14th Annual Greatest Games Event

To games left in this batch, let's see if we can get them guessed:

14) Named after a fictional star

A Tale of the brightest star in the sky

Or should I say Tales

11) Has a title that makes a very bold claim

The future of this consistently one-per-generation series is now a bit uncertain

The most popular series in its genre though a few would still stubbornly dispute it being part of that genre

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

Around the Network
UnderwaterFunktown said:

To games left in this batch, let's see if we can get them guessed:

14) Named after a fictional star

A Tale of the brightest star in the sky

Or should I say Tales

11) Has a title that makes a very bold claim

The future of this consistently one-per-generation series is now a bit uncertain

The most popular series in its genre though a few would still stubbornly dispute it being part of that genre

14: so it is Tales of... Zestiria sounds like a star.

11: Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

Mnementh said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

To games left in this batch, let's see if we can get them guessed:

14) Named after a fictional star

A Tale of the brightest star in the sky

Or should I say Tales

11) Has a title that makes a very bold claim

The future of this consistently one-per-generation series is now a bit uncertain

The most popular series in its genre though a few would still stubbornly dispute it being part of that genre

14: so it is Tales of... Zestiria sounds like a star.

11: Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

14) No, but very close. The name isn't far off

13) Indeed!

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2025 OpenCritic Prediction Leagues

UnderwaterFunktown said:

To games left in this batch, let's see if we can get them guessed:

14) Named after a fictional star

A Tale of the brightest star in the sky

Or should I say Tales

11) Has a title that makes a very bold claim

The future of this consistently one-per-generation series is now a bit uncertain

The most popular series in its genre though a few would still stubbornly dispute it being part of that genre

14: Tales of Vesperia I think.

#15 - A lot of fans think the Switch's big fall/winter game is the best installment of the series since this SNES title
#14 - In a weird way this Nintendo game is a logical continuation from Turok and Turok 2
#13 - "He's back. All you had to do was ask."
#12 - This RTS doesn't really belong on home consoles, but that didn't stop Mass Media from trying on N64
#11 - The third and most beloved in a series that spawned #14

Last edited by Veknoid_Outcast - on 18 December 2023

Around the Network
Veknoid_Outcast said:

#15 - A lot of fans think the Switch's big fall/winter game is the best installment of the series since this SNES title
#14 - In a weird way this Nintendo game is a logical continuation from Turok and Turok 2
#13 - "He's back. All you had to do was ask."
#12 - This RTS doesn't really belong on home consoles, but that didn't stop Mass Media from trying on N64
#11 - The third and most beloved in a series that spawned #14

15: Super Mario World

14: Metroid Prime?

12: StarCraft

11: Super Metroid

Signature goes here!

Oop, forgot to post here for a couple days

#14 - This platformer got a new playable character when it was ported, but really, the shorter load times were the biggest upgrade.
#13 - The previous game's villain becomes a potato in this sequel.

mZuzek said:

Oop, forgot to post here for a couple days

#14 - This platformer got a new playable character when it was ported, but really, the shorter load times were the biggest upgrade.
#13 - The previous game's villain becomes a potato in this sequel.

13: Portal 2

mZuzek said:

Oop, forgot to post here for a couple days

#14 - This platformer got a new playable character when it was ported, but really, the shorter load times were the biggest upgrade.

Tropical Freeze

TruckOSaurus said:
Veknoid_Outcast said:

#15 - A lot of fans think the Switch's big fall/winter game is the best installment of the series since this SNES title
#14 - In a weird way this Nintendo game is a logical continuation from Turok and Turok 2
#13 - "He's back. All you had to do was ask."
#12 - This RTS doesn't really belong on home consoles, but that didn't stop Mass Media from trying on N64
#11 - The third and most beloved in a series that spawned #14

15: Super Mario World

14: Metroid Prime?

12: StarCraft

11: Super Metroid

All correct! I'm impressed :)