2019 > 2017
Edit: I also realize the level of enjoyment depends on whether or not Switch is your only system, because Switch library have lots of ports
For example, Metroid Prime on Switch for me is great because playing it legally is not easy, plus a remastered version is very welcomed
In other hand if you have a Playstation Persona and Nier late releases will hardly hype you unless you haven't bought they on Playstation for some reason. That's why 2021 and 2022 were a bit barren for me, I have bought 2-3 games a year and gamed mainly on Playstation
2023 is surprisingly the best for me, because it has many new games, not ports of other systems. Between Octopath, FE Engage, Zelda (all huge games with lots of value) I think I have already invested more time on Switch this year than 2021 or 2022. And I still have Pikmin 4 on sight and the already stated Metroid Prime. Switch will probably end the year as the system I used the most
The sad side is the second half of the year is dedicated to Mario, and I only like 3D Mario :/, maybe I will give a chance to Mario RPG, I'm only reading good things about it
Last edited by IcaroRibeiro - on 27 June 2023