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Forums - Sony Discussion - Report: PS5 Pro could release as soon as 2024, generation to last through 2028

SvennoJ said:
Runa216 said:

Both the PS3 slim and the PS4 pro came out 3 years after the console's initial release. 

This 'waaah, early adopters are getting screwed' take is so weird to me. You know what you're getting into getting any game or console at launch. Technology improves. Prices tend to go down. Deals and discounts happen after release. Been like that basically as long as there's been media or technology of ANY kind. If you don't...maybe you shouldn't be investing in hardware or software because you're clearly a child with no concept of time and technological progression yet. 

** User Runa216 was given a warning for calling a user childish.

Dang you got a warning for that, I need to be careful with my wording now I'm nearly 50. Most of you are all children to me :p

But I notice the same, hardware is not an investment, it's never future proof. Nor does it last forever, especially not the modern crap. Early adopters always get 'screwed'. I waited to jump into 4K HDR until HDMI 2.0, still too soon as now HDMI 2.1 and VRR are out, while I still have a 1.4 receiver that is now limited to HDMI Arc lossy 5.1. Basically 4K coming out screwed me out of lossless sound quality. But that's technology, and early VRR adopters are / will be 'screwed' again.

PC components are like buying a car, lose half the value when you drive it off the lot. Build a 'future' proof PC, some new tech will be out the next year you didn't account for...

No idea why people would be happy about the end of generations, there's still so much more to discover out there. Why settle for what we have, always keep improving. A PS5 pro would indeed give incentive to push gaming further. By making the pro the (imo useless) 4K / 120 fps machine, more games on the 'base' console will be allowed to exist as 1440p30 or even 1080p releases. Thus making it possible to push gaming systems further instead of wasting CPU/GPU on pixel counting.

Maybe the realization comes with age. 7 years is not a long time anymore for me. And I would still like to see many console / VR generations come and go before I go. Got 40 more gaming years in me I hope, bring on the holo deck! Why do we still not have quantum computers and holographic displays! I'm not ready to settle. Btw Holy shit, I played Switchback VR last night, Holy shit :)

I honestly think the 'warning' was a joke, because that is not 'warn-worthy' or breaking any rules and I got no moderation warnings or messages of any kind. If sincere, hoo boy that might be the silliest warning I've ever gotten anywhere for anything. 

And yeah, console generations do seem to be lasting a lot longer. I'm 37 and the SNES to N64 era, despite only being 5 years, felt longer than the PS3-PS4 era (which was I think 7 years) and the PS4 to PS5 era (Which I also think was 7 years). 360 to One era was 8. And the Switch is currently in its 6th year with little to no talk of new hardware on the horizon. (To be fair I think DS was like 8 years as well). 

At EARLIESt I think the PS6 will come out 2027, with 2028 making more sense especially with a mid-generation update in 2024. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Around the Network
Runa216 said:
pikashoe said:

I agree, just feels like a middle finger to early adopters.

Both the PS3 slim and the PS4 pro came out 3 years after the console's initial release. 

This 'waaah, early adopters are getting screwed' take is so weird to me. You know what you're getting into getting any game or console at launch. Technology improves. Prices tend to go down. Deals and discounts happen after release. Been like that basically as long as there's been media or technology of ANY kind. If you don't...maybe you shouldn't be investing in hardware or software because you're clearly a child with no concept of time and technological progression yet. 

** User Runa216 was given a warning for calling a user childish.

What does the ps3 slim have to do with anything, it wasn't more powerful than a normal ps3. I have no issue with slim models or cheaper alternatives, becuase they are generally targeting people who may not be able to afford the full priced version. These pro consoles for the most part are targeting people who already own the console.

I never bought the early adaptors got screwed argument. I've been playing (on the ps5) Ratchet, GoW, Horizon, Returnal, Hogwarts, etc. Not sure how I got screwed when I've been using the ps5 for years.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

pikashoe said:
Runa216 said:

Both the PS3 slim and the PS4 pro came out 3 years after the console's initial release. 

This 'waaah, early adopters are getting screwed' take is so weird to me. You know what you're getting into getting any game or console at launch. Technology improves. Prices tend to go down. Deals and discounts happen after release. Been like that basically as long as there's been media or technology of ANY kind. If you don't...maybe you shouldn't be investing in hardware or software because you're clearly a child with no concept of time and technological progression yet. 

** User Runa216 was given a warning for calling a user childish.

What does the ps3 slim have to do with anything, it wasn't more powerful than a normal ps3. I have no issue with slim models or cheaper alternatives, becuase they are generally targeting people who may not be able to afford the full priced version. These pro consoles for the most part are targeting people who already own the console.

It had a bigger hard drive, was cheaper, etc. IT's a basic idea that technology advances. Same with the DS. Same with phones. You know what you're buying when you buy it, understanding that there will be upgrades and alterations and improvements on later models. that's just how technology and time works. 

Nobody buys a car and complains to the manufacturer that they got screwed when next year's model comes out. That'd be stupid. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

SvennoJ said:

 I'm nearly 50.

Around the Network
Runa216 said:
pikashoe said:

What does the ps3 slim have to do with anything, it wasn't more powerful than a normal ps3. I have no issue with slim models or cheaper alternatives, becuase they are generally targeting people who may not be able to afford the full priced version. These pro consoles for the most part are targeting people who already own the console.

It had a bigger hard drive, was cheaper, etc. IT's a basic idea that technology advances. Same with the DS. Same with phones. You know what you're buying when you buy it, understanding that there will be upgrades and alterations and improvements on later models. that's just how technology and time works. 

Nobody buys a car and complains to the manufacturer that they got screwed when next year's model comes out. That'd be stupid. 

Dude, if you like it that's fine. I don't so just leave it, its not like I'm forcing my opinion onto you.

pikashoe said:
Runa216 said:

It had a bigger hard drive, was cheaper, etc. IT's a basic idea that technology advances. Same with the DS. Same with phones. You know what you're buying when you buy it, understanding that there will be upgrades and alterations and improvements on later models. that's just how technology and time works. 

Nobody buys a car and complains to the manufacturer that they got screwed when next year's model comes out. That'd be stupid. 

Dude, if you like it that's fine. I don't so just leave it, its not like I'm forcing my opinion onto you.

what are you even on about?

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Chrkeller said:

I never bought the early adaptors got screwed argument. I've been playing (on the ps5) Ratchet, GoW, Horizon, Returnal, Hogwarts, etc. Not sure how I got screwed when I've been using the ps5 for years.

I don't buy the argument either. When you buy a platform at launch or in the first few years, you do it knowing that slimmer versions or price cuts might happen later on. You're making your own choice to prioritize buying the platform earlier because you're interested enough in it. That also comes with more expensive games, less refined UI, etc. 

I could've waited until 2023 or even 2024 to get a PS5, but I got one Autumn 2022 (a little before the 2nd anniversary). At the moment, no regrets. If a Slim version already comes out for $400 or under in 2023 with a detachable disc drive, I'll probably have some mild regrets. But nothing too bad, mind you. 

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Runa216 said:
pikashoe said:

Dude, if you like it that's fine. I don't so just leave it, its not like I'm forcing my opinion onto you.

what are you even on about?

Pretty obvious. Maybe you need to improve your reading comprehension? Not sure what you're not getting?

SvennoJ said:
Runa216 said:

Both the PS3 slim and the PS4 pro came out 3 years after the console's initial release. 

This 'waaah, early adopters are getting screwed' take is so weird to me. You know what you're getting into getting any game or console at launch. Technology improves. Prices tend to go down. Deals and discounts happen after release. Been like that basically as long as there's been media or technology of ANY kind. If you don't...maybe you shouldn't be investing in hardware or software because you're clearly a child with no concept of time and technological progression yet. 

** User Runa216 was given a warning for calling a user childish.

Dang you got a warning for that, I need to be careful with my wording now I'm nearly 50. Most of you are all children to me :p

But I notice the same, hardware is not an investment, it's never future proof. Nor does it last forever, especially not the modern crap. Early adopters always get 'screwed'. I waited to jump into 4K HDR until HDMI 2.0, still too soon as now HDMI 2.1 and VRR are out, while I still have a 1.4 receiver that is now limited to HDMI Arc lossy 5.1. Basically 4K coming out screwed me out of lossless sound quality. But that's technology, and early VRR adopters are / will be 'screwed' again.

PC components are like buying a car, lose half the value when you drive it off the lot. Build a 'future' proof PC, some new tech will be out the next year you didn't account for...

No idea why people would be happy about the end of generations, there's still so much more to discover out there. Why settle for what we have, always keep improving. A PS5 pro would indeed give incentive to push gaming further. By making the pro the (imo useless) 4K / 120 fps machine, more games on the 'base' console will be allowed to exist as 1440p30 or even 1080p releases. Thus making it possible to push gaming systems further instead of wasting CPU/GPU on pixel counting.

Maybe the realization comes with age. 7 years is not a long time anymore for me. And I would still like to see many console / VR generations come and go before I go. Got 40 more gaming years in me I hope, bring on the holo deck! Why do we still not have quantum computers and holographic displays! I'm not ready to settle. Btw Holy shit, I played Switchback VR last night, Holy shit :)

Fully agree with you, and had to replace once my home theater because of passthrough, would have to change it again because of HDR and 4k (haven't yet) so I had to use the ARC function but still not as good as passthrough, had to switch the PSVR due to HDR and several other problems when we try to get the best quality our budget allows.

And I like consoles so having to buy a refresh and a new console every 3 years at this point in my life isn't an issue.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."