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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation Nation |OT| Playing Astro Bot on the Horizon Until Dawn

Kyuu said:
BasilZero said:

Everything is getting more expensive everywhere. So sadly not a surprise.

I'm just glad I bought my PS5 a year ago. I'm likely gonna get the PS5 Pro when GTAVI comes out. (Unless I get lucky and get it when it comes out supposedly later this year).

Though I spent so much this year (and still am , baby supplies are so damn expensive and tally up lol).

I'm also planning to get the next Nintendo system day 1 (assuming b/c is there) and I'm planning to get a new gaming Desktop as well. (The next Xbox as well but that might be sometime further down the line since my series X was purchased less than a year ago).

Yeah nothing really surprises me anymore. Ass generation is ass. I still don't have my own PS5 yet and am scared of how expensive the Pro will be. Waited all these years for nothing. Maybe it's time I commit to PC only, and play occasionally on friends/family's PS5/Switch for the few missing games I'm interested in.

BraLoD said:

This is insane, from 50K to 80K in 4 years, the PS5 got a 60% price increase since launch in Japan!

Digital Edition went up by 82.5% compared to launch, that's just shy of a 2x increase lol. Currency values dropping doesn't completely explain it, because they also fluctuated in the previous generations where all consoles got a bunch of price drops including the PS3 which was sold at huge losses. PS5 (disk edition) supposedly made money just a few months into the generation. I hoped it would follow a somewhat similar price drop trajectory to PS4 and now I'm an official dumbass.

It wouldn't surprise me if PS5 fails to hit a 100 million units at these outrageous prices (then again I might be underestimating GTA6's effect even without a price drop). And the next generation is going to be a lot worse for Playstation and a lot better for PC unless Sony makes some dramatic changes.

There is a difference between fluctuation and what is happening with Japanese economy right now so it actually explains a lot, xbox that is famous for waiting a little longer before increase prices thanks to their huge economy did it first this time because Japan isn't a good market for them. People expecting Sony to hold just for the people economy don't really understand how companies work and that also applies to Nintendo and pc parts producers. You can't compare the ps3 situation because at that time Sony was literally dying, every year they were closer to red numbers and they did what they needed to survive, the ps4 ended saving the whole company, now their economy is stronger thanks to shifting to entertainment. Are the dramatic changes that you are expecting for Sony to sell consoles at a loss just because?

If the ps5 fails to sell 100 million it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, the generation started in the middle of a pandemic that not only fucked economy but also pushed back every major project in existence. Developers aren't pushing new consoles because they need to make as much money as possible (thanks to the economy) so they keep releasing on ps4 like Activision, Capcom, Ubisoft, EA, etc. Sony took 2 years into the generation to stop doing it. Yes for many money is a problem but for the rest that don't give a damn about story games the question is "Why?", why buy a ps5 when they can play COD, Fifa and fortnite on ps4? Let's not forget that specific group of people represented 80% of the ps4 playerbase. 

Btw, If China buying the ps5 at a faster phase than the ps4 after almost 30 years of playing on pc (and more recently on mobile) thanks to their government isn't proof that doesn't matter how big pc is there will be always a market for consoles, then I don't know what it is lol.

Last edited by GymratAmarillo - on 30 August 2024

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kazuyamishima said:
Kyuu said:

Yeah nothing really surprises me anymore. Ass generation is ass. I still don't have my own PS5 yet and am scared of how expensive the Pro will be. Waited all these years for nothing. Maybe it's time I commit to PC only, and play occasionally on friends/family's PS5/Switch for the few missing games I'm interested in.

Digital Edition went up by 82.5% compared to launch, that's just shy of a 2x increase lol. Currency values dropping doesn't completely explain it, because they also fluctuated in the previous generations where all consoles got a bunch of price drops including the PS3 which was sold at huge losses. PS5 (disk edition) supposedly made money just a few months into the generation. I hoped it would follow a somewhat similar price drop trajectory to PS4 and now I'm an official dumbass.

It wouldn't surprise me if PS5 fails to hit a 100 million units at these outrageous prices (then again I might be underestimating GTA6's effect even without a price drop). And the next generation is going to be a lot worse for Playstation and a lot better for PC unless Sony makes some dramatic changes.

It does, you just have to check google history between USD to yen, it remained stable between 2015 and 2021, then 2022 entered into contest and never looked back, that's when Sony started raising prices, the hike in interest rates did almost nothing to prevent further decline of the yen.

And yeah, nah, the system will pass the 100m. mark easily, I mean they will ship more than 70m. systems by year's end, they would need something catastrophic to happen for not reaching this milestone.

I'm of the impression that part of the reason console sales are down is because of people waiting for the price reduction that always comes with a Slim model. Some of my friends and I are waiting for just that. If SNY doesn't drop the price then we'll just keep playing PS4, and by now, we've always all upgraded in the past. I'm betting that if SNY doesn't pull the same move as with the PS4 Pro announcement with a $100 decrease to the base model price, we're going to see a considerable if not major sales slump after the holiday period going forward, and possibly during the holidays even.

With the narrative out there that we're likely going to have to live with a $500 PS5 and $600+ Pro, if SNY were to go with $400 and $500-$600, sales would be fantastic for the next year. Though it would only make sense for PS to do this if there's going to be a bunch of great must have games launching in the next year that people will likely buy. That would offset any losses to hardware profits, but if games are going to be a concern, then there's no point in dropping the base model price.

What would be epic, which won't happen, is if SNY pulled a PS3 Slim price drop and went with $300 PS5 and $500 Pro. 

haxxiy said:
coolbeans said:

It is kinda insane to see just how MS & Sony are taking an anti-sale approach to hardware this late into the generation.

-PS5 Pro rumored to only come as a Digital Edition (w/ adaptable disc drive option) for $600.
-Series X 2TB for $600

I always go back to that image of Gamecubes selling for $49 at Walmart. Us 6th-gen bros don't appreciate how good we had it back then. :(

Companies function on the logic of ever-increasing profit. Right now they're the highest they have ever been. With little in the way of competition, no one is willing to take the plunge of selling at a loss to secure more market share.

Keep in mind that the very cheap Gamecubes were also highly damaging to Nintendo's bottom line back then. It ate up the entire profit of software and mobile and then some.

It's fair to say "insane" isn't the best word to use in that context, but I'm speaking more to the avg. consumer perspective.  Put it this way: think of how the patient consumer might have approached console purchases in past generations.  It feels like there used to be bigger blow-out sales (Black Friday & such) just a couple years in during the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th console generations.  In today's world, you'd feel a bit lost and confused at the Big Three's reticence to go for broke on pushing hardware sales by comparison.

The companies have their reasons, sure, but it does feel like a subtle paradigm shift. 

It amazed me that Amazon is the world's largest retailer. Who's entire business is shipping items with warehouses the size of the moon doesn't know how to ship a single game. Gundam Breaker 4. I have been in contact with customer support. They don't know where the game is. Are you fucking kidding me?

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

GymratAmarillo said:
Kyuu said:

Digital Edition went up by 82.5% compared to launch, that's just shy of a 2x increase lol. Currency values dropping doesn't completely explain it, because they also fluctuated in the previous generations where all consoles got a bunch of price drops including the PS3 which was sold at huge losses. PS5 (disk edition) supposedly made money just a few months into the generation. I hoped it would follow a somewhat similar price drop trajectory to PS4 and now I'm an official dumbass.

It wouldn't surprise me if PS5 fails to hit a 100 million units at these outrageous prices (then again I might be underestimating GTA6's effect even without a price drop). And the next generation is going to be a lot worse for Playstation and a lot better for PC unless Sony makes some dramatic changes.

There is a difference between fluctuation and what is happening with Japanese economy right now so it actually explains a lot, xbox that is famous for waiting a little longer before increase prices thanks to their huge economy did it first this time because Japan isn't a good market for them. People expecting Sony to hold just for the people economy don't really understand how companies work and that also applies to Nintendo and pc parts producers. You can't compare the ps3 situation because at that time Sony was literally dying, every year they were closer to red numbers and they did what they needed to survive, the ps4 ended saving the whole company, now their economy is stronger thanks to shifting to entertainment. Are the dramatic changes that you are expecting for Sony to sell consoles at a loss just because?

If the ps5 fails to sell 100 million it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, the generation started in the middle of a pandemic that not only fucked economy but also pushed back every major project in existence. Developers aren't pushing new consoles because they need to make as much money as possible (thanks to the economy) so they keep releasing on ps4 like Activision, Capcom, Ubisoft, EA, etc. Sony took 2 years into the generation to stop doing it. Yes for many money is a problem but for the rest that don't give a damn about story games the question is "Why?", why buy a ps5 when they can play COD, Fifa and fortnite on ps4? Let's not forget that specific group of people represented 80% of the ps4 playerbase. 

Btw, If China buying the ps5 at a faster phase than the ps4 after almost 30 years of playing on pc (and more recently on mobile) thanks to their government isn't proof that doesn't matter how big pc is there will be always a market for consoles, then I don't know what it is lol.

Did I imply that they have to sell at a loss? I'm not "expecting" dramatic changes. I'm only acknowledging them as a possibility "IF" Sony want to keep their console line strong and growing (like Nintendo clearly does). But the dramatic changes aren't entirely on Sony, so I could have worded that better. An example of a dramatic change is microchip pricing trajectory returning to how they were in the previous generations (or Sony going with completely different chipsets that are cheaper but less mainstream). Another example is Sony exiting PC support altogether and returning to true-exclusivity.

I didn't imply that consoles will disappear anytime soon. I was among the few expecting PC and Playstation to both grow simultaneously this generation, but the basis of my argument was that the PS5 had to follow a fairly similar pricecut trajectory to PS4's. Since that didn't happen, and instead prices continue to climb overall (even outside Japan), a lot of new gamers as well as existing console gamers are going PC.

At PS5's launch, things were looking so good for Sony as they managed to break their historic record in several areas including profitability. To put things into perspective: historically, when a console launched, companies reported significant losses due to R&D costs and hardware losses. A few months later, PS5 (standard) made profit from hardware sales despite COVID and shortages.

I do not "expect" or even recommend Sony to sell at a loss. But the economical changes go much further than weak yen. The main problem is that PS5's production is seemingly not dropping in price 4 years later despite Sony going for smaller dies that save production and logistical costs. In my mind early in the generation, the worst case scenario for Japan would have been if Playstation prices remained at the launch price (which would have still been unprecedented for a console except arguably the Switch, which at least didn't go up in price). So the weaker yen alone does not explain the 82.5% price increase, it would have explained prices remaining the same (just like the Switch). There is a lot more going on than exchange rates and weaker yen. But regardless of the reasons (COVID, wars, etc), this generation has been a real disappointment. Not saying it's Sony's fault or anything like this.

As for China. The trends over there are not really indicative of anything:

1. Consoles didn't officially launch in China until the PS5 (or shortly before it). Since the console playerbase is very small there, growth potential is absolutely huge. Whether or not this potential can be reached is a separate question.

2. China as a country/economy has experienced rapid growth not seen before in human history. So it's really the one market where my original "Playstation and PC will grow together" sentiment (which I held on to until last year) may still apply to without the requirement of cheap prices and true system selling exclusives.

Last edited by Kyuu - on 31 August 2024

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I got the last bot today and hopefully my copy of Astro Bot arrives from Sony on launch day.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

So, I think Concord will at the very least get its January update.

While obviously it's fortunes are not going to shift, I do wonder if it can at least gain some semblance of a community around it by then. I would hope that costumes for Lego Horizon and Astrobot were already decided upon (even Destruction All Stars got LBP costumes). There's the October update and the episode on that Amazon show.

Maybe it gets a showing for the PS5Pro, which I feel is the least Sony can do for this game and the dev team lol.

Anyhow, rough start for the game. Hopefully the team is able to stay around.

twintail said:

So, I think Concord will at the very least get its January update.

While obviously it's fortunes are not going to shift, I do wonder if it can at least gain some semblance of a community around it by then. I would hope that costumes for Lego Horizon and Astrobot were already decided upon (even Destruction All Stars got LBP costumes). There's the October update and the episode on that Amazon show.

Maybe it gets a showing for the PS5Pro, which I feel is the least Sony can do for this game and the dev team lol.

Anyhow, rough start for the game. Hopefully the team is able to stay around.

Well this didn’t age well …. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Damn, didnt even last a month.

Wman1996 said:

I got the last bot today and hopefully my copy of Astro Bot arrives from Sony on launch day.

Sadly preorders around here start the shipping process the day the game releases, and it takes some days for it to get to you... so I'm expecting to get the game by next week.