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Kyuu said:
BasilZero said:

Everything is getting more expensive everywhere. So sadly not a surprise.

I'm just glad I bought my PS5 a year ago. I'm likely gonna get the PS5 Pro when GTAVI comes out. (Unless I get lucky and get it when it comes out supposedly later this year).

Though I spent so much this year (and still am , baby supplies are so damn expensive and tally up lol).

I'm also planning to get the next Nintendo system day 1 (assuming b/c is there) and I'm planning to get a new gaming Desktop as well. (The next Xbox as well but that might be sometime further down the line since my series X was purchased less than a year ago).

Yeah nothing really surprises me anymore. Ass generation is ass. I still don't have my own PS5 yet and am scared of how expensive the Pro will be. Waited all these years for nothing. Maybe it's time I commit to PC only, and play occasionally on friends/family's PS5/Switch for the few missing games I'm interested in.

BraLoD said:

This is insane, from 50K to 80K in 4 years, the PS5 got a 60% price increase since launch in Japan!

Digital Edition went up by 82.5% compared to launch, that's just shy of a 2x increase lol. Currency values dropping doesn't completely explain it, because they also fluctuated in the previous generations where all consoles got a bunch of price drops including the PS3 which was sold at huge losses. PS5 (disk edition) supposedly made money just a few months into the generation. I hoped it would follow a somewhat similar price drop trajectory to PS4 and now I'm an official dumbass.

It wouldn't surprise me if PS5 fails to hit a 100 million units at these outrageous prices (then again I might be underestimating GTA6's effect even without a price drop). And the next generation is going to be a lot worse for Playstation and a lot better for PC unless Sony makes some dramatic changes.

There is a difference between fluctuation and what is happening with Japanese economy right now so it actually explains a lot, xbox that is famous for waiting a little longer before increase prices thanks to their huge economy did it first this time because Japan isn't a good market for them. People expecting Sony to hold just for the people economy don't really understand how companies work and that also applies to Nintendo and pc parts producers. You can't compare the ps3 situation because at that time Sony was literally dying, every year they were closer to red numbers and they did what they needed to survive, the ps4 ended saving the whole company, now their economy is stronger thanks to shifting to entertainment. Are the dramatic changes that you are expecting for Sony to sell consoles at a loss just because?

If the ps5 fails to sell 100 million it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, the generation started in the middle of a pandemic that not only fucked economy but also pushed back every major project in existence. Developers aren't pushing new consoles because they need to make as much money as possible (thanks to the economy) so they keep releasing on ps4 like Activision, Capcom, Ubisoft, EA, etc. Sony took 2 years into the generation to stop doing it. Yes for many money is a problem but for the rest that don't give a damn about story games the question is "Why?", why buy a ps5 when they can play COD, Fifa and fortnite on ps4? Let's not forget that specific group of people represented 80% of the ps4 playerbase. 

Btw, If China buying the ps5 at a faster phase than the ps4 after almost 30 years of playing on pc (and more recently on mobile) thanks to their government isn't proof that doesn't matter how big pc is there will be always a market for consoles, then I don't know what it is lol.

Last edited by GymratAmarillo - on 30 August 2024