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Well, since someone isn't interested in a discussion, I guess it's time to move on from that.

Don't have a whole lot of time today, so here's some other people to do the talking for me:


Art by Hunter B

In accordance to the VGC forum rules, §8.5, I hereby exercise my right to demand to be left alone regarding the subject of the effects of the pandemic on video game sales (i.e., "COVID bump").

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the-pi-guy said:
pokoko said:

Liberals don't give a damn about people, they only care about demographics

Liberals are generally not considered left wingers.

Much of the world generally considers "liberals" to be center right.

pokoko said:

They have no problem with hatred and prejudice, they have no problem with assigning less value to someone, as long as the targets are approved by the hivemind and not on their "groups we care about" ranking sheet.  They're every bit as biased as conservatives, they're just a hell of a lot more self-righteous and hypocritical about it.

Many conservatives literally feel they are doing God's work, or that their views are justified by God, which is literally as self-righteous as it is possible to be.

Most people think they're morally justified. But they're not advocating for policies or taking action to damage conservatives. 

pokoko said:

I really could not have asked for a better example than the reply below.  I think for a lot of people, this kind of arrogance and conceit is what defines the term "liberal" and why many who might otherwise be left-leaning in terms of philosophy do not want to be associated with them and grow in the opposite direction.

There's a huge difference between thinking someone is better than someone else, and actively advocating for policies that hurt that other person. 

Florida Republican pitches bill to ban the state Democratic Party

In politics, the word left is applied to people and groups that have liberal views.

So, yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

Using US terms in a thread labeled "US Politics" aside, the sophistry, self-righteousness, and hypocrisy baked into your post is exactly what I mean.  You're actually trying to downplay bias and prejudice, which is kind of amazing.  Interesting that you don't deny it, though, and instead go with the Whataboutism option.

Democrats are just as much about devaluing certain categories of people as conservatives are.  They don't try to understand, they simply condescend.  It's the party of arrogance and telling people what to think.  It's the new Moral Majority.  

pokoko said:

the-pi-guy said:

That left wing politics (eliminating hierarchy) is about ensuring that people are treated equal which means that groups aren't subjected to hate. It also means that certain lives aren't valued less than others. 

Liberals don't give a damn about people, they only care about demographics.  They have no problem with hatred and prejudice, they have no problem with assigning less value to someone, as long as the targets are approved by the hivemind and not on their "groups we care about" ranking sheet.  They're every bit as biased as conservatives, they're just a hell of a lot more self-righteous and hypocritical about it.

I really could not have asked for a better example than the reply below.  I think for a lot of people, this kind of arrogance and conceit is what defines the term "liberal" and why many who might otherwise be left-leaning in terms of philosophy do not want to be associated with them and grow in the opposite direction.

Runa216 said:

Just tagging so I can keep an eye on you crazy southerners.

Ah yes, the peak of the horrors of American liberalism: A Canadian making a joke about how crazy American politics are.

But seriously, this post is bizarre af...

pokoko said:

In politics, the word left is applied to people and groups that have liberal views.

So, yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

Using US terms in a thread labeled "US Politics" aside,

Sure that's fine. I'm not upset about it. 

People use words differently. There are plenty of left wingers, who use the terms left and leftist to refer to different groups. I've seen plenty of left wingers that take issue if they're compared to liberals. 

pokoko said:

the sophistry, self-righteousness, and hypocrisy baked into your post is exactly what I mean.  You're actually trying to downplay bias and prejudice, which is kind of amazing. 

I feel like you're just throwing out buzz words, instead of actually responding to the vast majority of either of my posts.

There are meaningful differences between different kinds of bias.

Gay people used to be killed for being gay. Rare occasions, they still sometimes are. 
Is it not a meaningful improvement if people at least stop killing gay people?

I'm not aware of Democrats trying to ban Republicans from having a political party in recent times. I'm not aware of Republicans being unable to marry.

Are Democrats biased against Republicans? Of course they are. But that is not the same thing as proposing laws to prevent subsets of Republicans from getting healthcare, or prevent subsets of Republicans from getting married. 

pokoko said:

Interesting that you don't deny it, though

Because regardless of how confident or self-righteous I sound in my posts, that's not particularly how I feel. Sometimes I slip and say things more strongly than I intend to, but I try to be careful about how I word things. When I'm making a general opinion vs a specific one, when I'm making an opinion vs a fact; when I'm expressing a belief. 

I try separate the idealistic left wing political positions from people that hold those positions. I don't have this fantasy that left wingers are perfect people. My first post that you were responding to, I was talking about political positions. Not the people. Left wing politics are about ensuring equality for people. That does not mean all left wing people do a good job about that. And it does not mean that left wing politicians do a good job about that either. 

A lot of left wingers, and a lot of "left wing" news outlets spread/promote a lot of the exact same problematic views that they call out conservatives for.

pokoko said:

Democrats are just as much about devaluing certain categories of people as conservatives are.  They don't try to understand, they simply condescend.  It's the party of arrogance and telling people what to think.  It's the new Moral Majority.  

Pretty good example of centrism here.

Both sides are just as bad, but Democrats are worse for being arrogant. Which is ironically a very arrogant statement on your part. A very strong sweeping statement that you seem to view as a universal truth.

Personal experience, I find left wingers tend to understand right wingers better than vice versa. I don't believe that is a universal truth, I've seen a few conservatives that I think legitimately understand left wingers than most left wingers; but that's a pretty small minority in my experience. I can count the number of those people on one hand. On the other hand, there are quite a few left wingers that I know that used to be right wingers. Myself included.

My post here is pretty messy. I don't like trying to talk about generalizations, because there are pretty much always exceptions to any rule. 

sundin13 said:

Ah yes, the peak of the horrors of American liberalism: A Canadian making a joke about how crazy American politics are.

But seriously, this post is bizarre af...

I didn't even think about Runa being Canadian and talking about "Southerners" as "Americans"; instead of Southerners being Southern US.

But now that you mention it, it is pretty funny that someone got offended entirely because they misunderstood what someone meant. 

Around the Network
Shadow1980 said:

Really enjoyed this one. Breaks things down in a very current and relevant manner, a bit like a topical version of one of my favorite vids on YT:

the-pi-guy said:
sundin13 said:

Ah yes, the peak of the horrors of American liberalism: A Canadian making a joke about how crazy American politics are.

But seriously, this post is bizarre af...

I didn't even think about Runa being Canadian and talking about "Southerners" as "Americans"; instead of Southerners being Southern US.

But now that you mention it, it is pretty funny that someone got offended entirely because they misunderstood what someone meant. 

Some people gotta dig reeeeeeal deep to be offended at some stuff. 

But to be clear it was a matter of me as a Canadian finding American politics absurd. Unfortunately, since America has a rub-off effect on Canada, their politics are relevant to us, hence why I keep my eyes on them even if I don't actively participate. And to be clear Canadian politics are just a milder version of the same absurdity, so it's not like I'm claiming superiority here, just that from an outsider's perspective American politics are batshit crazy. 

**Edit** I forgot the word 'not' before 'like I'm claiming superiority, here'. 

Last edited by Runa216 - on 04 March 2023

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The biggest achievement of the GOP is probably their ability to dictate how discussions get framed. At the most basic level, they've been able to get labeled as conservatives despite sitting so far on the right that they are commonly indistinguishable from fascists nowadays.

Another example is the abortion debate where the two opposing camps are labeled as pro-choice and pro-life. Think about it.

The opposite of pro-choice is anti-choice which would give us an accurate description for each side. The opposite of pro-life is anti-life which means that it's easy to demonize the other side as being against life itself.

This is why I am glad that I live in a country where conservatives and the far-right are separate political parties. Because if that weren't the case, then Austria would have long returned to a dictatorship. Fascism is in Austria's blood, what's with the far-right commonly hovering around the 20% mark despite holding a myriad of unreasonable positions, including their current pro-Russia course.

Anyway, it wouldn't be a bad idea if left-leaning Americans would stop to use the terms GOP and conservatives interchangeably. Conservatism is about progress in a slow and very controlled manner, not about regression to values from previous centuries.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

Florida Republicans propose fascist bill to remove trans kids from parents’ custody

"On Friday, GOP lawmakers submitted SB254, which allows the state to seize custody of children when they “at risk” or “being subjected” to gender-affirming medical care, including from families where the child at question may reside outside of Florida."

Doesn't get any more small government than this. All aboard the fashy train.

TallSilhouette said:

Florida Republicans propose fascist bill to remove trans kids from parents’ custody

"On Friday, GOP lawmakers submitted SB254, which allows the state to seize custody of children when they “at risk” or “being subjected” to gender-affirming medical care, including from families where the child at question may reside outside of Florida."

Doesn't get any more small government than this. All aboard the fashy train.

Don’t you just love all that freedom and sovereignty of the parents the republicans claim to stand for?

I’d be interested if either of the US Presidents supports this.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.